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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. I've done it a couple of times over the years and it's cost me a fortune. The price to pay for idiocy. It was never pre planned or thought isn't this cool. I was just usually off my tits, raged up on adrenalin and did it. Always half regretted when sober but it was good fun enjoyed i at the time. Surely that's what life's about, To become old and wise you must first be young and stupid!
  2. I've just finished a Uk tour of RENT. At the after tour party the leads, Rory Taylor, band played. (54321) It consists of his brothers and his cousin, BC's Risingson on Bass. The band were great, had the audience in the palm of their hand. It's the first time i've really enjoyed a band in years without being analytical or disapointed. Risingson is a great player. Top groove, sound and note choice and only 24. It's inspired me to go back and learn a few Jamerson lines. Top bloke too we ended up pissed in a casino and even managed to chat about this place.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1385927926' post='2293763'] Probably. You need the air to be warm an dry. I'd leave it. Better to take your time on this. If you spray when it's too cold and damp it'll get a white milky bloom in the paint/lacquer. And.. if the White spirit is only for removing tape, cleaning brushes etc, it's still ok if it's yellow. [/quote] Cheers
  4. I'm nor really a Pearl Jam fan. I really liked half of their first album 10. Got a bit samey, however Jeremy is incredible. I think their best album is Yield. Wasn't sure initially but after a couple of listens it grew on me. It is really good!
  5. It should be about 7-8 degrees celsius outside later. Is this to cold to spray nitro?
  6. They were the soundtrack to haze days to put it in a nice way.
  7. Seeing as i have loads of qualifications in music up to and including a degree and I'm pro. I think i do have a grip on theory. Go back and have a read of the beetles thread. Going on stage now playing to 2000 people.
  8. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1385162774' post='2285323'] \ I wouldn't know about that. That's certainly not the case in my life. But I know music theory and I know when I'm falsely accused of something and I know that people can be petty and ridiculous at times so it actually all makes sense. [/quote] I've not been on here for a while as I'm on a UK tour. When i left you were being a nob...I see nothing has changed. As for you knowing music theory, when you first showed up a chord sequence in the beatles thread was being discussed. You tried that patronising sh*t on me to show i was wrong, however i was right and showed you that you was wrong. You wasn't so smug then. So your claim to knowing music theory is flimsy.
  9. A couple Smoke on the water as an uptempo shuffle i.e Hot for Teacher Groove JEt by Spiller as like a Funk metal type thing Hush as a funk shuffle Sweet dreams by eurythmics but like an Ozzy number i.e Bark at the moon Whole lotta shakin by Jerry Lee lewis but as a v fast punk number Anglels by Robbie williams but in a fast punk way
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1383816704' post='2269376'] Fair enough if you've already been playing all these songs on the fretless and the MD was happy with it. AFAIAC if you are being paid you do what the person paying you wants. If the MD is perfectly happy with you playing fretless then end of story. If it was me I'd have nodded and smiled at the assistant MD (why does the show need both an MD and an assistant MD?) totally ignored him, and left it at that. [/quote] It doesn't need one. Including MD there it's a 5 piece band. 13 singers. It just for the next leg of the tour in Jan/Feb the MD is doing an O2 gig so this guy is sitting in for a week. So he's here to get to grips with it in rehearsal. He's blatantly jobsworthing, trying to look good. When i spoke to the MD I said if this is what you want of course I'll do it. She said she didn't and other things. I now understand where everything stands.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1383814142' post='2269338'] Just been and re-read the OP. Are you actually intending to use the fretless for rock or is this all hypothetical? If it's not hypothetical what is this musical project and what is your role in it? Are you being paid? [/quote]I am being paid. It's a UK tour of a musical. I toured it in April played fretless. The band got great reviews. Particularly off Mark Shenton, the big name in Musical theater journalism. There wasn't a hint of any problems with the fretless sound at all from anyone at any point including the MD. In fact the sound designer (?!) in rehearsals when i was umming and aahhing over what to use listened to both and said the fretless sounded much better. Regarding the OP the point was made after rehearsals last night, when i'd been playing fretless all day. That's why i bit my tongue until i had spoke to MD this morning. She will be reining him in!
