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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. That is just f***in incredible! And, most importantly, you look cool as f*** playing it. That is surely the main reason why we do it!
  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381699870' post='2242679'] Yeah. Trying to be slightly less longwinded than I tend to be, I in fact worded it wrongly. It reduces my joy when I loved the composition to begin with. It increases my joy when I disliked the composition. BTW, I'm not talking about general knowledge of theory. I'm talking about minute analysis of one composition - analysis that would involve writing out the whole composition by ear, then analysing it in its minute details, and writing down a reflection of that analysis. The immense amount of time used on a composition this way, and later "hearing" not my joy but my remembrance of the analysis... that is what ruined it for me. General knowledge of theory did augment my general appreciation for the work of a composer and for certain works, but appreciation is not the same as deep emotional experiences when hearing certain music. I prefer that my ears just hear how great a piece is, rather than that an analysis tells me it is great. [/quote] Totally agree with the appreciation is not the same as the emotional experience. It's just I'm a bit of a nerd musically and i value the understanding on a intellectual level equally but totally different to the emotional experience.
  3. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1381699733' post='2242674'] +1 When I started learning theory I found that my appreciation of a lot of music (even jazz which I'd always regarded as a closed shop to me) increased. Steve [/quote]Totes!
  4. Off the top of my head I think it is (broken into phrases over chord) Eb-D-C-Bb. F-D-Bb-G (both descend from first note of each group of 4) Can't remember g run. Something up the pentatonic to octave. (This bit twice) Eb_D-C-Bb. F-E-Eb-D. C-Bb-A-G-A-Bb-C then pentatonic fills over the C then D. I think they are different each time. Sorry for the bizarre nature of how this is written. Would be easier on manuscript. Hope it helps.
  5. Can't go wrong with these really! http://youtu.be/PfAWReBmxEs http://youtu.be/kzkXGIRaxcI
  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381693231' post='2242509'] Don't take me wrong: I don't like analysis. Knowing the inner workings of a great composition reduces my joy over it. That dislike however, does not mean that analysis is not a tool. My composition teacher would have to use it as a tool to even start commenting on my choices. [/quote] It's the other way for me. It increases my joy!
  7. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381689541' post='2242419'] He's validating himself. Does that give it more merit ? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMIBSIBXRFE[/media] [/quote]I wasn't talking about merit! I was talking about art and whether you like it or not, whether it's good art or sh*t art. If it validates it's concept then it's art. If the dog or monkey validates it arse painting then it's arse art. Check out La monte Young and his work. It doesn't even matter if you disagree. Which i do with a lot of art!
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1381686404' post='2242328'] ...Or a labrador or a chimpanzee with a paintbrush up it's arse let loose on a canvas that experts & academics will decide is the work of a genius. [/quote] Only if the labrador or chimpanzee can validate its concept!
  9. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1381682997' post='2242257'] Why?? I'm sure that term applies to the vast majority of people here (including me)... [/quote]It's belittling. It implies little talent. There are people who do it for a living but don't play with ELP! With art ,as well, how much you do doesn't dictate how much you know. For instance, i know an absolute genius pianist. Has massive ability and understanding in/of music......give it up. Couldn't be arsed. But he would still know more than most. Is his opinion less valid as he doesn't do it for a living.
  10. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1381681947' post='2242238'] Feel free to disagree all you like, however I think that it is a bit off for a bunch of weekend warriors posting on the internet about a pro that is good enough to get the Carl Palmer gig, saying that he is giving “a badly executed and somewhat unmusical performance”! that just seems dumb and disrespectful to me. [/quote] labelling people on here 'a bunch of weekend warriors' seems dumb and disrespectful to me!
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381674928' post='2242103'] Gentlemen, If you are unable to contribute anything positive to this thread I suggest you check Google maps to find the location of your nearest school playground and go battle it out with conkers. [/quote]That's kinda what i was saying in my own ridiculous way.
  12. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381671379' post='2242009'] Funny you should say that. I criticized something recently and a member wanted to hear MY music -- which of course is a no win proposition since taste in music is subjective. This is diffirent. Bass Tractor claimed that the performance showed a lack of musicianship so simply performing the same piece more precisely is a valid request. Sorry you were confused by all that. [/quote]I wasn't confused at all. I think your pattern of arguing is. You're request for him to prove himself, i feel, then saying so far nothing was childish. Tell you what why don't we just get our cocks out and wave them at each other. We can measure afterwards if you like!
