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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Can someone explain the science as to why they would change your sound or sustain please?
  2. On it's Way to JazBazzFan.
  3. Insert Band name here
  4. Ultra Red Hot Nasty Metagalactic Heat Death
  5. Mythical Ethical Icicle Tricycle
  6. i think to the end of the gig so i can have a few drinks!
  7. Just been introduced to these. Love it. http://youtu.be/Gh3hdKgmBsc
  8. Robot Rock by Daft Punk or aerodynamic. Deeper Underground and Feels just like it should- Jamiroquai Can't remeber the name but that Massive attack tune that has that 70's fusion groove. Think it's bill bruford drumming.
  9. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1361387723' post='1985221'] I won't get highly strung (this is a zep thread still;) Anyway, I just find vai a little tuneless . But , you've been to college and are better than me;) [/quote] Ha ha, I don't think that works. I went to Uni too. I just smoked weed and chatted sh*t for years. I wasn't trying to start owt
  10. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1361386996' post='1985202'] Slightly off topic; saw Dave Lee Roth at same shows as siddx front row at wembley too,)Hammy o gig was great( the drums;) Malmsteen ; saw him a couple of times , and at a music fayre at wembley. He played the tiny Astoria 2 (a clothes shop in the daytime;) Schenker pulled a strop , and pulled out of a co headliner with malmsteen at hammy o about 6/7 years ago. Malmsteen smashed up his guitar, the body nearly smashed my mates head , but we caught it.great gig Steve vai ; can't listen to his stuff, but saw him a few times with Satch( my fave) .He headlined the Astoria , that gig was great . Prefer Macalpine . Back to Zep, you know it will be expensive to go. You will be lucky to get a tkt. if you do go to the 02. , the highest point of the venue is scary. Apart from that, enjoy the gig [/quote] When i was at Music college there was a Vai/Satch divide. I was in the Vai camp. Obviously Satch is a great player it's just he bored me to tears and his music seemed a little sterile to me. Where as Vai was fiery and in places a bit mental. To be Honest that's the kind of music i love the most, Fiery and a bit f***ed up, starting with Stravinsky.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361317857' post='1984661'] Lovely! So Much Malmsteen is risible, but you are absolutely right, when he's on it he's amazing. That first Rising Force album absolutely transfixed me, it was all I wanted to do. I even formed a band in Wales called Damian to show off my new skillz Ridiculous. What was Vai like to meet? I think I still prefer Flex-able to PaW, but there are some great things on PaW. Before it was released I got a floppy vinyl of Blue Powder on the cover of Guitar Player, it was part of a Carvin promotion. That f***ed me up, I was obsessed with it. That and The Attitude Song, which I'd never heard but tried to learn from another advert in Guitar Player, for their subscription offers, it had an arty photo of a floppy vinyl of The Attitude Song and some of the sheet music in the background (an issue I hadn't got), any little snippet would do When I finally got hold of the album I learned the song, that was so incredibly satisfying and educational! I take it you also started as a guitarist? [/quote] He was really sound. Friendly, not at all Rock Star. He even let my mates sit in on a soundcheck on the tour after that one. Lucky bastards. I was in the pub,oblivious. I got into Flexable later and that with leftovers is probably my favourite nowadays. I started on Bass, these guys influenced me musically but also inspired me to learn technique. I was a right shredder when i was 18, not so much nowadays. Vai made me obsessed with learning theory and Yngwie got me into the classical harmony thing. I did start learning guitar when i was about 19 which just gave me more respect for those guys.
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361316054' post='1984633'] Brilliant! What a way to get the attention of a girly! I took a girl (who I thought looked gorgeous but a mad friend called 'cod fish eyes') to a John Otway gig in Cov when I was 17, never saw her again. Hah! Malmsteen, Vai and Zappa were my guitar heroes in 1986, I was so motivated to play and practice back then, I got so fast so quickly trying to play like Malmsteen Bored my friends shitless with him. [/quote]Yeah i loved him when i was younger that's why i went to see him out of nostalgia, plus my mate loves him. It's still his big influence. There is some incredible stuff from Black Star to some of the 90's stuff, it's just he could go on a bit and some songs were terrible, but when he got it right it was excellent. He'd did couple of good covers on that Inspirations album. It seems that we share a couple of common influences. Vai was my main one though. I hammered PAW and SAR for years. I met him after gigs a couple of times. i got him to sign my bass and a copy of PAW, tho that's gone missing. One time we were waiting outside for ages for him to come out. When he finally did my mate Luke, who was a bit of a bellend says, 'f***in hell Stevie! Where you been? George Micheal came out quicker than that!' To be fair Vai laughed and had a little chat with us.