  12. Jebus! I have one of these. They are great basses. The price is ridiculously low. You won't find a better bass at at least 3 times the price
  13. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1383813605' post='2269325'] Played a whole pub rock gig on fretless many years ago after picking up the wrong hardcase. Even included my big moment 10 sec slap fill in Brick in the wall. The only member of the band that noticed was the sax player. Not the Satch clone on guitar, not the David Coverdale wannabe vocalist, nor the budding Jon Lord on keys. However, as you're new to the game and your assistant MD sounds like he really knows what he's talking about, I'd listen if I were you and take it all on board [/quote]ha ha
  14. To be honest I ain't justifying anything and I'm just playing it!
  15. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1383811742' post='2269291'] Just ask him to listen to Bad Company, Bauhaus, etc etc Then tell hiim that if you don't add in slidey-ness, a fretless bass sounds just like ..... errrr ..... a bass [/quote]exactly!
  16. Today i was told by a wet behind the ears assistant MD (that's assistant to the MD) that fretless is no good in rocking songs. It's ok if you put chorus on it in chilled out tunes but not in rock. I've been playing as long as this guy has been alive. The guitarist left the room as he thought i was going to go nuclear. i had to bite my tongue as i didn't know if it had come from the MD. It hadn't. He even told the guitarist to try putting some pick scrapes into is playing. The guitar player has been the player for every big version of this show in th UK for 11 yrs. I think this kid thinks he is co MD not assistant to. Today should be interesting! Am i wrong? Am i being precious? or is it a naive, ill informed basic cliched thought?
  17. Back out again throughout November.
  18. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1383412574' post='2264234'] Lord Sausage - this will be of interest to you mate: Every build is a lesson in progress, and this one is no different. I had noticed a slight rub through midway through the build due to the very slight "blush I had mentioned earlier. This was addressed. I've used clear gloss as the top coat on my bass. My reason for this is that the original basses were bright white when new. The current creamy colour is due to the clear coat ""yellowing" over the years. I don't like tinted lacquer as it never looks authentic to my eye. So, the clear gloss on my bass will age naturally over the years. Here's a pic of the back of Paul Turner's '66 Jazz where you can see how yellow the clear top coat has become over the past 47 years. The Olympic White is still fairly vibrant underneath. so, the white is on, and the clear coat is on. Everything looks great, really white and vibrant. I'm using a thin application of colour and clear coat. But, I've now discovered something which is really handy. If you take a photo in natural light, it looks great - for example: However, if you take a pic in artificial light using your phone's flash, then any areas where the thin top coat has been rubbed through, will magically appear as a different colour! It's a horrible sensation seeing it, but it does mean that you can then correct the situation. Here's the same upper horn using the flash. At the upper left hand side of the horn as you look at the pic, you'll see a 10p piece sized area where the top clear coat has rubbed through (the area showing lighter in colour compared to the surrounding area with clear coat in place). The area of concern has now been keyed (lightly sanded) and a light coat of clear gloss applied. Allowed to dry for a few hours, then lightly flatted back and rubbed to a gloss again (the pic was taken after misting the clear gloss on. It's still to be flatted back anf buffed in the pic. That's now been done and its fine).. I took pics using the flash all over the body. That was the only area which needed attention. If I hadn't noticed it (or had just decided to leave it), then the finish would look perfectly okay for a while. However, in a year or two it would start to show a light patch where the top coat was missing - the light patch apppearing due to the surrounding clear coat starting to yellow. By ensuring that the Olympic White now has a full clear coat, I'll know that there will be a uniformity to the ageing process of the colour of my instrument. Also, some of you might be wondering how the area I "patched" between the pickups now looks? Here it is - you wouldn't know anything had been done. [/quote]Thanks a lot for that mate!
  19. Did Rick play bass on his stuff? If so he's heavy!
  20. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1383328354' post='2263299'] Sausage - a full can would provide a good coating. I was trying for a super thin application, but that made it very easy to "rub through" [/quote] Thanks mate!
  21. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1383305035' post='2262836'] I've done it. All the 4's have now gone and only 5-Strings in the stable. That said my Fender Jazz sat in a case for about 3 years untouched before I sold it. That was the last one. [/quote] That's what my 62 reissue fretless is doing
  22. Whether it's good or bad or whether people like it or not. This is where it has ended up and some Jazz musicians have recorded this. What does it say about their beloved art. Could you imagine Bilbo rocking this? http://youtu.be/d025EoAi_WI
  23. Totally whizzing of Rick at the min. Here's another! http://youtu.be/1dNIQVYGXbM
  24. You know like you kept going thru the clearcoats? How many coats had you put on? because i will have to do this soon for the first time. I intended on using a full can so i didn't go thru. Would that be enough or overkill?
  25. just realised jacko ripped this off for thriller
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