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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. might try one then
  2. I heard they were tone suckers and just mediocre sounds, which stopped me buying one. is that incorrect?
  3. I thought about getting one of these but never had a £100 free....kids, cases, other things that take precendence. I was gonna buy one of here this week then my missus has strong armed me into painting the kitchen so no spare cash. Anyway, there seems to be a lot coming up for sale on here that were bought at Xmas when £99 on GAK...............whats wrong with em?
  4. ESP LTD. I got a 5 string version. Well made, play well and sound good. Punch well above their weight! [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/esp_ltd_b204sm_fl_natural_satin.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/esp_ltd_b204sm_fl_natural_satin.htm[/url]
  5. Lord Sausage

    Korg AX5B

    Anyone know much about them? Good, bad. Etc?
  6. From my experience you just have to be brutal. Figure out what you want from the song. be completely honest and decide if sections add anything to the song. Is it valid. If not dump that section from that song. For instance, in my band, we were going thru a creative phase. We had written about seven songs. Five polished of quick. (You can hear four at [url="https://soundcloud.com/asedya"]https://soundcloud.com/asedya[/url]). But we had two that we kept working on that we couldn't figure out. In the end we took the best bits from the two,altered them slightly to make it work and made one song out of it. We just discarded the other parts. You gotta be careful of just leaving bits in because they have been written.
  7. Ian Botham!
  8. I love The Police and a lot of Stings solo stuff. His ridiculous cod jamaican accent in the Early stuff gets to me tho. Unnecessary!
  9. Excellent. Truly awesome and original.
  10. When i started my tutor started me off doing jazz scales spelling chords etc and for a long time it seemed too much and i didn't undestand a lot of it. But i just kept on going then one day it all clicked into place and it seemed so obvious. just keep going!
  11. On level of ability it would be bass, but if somehow i became amazing on the old joanna it would be that.
  12. I hate how groove has just become a byword for funk. rock music grooves, funk does, jazz does latin etc. I think it's small minded to separate it. It's also ignorant to think you can only play one style.
  13. The White Stripes. Not a fan in particular but i would get paid for playing nothing!
  14. I've had contact dermititis one my hands for the best part off five months. Now it's on my fingers and i'm trying to learn the Bass parts to RENT as i'm going on tour with it in two weeks. Fingers are splitting after a couple of hours playing, mega sore as all the skin peeling off too. Going to doctors on tues to ask for some hardcore steroids. Shitting myself a bit that they won't heal in time.
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365322711' post='2037904'] I have a huge interest in playing the 6 strings. But i've been playing guitar less than a year and bass over 2 years, so it's definitely not true that we are failed guitarists. It's only a true fool who would think that, as they clearly don't understand the important role drums and bass play in a band. As i said above, guitarist can do anything he likes, and it makes no difference, but bass and drums need to be ON IT! [/quote] I wouldn't say they can do as they like and it makes no difference, it makes a lot of difference. In Music, if done correctly, each part is off equal but different importance.
  16. Mine is that most bass players always focus on the groove when listening to music, rather than the melody, structure harmony etc. it's always 'what a groove' and 'in the pocket' and all that. Now i like a good groove and like playing them but come on.
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1364774417' post='2030833'] Ok, well we had just finished an improv, and there were obvious mistakes, none of us are pro players, and he said, among other things "Really well respected jazz players, when they make a mistake, they just repeat it and make it look like they meant to do it". That's it. [/quote]That's such a an over used cliche. Tho i have seen Steve Vai do it. But to say that all jazz is and define Jazz like that kinda defines ignorance.
  18. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1364751981' post='2030425'] Fair enough that you like them! The first video made me so upset that I had to stop 22 seconds in, almost immediately I had to put on the original record to remind myself why no one should ever try to tap it out on a bass and why it is such a brilliant standalone Macca track (can't improve on a masterpiece, just IMO). The second I was pretty indifferent to, fair enough if people like it, it wasn't offensive but it is times like that I would personally reach for a guitar as I don't bass fills the role even half as well. [/quote]this!
  19. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1364417184' post='2026290'] This is pretty cool [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FHXNN7daO4&playnext=1&list=PLFC461BC88FEC7BE0&feature=results_video[/media] Or a more conventional ensemble piece [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zhpF8wOARc[/media] [/quote]Marching Powder is a great track. Great album actually, i loved savannah woman
  20. I'd just like to say there is much more to music than groove as well as virtuosity. I'd also like to say there is a lot of virtuosity in Mozart's and Stravinsky's music which has lots of Musical Beauty.
  21. [sub]Submission 2[/sub] For creating his own unique soundworld, whilst creating great songs.This, for me, is sublime music and musicianship. [media]http://youtu.be/xWIKQMBBTtk[/media] Far removed from the first example
  22. Not much mention of Jaco around here! Is he Passe !
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