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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. voted. I might enter one again myself soon. Didn't like the pic this month. On tour next month. So maybe in the new year!
  2. I don't think you refund postage do you?
  3. A bit of sleaze! http://youtu.be/sFbujpjmTzs
  4. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1380891999' post='2232006'] First meeting/jam/rehearsal of the new band yesterday. It's being set up by the guitarist who's fed up with his 9 - 5 job and wants a full-time pro wedding band. "I want 200 songs on the songlist", he said, "and no notes on stage". [/quote] Aren't most musicians bellends!
  5. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382819697' post='2257013'] Hence the name? [/quote] No! I actually am the Lord of Sausage!
  6. Usually when gigging I'm a public erection!
  7. Tune! Great bass line. Filth sound! That is all! http://youtu.be/HdlPyybTb60
  8. Still a Roto swing bass man.! Tried elites didn't like them. I've got some Warwick red, or is it black, had them a while but haven't put them on anything yet. anyone any experience of warwick strings? Oh yeah had Cleartones that xilldx mentioned on a fretless. They were good.
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382688608' post='2255369'] I know a fair bit of theory, I use it in everything I play but, I have absolutely no idea what a tierce picarde is... [/quote] tierce de picardie is simply resolving a piece in a minor key on a major chord. i.e if it's in Cminor you resolve it on C maj. It doesn't just have to be the end of the piece it can be any cadence within the piece.
  10. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1382687620' post='2255354'] Oh, well, Don't I look uncool on the internet meh. [/quote]i was only havin a laugh. I wasn't being arsey hence the haha. Oh, well, Don't I look uncool on the internet . meh
  11. [quote name='Ruiner' timestamp='1382658363' post='2255248'] He did quite a few set-ups for me back in the A1 days. Always seemed like a nice guy and was always extremely helpful. Sad news. Just realised this thread is from 2 years ago [/quote]That explains it!
  12. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1382686831' post='2255337'] I did!.... [/quote] well get ya facts right cos it's from the 90's ha ha
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382653043' post='2255198'] Thank you SO much for that mate! Stunning! [/quote] No problem! [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1382654854' post='2255226'] Meh.. This just seems like w@nky nonsense from the '80's. Bad hair, bad clothes and ugly(well not the Tele) guitars. Lots of notes, but not much soul. I'd choose Billy Duffy over this any day. [/quote] Well listen to the For Love of God video i posted!
  14. Aye, been listening to a lot of Stevie recently. He has probably been my biggest influence as a musician in terms he really made me want to understand music scales, chords and harmony. You know all them things it's bad to learn. The first proper muso i got into. Found this the other day. You can really here all the nuances of his playing and musicality. It's just incredible. http://youtu.be/bGR1-26IMwA
  15. Only listened to the first one. Tool meets System. Very nice!
  16. I thought he had died a while ago although i was just speaking about him last week with Steve Robinson, another great manchester guitar tech. BAck in the day when Tony WIlson looked after my band, on the first gig of ours he came to we smashed most of equipment up, cos we were dead cool obviously. I split the headstock of my bass. Adie fixed it and it looked like it had never been broken. Definite sad news. Everytime i took a bass to him to fix he'd bollock me for the state it was in.
  17. If anyone can be arsed tell me which one of this tunes is POD and which is Amp (guitar) [url="https://soundcloud.com/asedya/third-degree"]https://soundcloud.c...ya/third-degree[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/asedya/1-out-of-10"]https://soundcloud.c...dya/1-out-of-10[/url] Actually the Ampeg guy can tell me which is ampeg too!
  18. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1382310430' post='2250584'] And my second favourite singer is Blackie Lawless (shame he's such a cock). I can't imagine many agreeing with either of those. [/quote] and great lyricist ha ha. WASP were one of the first bands i remember hearing when i was about 8. f*** like a beast and Blind in Texas. I still have a soft spot for those tunes.
  19. It's weird cos the best voices i've ever heard aren't the best, not even close, but partly cos of that they are! Infact I know most people won't agree but i just love em! [media]http://youtu.be/TU64RQYLbtk[/media] or [media]http://youtu.be/REc9aP7th4c[/media]
  20. Maybe it's an aquired taste. i hated it when 16 and at music college. By the end of college i freakin loved it!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382290367' post='2250186'] I've no idea to whom you could possibly be referring. [/quote] [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1382290720' post='2250199'] Which one? [/quote]
  22. I'm just waiting for the everlasting Know-it-all to show up and tell us how we are all wrong!
  23. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1382284215' post='2250068'] This is actually a brilliant point that could be extended further . In the unlikely event that Mrs Dingus were ever to question one of my purchases I would point out to her that women in the Developing World manage perfectly well cooking and washing in little more than primative hovels with dirt floors whilst improvising kitchens from old oil cans and bits of plastic tarpaulin left over from local mineral mining industies . yet they still manage to provide tasty and nutritious exotic food for their families . This brings into question the need for expensive designer kitchens and fancy utensils that most women covet , and in fact if Mrs D were to adopt the lifestyle model I have outlined here she would probably be the envy of every woman in Islington and set a trend they would no doubt follow . I would also point out to her that there is no evidence that the men in those same societies have been forced to compromise the quality of the bass guitars they are using to create the indiginous ethnic music of the region . Culture has to be the number one priority . Case closed . Mrs Dingus would never dream of questioning what I buy because she sees me as an authority figure . She doesn't question what I spend in the same way that the people of North Korea don't question the national defense budget . It's a cliche that often gets trotted out that good relationships are built on trust , but in fact more often than not the reality is that they are built on a mixture of fear and gratitude . Mrs Dingus wakes up every morning with the knowledge that she has managed to hook a man for herself who is way, way out of her league , and that she is the envy of all her trashy jet set friends . She is living the dream , and so a few basses here and there doesn't even really register when her overwhelming concern is to keep hold of her trophy partner and keep that dream alive , no matter what it takes . [/quote] HA ha ha. Can't wait to show me Maud this!
  24. you use both ways, but i don't think tunes like this would be able to be written without theory knowledge....it's sublime and beautiful! http://youtu.be/h1DDndY0FLI
  25. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382211368' post='2249426'] Yip - people arguing about stuff on the internet. [/quote]
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