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1381655130' post='2241755'] But then again, 'they' wouldn't post their plans for shed domination where you could see it, would they? [/quote]
  14. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381632705' post='2241666'] Bass Tractor is pulling a pure puss move -- attempting to bully me by accusing me of being a bully -- [/quote] Ouch!..the bully card!...it's just like Big Brother this! [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381618698' post='2241580'] Tell you what, since you're familiar with the piece and the players execution was so void of musicality, record 16 bars of it yourself and let everyone hear how it REALLY should be done. I'll look forward to that -- as I'm sure everyone else will as well. [/quote] How old are you?......14!
  15. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381603616' post='2241339'] Sadly, this thread is very much not the first time you take exactly the same role: of someone who will do anything to not allow other people to provide some correction on your ill-advised "opinions". [/quote] Hallelujah brother!
  16. Ok, Steve @ manchester guitar tech has advised me that i can get the adhesive off the neck with white spirit. I've just dug my white spirit out of the cupboard and it's turned yellow! What does this mean? Is it still ok to use?
  17. Aww! I thought it was going to be porn!
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381505102' post='2240038'] I ain't saying nuttin [/quote]
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381504327' post='2240019'] It really is just about various shades of beauty. That is of course subjective, but I think lowender is more interested in, or can only judge a player based on, highly eveloved technique. Which still makes me wonder why he posted that video in the OP [/quote]He makes me wonder why he posts many things!
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381503569' post='2240004'] Yes I totally agree, but the guy (he's a BC member) does play some awesome bass in his band too. This is just an extension of what he normally does. He really does have superior tone and ability, but above all he gives what he does some real beauty. I can't stand solo bass normally, and yes, a good classical guitarist would be able to do this more effectively and it would sound even nicer, I posted it because sibob invoked a solo bass soundclash [/quote]Ha ha. Yeah i agree. That's what it's all about in the end!
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381500732' post='2239948'] Beautiful tone, composition and execution, the antithesis of the video Lowender posted in the OP. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC2i_04z8XY[/media] [/quote]Very nice but when i see these i always wonder why they don't just play guitar instead!
  22. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381497693' post='2239896'] This thread is so typical of so many message boards and a microcosm of mentalities. Anything unknown is almost never appreciated. Success breeds success. You can't argue with it just as you can't defend failure. And there's another emotion at play. Fear. When someone does something beyond one's capabilities, it creates a defense mechanism. There's an instant self protection mechanism that goes into play. It's called "finding fault." It allows us to rationalize the situation in our minds and convince ourself that there's no threat. It elliminates the need to think that there are others who exceed. If someone is famous -- they're a hero. We "know" them. They're friends. This is why people are so enamored of celebrity. But in all the time I've been on message boards, I can't think of a single time someone unknown was universally accepted, no matter how great they may be. There's always a few people who will find fault. I have no problem with critiqing. I do it plenty. But falling into cliche's to create distance in an effort of not have to appreciate something is just lame. This thread reminds me a guy I knew who said he was disappointed when seeing the Collesseum because it was "small." lol Look, I may not want Rembrandt pictures on my wall. That doesn't make Rembrant sh*te. The whole purpose of presenting this post was to share a moment of someone who so obviously has extraordinary ability-- at the thing we all do and claim to love. And what's the reaction? Noodling? W*nking? Unmusicial? Boring? That's not clever. It doesn't make you sound "above it. " That's just ignorance. Reinforced by the ignorance of others. Even if you HATE it, anyone with ears must know that the person's skill level is phenomenal. Even if you don't praise it, trying to knock it down just demonstrates an obvious insecurity. I see no need for that. I think some people need to reevaluate their role as musicians. If you can only embrace what is within your comfort zone you will neither improve nor most likely be very creative. Art is seeing beyond the norm. It's a vision of a better life. But in some cases, you can show someone the cure for cancer and they'll find fault with it. Not everyone -- but enough people to make it unpleasant for everyone. Lighten up. The next time you hear someone who you may not understand, or if you think isn;t as complex as others say, instead on getting on line and complaining about it. Pick up the bass and do some of what he or she is doing. Maybe share a technique or two. Contribute. Anyone can complain. THAT is boring. [/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381498118' post='2239909'] You talking bout yourself here, right? The fact is, you posted a video of a guy who played a pointless, soulless solo piece, and played it badly, you claimed he was amazing and better than Vic Wooten (who isn't my taste, but he's one of the most accomplished players on the planet) and now you're pissed off because people don't agree with you. Go and have a sh*t and a think. [/quote] Ha ha ha. I was going to paraphrase him and say something like go and re-evaluate yourself because you are patronising and confused but have a sh*t and think is much funnier!
  23. Here's the headstock. Still have to apply decal and then more clear coats and clear coat neck.
  24. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1381443641' post='2239379'] Anyone might like technically 'unimpressive' things too, or both, or not be bothered either way. Personally, I get as much out of Richard Bona as I get out of Motorhead. I think we probably agree about the joy of enjoying a rich variety of music. [/quote]respect!
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