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361315674' post='1984624'] I can only imagine a second hand Volvo with Kit Richardson stencilled on the side at the moment. [/quote] tho that does have a certain charm!
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361314901' post='1984614'] I had a temp job with a ticket agency, I got ace tickets for free, DLR, Zappa, Aha, Ry Cooder .. I put Ry last for a reason [/quote] That's hella cool. I used to be able to go to any gig for free at Manchester Academy as i was best mates with a Senior member of the crew. He's changed jobs now so that's ended which is a bummer. I used to use it to my advantage though back in the day when i was single. I'd take girls to bands they liked. They were well impressed just walking in past the cue for free. The only problem was i'd have to watch some sh*tty bands. One time i took this girl to watch Ash. After about half an hour i couldn't take anymore and just said 'Sorry love, i can't be arsed with this'. I never saw here again. Think i was about 21 then. Never saw anyone of the quality you mentioned. The best i remeber seeing there was probably Moloko and Faith no More.Oh yeah i also saw Malmsteen, that was funny. he was throwing tantrums and guitars at his tech. What a nob! He could play tho....or overplay, depends how you look at it
  15. [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1361291730' post='1984045'] A friend of mine plays in this band. Won't name them. The bass player plays everything in the same key through a modulator(or whatever its called) which changes the key as needed, Wit aboot that. Is this common? [/quote] He's just being economical with his playing. No problem with that. just get him to sequence all his bass parts or pre record them. he can do even less then!
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361314298' post='1984597'] I saw him in the '90s three times, front row at Wembley in front of Vai, it was brilliant, but in the middle at Hammersmith was the best. The Warrant one was at Wembley too, but it wasn't the same as the first band, Matt Bissonette was f***ing cool on the Skyscraper tour, great musician. Could have seen VH on the WaCF tour in Brum, I passed, what a twat. Mate at work saw them supporting Sabbath for the VH1 tour, he said the crowd was totally blown away. [/quote] Bummer! That would have been the best time to see 'em as well. Least ya saw DLR with Vai they were smoking on them two albums.
  17. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1361313403' post='1984564'] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Jimbothy[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Paul JH[/font][/color][/s] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Lord Sausage - could I be after you please? If yes, then:[/font][/color][/s] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. JazzBassFan[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. Ubassman[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. TommyK (Please, thank you, thank you etc..)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. Milk[/font][/color]yBarKid There you go ! - big thanks to Lord Sausage for the quick read as he said he would !! [/quote] Cheers! and no problem. I was actually hoping to have it finished by the weekend but it bummed me out sometimes so i had to stop reading for a bit!
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361311228' post='1984508'] Me too. There are sounds and techniques you can only get with a pick. The problem with fingers is they are all upstrokes, and if you play quite fast it can sound pretty ropey unless you are a practiced player with finesse and precision. Fast cross picking can sound much more legato and you can add different nuances more easily with pick techniques. [/quote]What he said!
  19. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1361313821' post='1984580'] Absolutely! LZ are probably my favourite band and I never got to see them live, so obviously it’s appealing from my point of view. As you say, the O2 gig suggested that they could still pull it off if they have a mind to. Whether some people want to sneer and say that they are not relevant is pretty much beside the point, but even if it wasn’t, there are still plenty of new bands coming thru with an obvious Zep influence so they can’t be completely irrelevant can they? The thing is do they want to play out again and show that they can still do it or are they more concerned about protecting their ‘legacy’?? [/quote] I never saw Zep, obviously. I was one when they split up. I did see Page and Plant on the Walking in Clarksdale tour. They were amazing. Good album too that.
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361313548' post='1984571'] hah, I saw Warrant supporting Dave Lee Roth, they were funny. [/quote] I would love to see DLR. i was hoping VH would get over here on this tour but it all looks buggered. i saw VH with Sammy Hagar it just wasn't the same. I would of loved to have seen DLR with Vai and the rest tho. I have seen Vai a number of times though. It was incredible everytime. He was my first musical influence.
  21. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1361313009' post='1984551'] So its the same bunch of people on this thread as the one slagging off bon jovi and leppard. How about you guys tell me what your into then so that I can slag that off. [/quote]Warrant and Poison!
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361313225' post='1984557'] Funny how these same people still listen to their collection of The Jam records, the last records they bought before making a mistake with a stray Razorlight purchase [/quote]
  23. Finished. Contacted JazzBassFan. I don't know how to do the crossing out thing on the list.
  24. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361312544' post='1984539'] It's for those 'earnest' people who think music has to be RELEVANT to our times and pain, comrade. [/quote] Word!
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