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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. When i hit a rut, I either try to find new music and listen to it. Or listen to genius original music by someone else. I was in a rut recently and listening to Making Mirrors album by Gotye thru headphones just totally inspired me. Also, sometimes i pretend the bass is another instrument and play brass type phrases. And finally i'll ask the band to indulge me and just go crazy and practise playing all kinds of mental sh*t just to break down creative doors, so to speak!
  2. Actually Boy george on elton john is the funniest!
  3. The Noel one's are class. I love him, his music's ok but i prefer his wit. i like the DLR one too!
  4. Also i suppose how you define bad depends on your standards. What you consider bad or good. If i make just one mistake i consider the gig as jus ok.
  5. I've been playing 20 yrs and i still have them. i just did a Uk tour of RENT and one of the nights I had a complete sh*tt*r, couldn't shake it. Not Good!
  6. That's mad, i was just thinking about what to do with my used sets of strings
  7. Not saying the guy who wrote the OP is crap by the way.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1371373985' post='2112974'] Crikey. So he may even have re-done the bass himself? There's no way I would pay for a recording and not be there for the tracking and mixing. Of course I don't know the full details but whatever the situation, it certainly sucks giant hairy moose balls from your point of view. You're probably a well-adjusted and reasonable bloke, but in this situation I'd go crazy apeshit bananas and start throwing poo around. YMMV. Maybe just talk to him in a calm and measured way about it and see what he says? [/quote]I know a producer who re-does parts without telling bands and most don't notice. He doesn't like his recordings going out with crap playing on so he just overdubs the parts himself.
  9. It may not be suitable for everything but god i love this sound. It's the reason why i started playing. I heard it and thought what is that noise. I was 14 and it just rocked me. Sounded so filth and menacing so i found out what it was and started playing. http://youtu.be/6IamlIGPNCU
  10. In terms of Modern pop. Gotye is great. Ignore the big hit and listen to album tracks. Killer and original!
  11. No, there has been other great pop music/bands as well as the beatles that have led to this point. Fleetwood Mac, Beach Boys, etc etc. There was loads of great pop in the 70's and 80's that didn't sound like the beatles. It's just all turd now!
  12. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370291183' post='2098798'] I've just finished my second (and last!) Damn you Lord Sausage. I now have a (very alcoholic) new favourite drink [/quote]Mwah ha ha. My work here is done!
  13. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370288482' post='2098730'] Guess what I'm drinking?!? Yeah I know it's a Monday but f*ck it! Tia Maria was on special in Tesco today, I already had a bottle of Drambuie! I feel like howling Damn it's tasty! [/quote]HA ha. Nice one! Howl girl howl! Owwwwwhhhoooooo!
  14. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1370284047' post='2098643'] a 20 year old slut with no gag reflex and a daddy complex. [/quote]Well gigs are the best place to find em! Isn't that why you learn to play guitars!
  15. Try it! after the initial bite it has a nice after taste!
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370192854' post='2097419'] Ooh I love Drambuie, especially with a double espresso on the side [/quote]Flaming Drambuie! When i did JCSS years ago thats what all the band had after every show. Lethal. Also if you bang a shot of Tia Maria in it's called a werewolf. That has some bite!
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370191289' post='2097386'] Absolutely! Drinking bourbon when we have a great variety of much nicer and more sophisticated single malt Scotch whiskies is f***ing criminal! [/quote][quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370191289' post='2097386'] Absolutely! Drinking bourbon when we have a great variety of much nicer and more sophisticated single malt Scotch whiskies is f***ing criminal! [/quote] Ha ha ha. Fookin class!
  18. A couple of double Jack and cokes and a nice green doob!
  19. I decided to finish uni instead of going on a two year tour of a musical. Idiot.
  20. Surprised you haven't been hammered by the Tab Police yet!
  21. I'd love to be able to practise but due to ectopic eczema on my hands and fingers i can't play.
  22. Song gets boring quickly tho! Which is the killer really!
  23. How very British! Solidarity Brother!
  24. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1368907334' post='2082970'] Is this even open to opinion? I thought the question was settled a while back . . . . [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/2995901.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.u...ent/2995901.stm[/url] [/quote]I think all of shatners work surpasses the beatles work. He's known as The S h a t in my house!
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