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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1381442669' post='2239355'] While both are technically 'impressive' if that's your thing, only one of the first 2 players swings, and he swings like a donkey's d*ck. [/quote] why is it assumed if you like technically impressive things, then that's your thing. It is possible to appreciate all aspects of music.
  2. My mate did a bass solo whilst playing on Band on the Wall in Manchester. He just played one note for a minute! It was class!
  3. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1381434052' post='2239158'] How to entertain a crowd with a bass solo 101 .... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Q_J2fIKPI[/media] [/quote] [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1381435811' post='2239198'] That was much better, although from about half way through he was in danger of losing me. However I did get right to the end. [/quote] I do love a bit of Stu Hamm but i prefer him on this. Oh yeah and Stevie Vai ain't bad too! [media]http://youtu.be/BV9UlQAcY9U[/media]
  4. Any tips on how to get the small amounts of adhesive left on the neck from the masking tape off. Lemon Oil? Sanding?
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381373708' post='2238219'] When you get small bits in the finish, don't sand it back straight off. Try first to get rid of the lumps when it's touch-dry by rubbing it over using the BACK of the sand-paper. Your other question isn't stupid. If the surface is flat and good, I would just spray the next coats on-top next day. But others may say different. [/quote]Cheers!
  6. I'd just use the same guage you use on a 4 string then buy a fat old B if ya don't like it floppy, who does. 130 or more. I'm sure i used a 150 once but i smoked a lot of weed then!
  7. Just saw this on lettsbass facebook [color=#333333]Hey beloveds. I wont be taking any new orders for a short while. As many of you know I have had a tough year due to personal issues which has resulted in limited working hours. This is only a short term thang but I need to catch up on the huge backlog of orders. Firstly basic body and neck building work for customers who are waiting for basic updates and secondly getting basses that are near completion, completed. I thank all of my current good people who are waiting for instruments for their patience (some more than others ha ha). Your instruments are getting done as fast as I can manage, lots of late nights and weekends etc.[/color] [color=#333333]To anyone considering getting one of my basses you are more than welcome to get in touch to discuss your custom Letts bass and I should be well on the way to getting the workload back down to a managable size very soon.[/color] [color=#333333]The first prize for patience goes to Alastair Rhodes. He hasn't had a sniff of his bass yet but here it is. A rather nice Bubinga 8 string single cut fretless. Al has been a proper gentleman right from the word go.[/color] [color=#333333]Thanks again everyone. You are the greatest![/color] [color=#333333]Easy now. JL[/color]
  8. I've only gone and bloody done it.....well the headstock anyway. I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out. I followed the steve robinson vids. It's not perfect, i could of sanded it a bit flatter but i'm happy with it for a first refinish/mod. I will take a picture tomorrow in daylight and post it. Stupid question time. I did 3 coats of colour. Mist coat. Then mist coat of clear. Then 3 coats of clear, i don't think it's dead thick though. Now here's the stupid question bit which i think i know the answer for. Is it ok to add a couple of more clearcoats tomorrow? As eventually i will put a decal on and if i have to flat back a bit i wanna be sure i don't get down to colour coat.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1380841500' post='2231531'] Just catching up with this one. The mix needs a bit of work but the track itself is bloody great Good vocal. The bass and drums lock together well (but are fighting each other in the mix a wee bit). Guitars have plenty of crunch. Everything nice and heavy. I bet you guys are great to see live! Definitely a track to keep in your set. [/quote]Cheers! The mix is a bit middley for me but i like the performance.
  10. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1381060046' post='2233801'] With a name like that I'm not surprised! [/quote]
  11. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1381060058' post='2233802'] Why did they grab a council road worker to vome straight from his shift, to play the bass? As for the drummer, dear goodness, he sounds like a set of mechanical false reeth someone has miked up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sLwDFWXiBM [/quote]
  12. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1381058116' post='2233756'] To be honest I'm not a fan of the band. As for SR, I'll take Rachel Riley thanks. Far more my type ;-) [/quote]It's my style to take both!
  13. What a load of bollocks! I agree with the headphones quip
  14. I just nitromors-ed it and started again. Done the primer' hopefully will get the rest right today. This is only the bloody headstock. Glad I started on it and not the body!
  15. This sounds lame but this spray painting lark is tough. f***ed it up a couple of times. Doing the headstock. Couple of times dust has got on the finish so had to sand back. Then earlier i'd done good so went to do the final dusting (using metallic silver) I mustn't of shook the can enough or pressed on too hard and i got loads of drips on the finish......gutted. I've had to sand off the drips but its too late to do any more so i will have to do another coat in the morning then dust it and clear coat it. Will this be ok, being that i'm leaving it overnight? i must have used nearly half a can I'm a bit worried that the headstock will turn out to dark.
  16. Here's a rubbish photo of the headstock primered up. If it brightens up later i'll take a better picture and hopefully do some more of the finish. [attachment=145317:IMG_20131002_225936.jpg]
  17. I've a mate in a wedding band and sometimes they would get booked for duo or trio. Where they would play to backing tracks, well sing to them. My mate just mimed keyboards. He's a bass player, hasn't got a clue about playing keyboard and he was getting north of £150. I thought Lucky Bastard. The only people who having any right moaning about selling out is naive idealistic teenagers.
  18. Thanks mate. I get it just on hands, fingers and one knee bizarrely. I have to use high strength steroid in the morning and Tacrolimus in the evening. It all started from an allergic reaction to some detergent. Never had anything like it til about 2yrs ago. Got epic bad a year ago.
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1380737277' post='2229833'] [url="http://www.jasminesilk.com/silk-gloves-liner-black/p30"]http://www.jasminesi...liner-black/p30[/url] I deal with this guy, great service [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cleartone-6445-Nickel-Plated-EMP-Treated-Bass-strings-45-105-/370627957370?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item564b25d27a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item564b25d27a[/url] Best of luck with the eczema mate, I have it too. [/quote]Nice one! Cheers! It is them strings. Yeah it's a pisser the eczema. Gotta keep on going tho.
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1380664604' post='2228811'] Listen mate, you need to do what I do. Use coated strings (I use Cleartone and they last for f***ing ages) and play wearing a pair of black silk gloves from Jasmine Silk. They look a lot better than you do standing with an old pan by the Aga explaining to your mrs that proper Italian spaghetti is supposed to look like that. [/quote] I was wonderimg where you got those gloves from. I have developed eczema on my fingers that comes and goes and guess what helps inflame them.....So i need to start using gloves to play. I think the ESP i bought came with cleartones. They are good if it's the same ones. Is the company owned by one of the everley bros?
  21. Boo! Poor customer service! In my mind as an ex employee of a huge capatalist bastard company. This caps sales and for the price of one refunded speaker they are potentially losing future sales. Idiots!
  22. Ah what the f***! I'l have a go!
  23. It's this, which came out last year and was my album of last year. It's still got that first listening buzz to me. I freakin love it! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCdmvlsaI&feature=share&list=PLF4C858A53C4C7EDC[/media]
  24. So potentially out of the named and shamed only Jon Letts will see this. So actually only he will feel shame if he comes back on here! I wouldn't! It's not really an open letter then. It's kinda a letter to Jon Letts. Best pay for an ad in the Daily Mail. Have a go at the immigrants too!
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