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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1374426567' post='2148598'] Post to Basschat whinging about it, of course. It's what everyone else does. [/quote] ha ha
  2. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1374426565' post='2148597'] However the structure and writing capability of Page is something to be marvelled at, it's a skill far beyond most. The song is anything but awful, on the contrary it's genius. [/quote] True!
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1374278363' post='2147249'] F*ckin totes f*ckin ABalls blud. That was so moving, wonderful stuff that I'm a complete sucker for. Adorable. [/quote]Word!
  4. This is awesome balls. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5krPeBJzDvw&feature=share&list=PL582CF295794597F6
  5. The guy is an F-ing genius. It always amuses me when people just dismiss him as a shredder etc. Musically it is incredible and it just displays ignorance when dismissed as just technique.
  6. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1374274269' post='2147223'] I am me, you are you...we are all different. [/quote]I'm not!
  7. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1374269131' post='2147165'] Nobody springs to mind really. To me, bass players are either 'ok' or 'cr*p' - I don't really grade them with any more granularity than that. [/quote] Ha ha! Class!
  8. I think if you genuinely understand and love music on all levels i.e emotion, musicology, theory, history, harmony, orchestration, composition etc etc. Then you have to respect Jaco, his music and playing etc. To say you don't like him because he uses Fender is ridiculous, and to say it sounds like a bundle of notes is ignorance.
  9. Totally the wrong place to post this as this is a band with just a guitar and drummer but they make an incredible sound for just two people. It's all live. Loop pedals and triggered samples. Good songs too, not a load of bollocks, screaming and sludge etc [media]http://youtu.be/UcA-wY-AgSo[/media]
  10. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1374058657' post='2144729'] Absolutely, this is what it's all about. 90% of tone etc is all bollix. So is all the talk and spew that comes out of people's mouths trying to describe what they are hoping to achieve. This is the nerd element of this game and something I have in the past exhausted my self with until I realised that you will only ever achieve good tone when you stop caring. Perfect tone is a myth and a scam generated by people trying to sell us gear and gives us gas. Oh yeah another thing I've learned over the years is that the key to good tone is having volume to spare. [/quote] I can appreciate! i want to have a good sound that fits with the band but i don't need one tone to do it. It's Tone de Jour as far as I'm concerned. Dependant on the room, the life in my strings and what the guitar player. I just plug in and fiddle for a bit til it's reet, i thin i usually have a good sound that fits with what i'm doing but couldn't for the life of me explain it.
  11. Any one else just plug in then turn knobs til it sounds good?!
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1373840927' post='2142247'] Maybe Shappi Khorsandi is going to give us her version of "Concerto for Group & Orchestra"...... [/quote]ha ha!
  13. It doesn't say it's on here. Says live at the apollo.
  14. I really need to learn how to drive!
  15. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1373675883' post='2140588'] We're a blues and rock n roll quartet and we dont play anyting past 1960. [/quote] You can't get many gigs if you don't play past 8pm
  16. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1373718156' post='2140932'] Is his name George? [/quote] I don't think he wants to make it cry or sing!
  17. Just use the old Muso trick of gettting a bottle of sparkling mineral water and filling it up with Gin and Tonic!
  18. Yeah! any 5 string fretless Lettsbass but every time i get close to getting the money together something pops up to bugger me up!
  19. is it a sheraton? My mates got an epiphone that looks like that. It sounds beaut. As a jazz, or with a bit of distortion it has a really bluesy tone, rhythm and lead.
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373462671' post='2137852'] Kit banned me from wearing them I don't blame her! [/quote] That's disgraceful! The woman is clearly an idiot! The following is what i thought when i saw those trousers! http://youtu.be/UY9QD8vJQic
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