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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360702397' post='1975146'] An overabundance of webtosterone it seems. [/quote]webtosterone.. ha ha nice one centurion, like it, like it!
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360697884' post='1974998'] Threads can't be deleted by members. Only mods can do that. Looked like a trolling thread anyway. He just changed the title and replaced the troll OP with another troll OP [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/199450-nevermind-lol/"]http://basschat.co.u...-nevermind-lol/[/url] [/quote]You're use of bellend was correct then!......well not your bellend....tho i guess it was your bellend as you used it.....in the literal sense obviously!
  3. When i was a newbie here i started athread about Macca as a bass player as i had never encountered anyone who said he was an influence. It went epic in length( Fnurr fnurr) and tits up with insults in the end. So when i saw that beatles thread i stayed away. Looks like i was right! Also i mentioned in a thread a couple of weeks ago that since the new year there seems to be a little more negativity than usual, but people said....YOU'RE WRONG, SHUT THE f*** UP, well maybe not but it was alluded to that it hadn't!
  4. What the f*** is going on around here lately!
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360698382' post='1975019'] Mate, pick your toys up and don't be a bell end. Your OP was deliberately inflammatory, and neither in an original or interesting way. There have been loads of threads like this and they don't ask or answer any interesting questions. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360690943' post='1974815'] . I don't understand how that relates to the part you culled from my post. Then again, I'm not a native English speaker, so it may be perfectly logical. As to your claim on the measurability of "quality of compositions", I can only say that I do not know what exactly you know about this stuff, but I do know that people who are not formally educated in composition or musicology, do tend to under-rate (haha) how much of a composition is measurable and rateable. Music psychology is part of analysis, and we know quite much about how music works and why. The exception here is new art, for which adequate theory normally has been developed in hindsight - though exactly that aspect is on the return these days. best, bert [/quote]You ain't a native speaker, bloody hell! Your post are some of the best on here!
  7. Got it today, will be as quick as i can.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360691526' post='1974832'] I believe we learn a lot from people arguing strongly held beliefs, it's only when they descend to petty name calling and general lack of respect that they can make Basschat look partly puerile, and get uncomfortable to be a part of. But the umpires always step in. I have to say though that I hate to see threads locked unless there is a good legal reason, or if it looks like someone may get bloodied. Other than that, I rarely see 'bad' threads, I think those who say they do are a being a bit oversensitive. [/quote]Well i've never seen this so shut it Nigel the smigel! