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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361309585' post='1984458'] They are relevant to millions of Led Zeppelin fans aren't they? [/quote] I've never seen why relevance, in terms of the zeitgeist, comes into music. I hate the zeitgeist, I'm gonna write a tune called f*** the Zeitgeist! Music for me should be just about music!
  2. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1361309105' post='1984442'] That's a cracking line in Freaks and a great sound too - certainly dwarfs the Clash/Jam knockoffs we were putting out when I was 18 in '91. Like yourself, this thread had me looking on my backup hard disc and most of my recorded output has been synth-related lunacy. I did, however find this 'rarity' from 2009. A mate's band forum would have a covers challenge every month, with the winner picking the song. For almost all my entries, I'd do a synth version, until the choice fell on an already synth-heavy tune in Rufus & Chaka Khan's 'Ain't Nobody'. I put down my synths, save for a nice Rhodes electric piano sound on my digital piano and some organ from the Roland VK-8 clonewheel I had at the time. I added some strat (middle pickup) and bass came courtesy of my bitsa P-bass with rounds, played fingerstyle through a Fender Rumble 60 combo. The guitar 'solo' is just something that fell out while I was playing so I kept it in. [url="https://soundcloud.com/greenalsatian/nobody"]https://soundcloud.c...alsatian/nobody[/url] [/quote] That's cool man. Smooth playing and sound too!
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361309011' post='1984438'] I'm pretty much the same, but my gigs are fingers and my own stuff is often pick. [/quote]Yeah, i watch some of your live stuff with Kit and noticed,it was really good. I also noticed your fantastic trousers. Cool
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361307270' post='1984399'] Ahhhh, splendid youthful exhuberance I'm digging that! You're right, it does sound like early Chilis a bit, mostly the vox and the riff. Really enjoyed that mate, nice bass, pick? [/quote] Cheers! Pick? Oh yeah! I only played pick back then. Apart from when i did theatre stuff. Nowadays i switch between fingers and pick dependant on what i'm playing. But when it's Rock it's always pick, unless it's a ballad!
  5. It's gotta be Bon Jovi. It's so insincere. All that pretend working class lyric bollocks, when he's a multi millionaire. He's dying to be Springsteen but is just lame.
  6. This thread got me looking back through some old stuff i've recorded. This one is from when i was 18 (1997). It was my favourite for a long time, I was more technically minded then. We stopped playing this tune when the Red Hot Chilli Peppers released By The Way, cos it made it look like we nicked a bit eventhough we wrote it 5 yrs previous. I think it's still pretty cool, tho you can tell we're young. Great guitar riff tho, starts on a diminished chord then ascending seventh chords. https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/freaks
  7. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1361136468' post='1981763'] There are two levels of Wilkinson P and J pickups - the cheaper of the two (£15 for a P and £20 for a J-set) are steel pole pieces with ceramic magnets underneath the pickup. These come as stock on the Vintage 'Jaco' fretless J bass. The more expensive ones (£25 for a P and £48 for a J-set) have alnico pole pieces and these are much nicer-sounding with more output - I put a set in the Vintage and it really did make a difference to the sound. The Vintage stratocaster I had featured the staggered-pole alnico pickups and they sounded really nice, even when compared to the 2009 MIM Strat I had at the time. I believe they are wound to Fender vintage specs. I'd definitely give the alnico models a thumbs-up. [/quote]cheers
  8. [quote name='Captain Codpiece' timestamp='1361110246' post='1981133'] is it the active BBN5 or the passive? i have 2 BBG5a and the pickups were great but the preamp was just ok...... one of them is the said frankenstein above (PMM5 with basslines eq) and the other is in bits awaiting a new pre i will get around to it at some point....... only been that way for 4 years though i may see if i can make a housing for a set of lane poor jazz i have, im sure they are a 5 string set (they are in a cheap ebay job at the mo). [/quote]It's passive.
  9. I thinking of taking the stock pick ups out of my Yamaha BBN5, if the wilko's aren't as good i'll get better.
  10. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1361093280' post='1980794'] I had Wilkinson pickups in my Strat (I play guitar and bass, it was the WVS model IIRC) - they sound amazing for the money, and very good even not considering how cheap they are. I now have Frailns in that guitar, which are better, but not *that* much better - if you have a limited budget I don't see how you can go wrong with the Wilkinson stuff IMO. As a reference point, the WVS pickups sounded better than the stock pickups in my USA G&L legacy, and much, much better than the pickups in my 1979 USA Strat. They sounded pretty similar to those fitted stock in my USA '57 reissue Strat (certainly not worse, maybe just a bit darker, similar bite and clarity). Not tried their bass pickups, but I hope maybe that's somewhat useful [/quote]cheers! It's not so much budget at the mo. Just curious, thinking of doing up an old bass at some point!
  11. Does anybody know much about them? I've seen them cropping up on E-bay. My mate has bought a guitar of Thomann with them in and says they sound good. Does anyone on here have experience of them?
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1361061136' post='1980639'] I used to play rugby at uni, and would be taking regular breaks with broken fingers. I can empathises with the taping up. Those old ice lolly sticks make great DIY splints! Initially, the biggest time off with injury was early in 2003 - I punched a knuckle off my right hand, and breaking a bone. That never quite came good, and I had a couple of months off. Then at the end of 2003, I had a bad car crash - which broke my right arm in 3 places. I had some nerve damage from that, and that gave me six years off I started playing regularly again not long before joining here. Haven't broken much since, thankfully, but the nerves aren't right - and I now have carpal tunnel, which gives me the odd issue. I tend to play with strapping on now. I would agree, injuries are a sod! [/quote] Bloody hell! i'l stop moaning now! I thought i was pretty hardcore for when i cut deep into the side of my left index finger the day before i did Grease. The plaster kept falling off and then this big thick flap of skin would drop down pouring blood everywhere. The guitar player nearly threw up But what you had makes it pale by comparison.
  13. It's quite simple really, it's whether they are wearing a cool hat or not!
  14. [quote name='Ashborygirl' timestamp='1361010248' post='1979650'] Ok, you pick up a bass in front of a few friends, which song do you launch in to to really impress everyone? [/quote]A triple back flip somersault!
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1361024152' post='1979926'] Nope, Ian. [/quote]
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1361048803' post='1980468'] Some very tasteful runs around 2:30 onwards, would love to hear this live. [/quote] Cheers pal! Had a listen to that Honeykill. You do as you say regards the put a groove in your playing. I like the slight reggae ish nature of it and there'a a good dimishedy/harmonic minor classical type run early doors that i like.
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1361027689' post='1980009'] I used to work in a coffee shop and I have an alergic reaction to anti-bacterial cleaners, that we used all the time. The constant hand washing and drying didn't help either. In terms of softness I can't suggest anything (skin hardening never happens for me) but you know the annoying splits in your fingers which make it too painful to play? Try electrical tape. It keeps the wound shut and plays just like skin. Many a time I used to turn up to play at church with half my fingers taped up! [/quote]will try elecy tape!
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1361027344' post='1980000'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192248-which-idiot-has-broken-his-left-wrist/page__hl__broken%20wrist"]http://basschat.co.u..._broken%20wrist[/url] [/quote]Aye carumba!
  19. Ok, here's mine. I wouldn't say it's my best, but it's my favourite just for it's simplicity. It copies the geets in the heavier bits. But in the one verse the bass is in it starts off slow and real simple and develops melodically as the verse progresses until it's playing a similar sympathetic line to the vocal. Then in the guitar solo its starts off with little staccato burst mixed with the occasional longer note then picks up into a heavy 16th phrase. I used to love playing this song. It's pretty old and we don't anymore! https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/losin-control
  20. There's too much stuff to comment on all of it. A real variety and enjoyed quite a lot. Nige, that first Kit one i started listening to the bass but then got carried away by the song but what i remember was good! I remember the demon fiddler one, it was pretty intense.
  21. I've not bee able to play for the last months as i've had dermititis on my hands due to an allergic reaction. It's messed up back of my hands and all my fingers split open on my right hand. Also, the creams i've had to use have softened my fingers up. I'm just coming out of it now but my fingertips are like a childs, proper soft. Then last week i put my back out so, it's been a nightmare. Any one else suffered due to lame injuries! Oh yeah about 2 days before a theatre show i did when i was 18 i got bloody tendonitis in my my right wrist. the doctor said don't play for two weeks, but i had to. Agony!
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360932897' post='1978500'] Depends on where the word 'good' is coming from. If it's from the bass player then, in my experience, they're not. If it comes from the musicians that play with the bass player, then they probably are. Never trust self proclaimed excellence. [/quote]Jaco?
  23. http://youtu.be/8kGzQav6FJo
  24. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1360915829' post='1978195'] Lol ur kool it's d other guys who do dat im talkin bout [/quote]
  25. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1360913353' post='1978171'] Please I am not having a go at anybody but just raising a point. Surely the posts that pop up about people giving out on forums are doing exactly just what they are giving out about ? You could call it arm chair mods. Nobody is forcing you to read it. When I find a thread I don't like I simply don't look at it end of story. I don't understand why you would stick up a long post about how this forum is being dragged down when all you have to do is move on. I shared a very different view on a post made by a member and I brought it up. We had a few post back and forth and then it went to pm's where after a few messages we both came to the conclusion that neither of us was being pricks and had a very nice civil chat about music. To be honest I am here to chat about music and bass and meet other people who are the same which is what happened in the end with the two of us. It's a pity that because of the attitude about "bringing the forum down" that we felt it had to go to pm's and you all missed the end result. What is one persons drival is another's entertainment but if you don't like it move on to another thread. Now don't get me started on grammar police, I really feel the biggest insult to a person is to correct their grammar. You have no idea where they grew up or even if they went to school. For some even having the ability to type a post on a forum is a major achievement and to have to be corrected on grammar is fear and should never be lorded over them by a school teacher wannabe. Again I am not having a go at anybody I am just saying spare a thought for the guy and how the might feel by being pulled up on when to use a full stop. Anybody who types 'u' instead of 'you' however should get a good stuff kick in the bollix ..... That's just lazy [/quote]Don't u have a go at me or i''ll kick u in the bollucks!
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