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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. It's weird cos the best voices i've ever heard aren't the best, not even close, but partly cos of that they are! Infact I know most people won't agree but i just love em! [media]http://youtu.be/TU64RQYLbtk[/media] or [media]http://youtu.be/REc9aP7th4c[/media]
  2. Maybe it's an aquired taste. i hated it when 16 and at music college. By the end of college i freakin loved it!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382290367' post='2250186'] I've no idea to whom you could possibly be referring. [/quote] [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1382290720' post='2250199'] Which one? [/quote]
  4. I'm just waiting for the everlasting Know-it-all to show up and tell us how we are all wrong!
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1382284215' post='2250068'] This is actually a brilliant point that could be extended further . In the unlikely event that Mrs Dingus were ever to question one of my purchases I would point out to her that women in the Developing World manage perfectly well cooking and washing in little more than primative hovels with dirt floors whilst improvising kitchens from old oil cans and bits of plastic tarpaulin left over from local mineral mining industies . yet they still manage to provide tasty and nutritious exotic food for their families . This brings into question the need for expensive designer kitchens and fancy utensils that most women covet , and in fact if Mrs D were to adopt the lifestyle model I have outlined here she would probably be the envy of every woman in Islington and set a trend they would no doubt follow . I would also point out to her that there is no evidence that the men in those same societies have been forced to compromise the quality of the bass guitars they are using to create the indiginous ethnic music of the region . Culture has to be the number one priority . Case closed . Mrs Dingus would never dream of questioning what I buy because she sees me as an authority figure . She doesn't question what I spend in the same way that the people of North Korea don't question the national defense budget . It's a cliche that often gets trotted out that good relationships are built on trust , but in fact more often than not the reality is that they are built on a mixture of fear and gratitude . Mrs Dingus wakes up every morning with the knowledge that she has managed to hook a man for herself who is way, way out of her league , and that she is the envy of all her trashy jet set friends . She is living the dream , and so a few basses here and there doesn't even really register when her overwhelming concern is to keep hold of her trophy partner and keep that dream alive , no matter what it takes . [/quote] HA ha ha. Can't wait to show me Maud this!
  6. you use both ways, but i don't think tunes like this would be able to be written without theory knowledge....it's sublime and beautiful! http://youtu.be/h1DDndY0FLI
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382211368' post='2249426'] Yip - people arguing about stuff on the internet. [/quote]
  8. Showed Steve today. Basically i've gotta essentially squeegee wood filler into all the grain bits then sand back. I'll put a pre and post pic up so you can see how not to do it. haha
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1382178506' post='2248914'] Nice one! I'm a big fan of Gotye myself. Wally's a very talented chap and his music is a big breath of fresh air. Good stuff [/quote] Mega talented and some of his stuff moves me to tears which i'm not afraid to say (not weeping, just welling)
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382195273' post='2249159'] Let's keep it civil, y'all... Thank you. [/quote]Have you noticed what the common denominator is?!
  11. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1382197869' post='2249203'] This version seems pretty authentic. What does everyone else think? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11PZTWL1Z0w[/media] [/quote]it's not exact. that ain't a criticism!
  12. When i used to play it i never replicated it exactly. I kept the main themes of the line but in beats that were essentially little runs i figured he probably improvised them so i did the same.
  13. The keyboard player in an old band of mine developed a rep for genius solos. Loads of used to show up just to listen to them. It pissed him off. So he just started playing amazing grace or one note or Yankee doodle for all his solos
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382190179' post='2249082'] He'd better let it lie. And so on. [/quote]
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382189909' post='2249076'] No, I often think you talk a lot of old bollocks [/quote]I just laugh snorted
  16. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1382189222' post='2249069'] Ah, admit it, you may not LIKE what I say, but you know I'm right ..and that's what you don't like about it. lol [/quote] You wouldn't let it lie!...He wouldn't let it lie!
  17. [quote name='Joe86' timestamp='1377030611' post='2182557'] I recommend a track called 'state of the art' from the making mirrors album. It's fresh and unique, has plenty of bottom end boom and the production is great. [/quote] Check this live version of it! http://youtu.be/dCaNju6zvis
  18. nice and simple bit of a riff, bit of a run, bit more of riff, bit more of run etc. or if doing a more traditional solo start slow and simple and build it up. You can go wrong with an old fashioned pentatonic with an added flat five.
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1382108443' post='2248143'] White Spirit Woops. Beaten to it. [/quote]Done it. My neck now stinks! My bass neck that is!
  20. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1382107860' post='2248128'] did you use grain sealer? [/quote]No, starting to realise that maybe i should of!
  21. well i've done a few coats of primer and i guess i've ballsed up the prep. Novice and all that. I can still see the grain in places and i obviously haven't sanded it smooth enough as little dints appear everywhere. Guess that's the joy of plywood. I'm taking it to Steve Robinson @ ManchesterGuitarTec tomorrow so he can have a look and tell me how to remedy it. I am also going to pick up a bass and some more primer.
  22. Well what i find hard to believe is how no Luthier has called themselves Lex!
  23. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1381701052' post='2242700'] Or at the very least have his wah pedal removed from him and told to start thinking about notes rather than just making a lot of wah noise. [/quote] Also his intonation is piss poor!
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381701456' post='2242703'] But is it arse entertainment..? [/quote] Fookin genius! Like a class stand up comic, referring old themes. ha ha. well remembered!
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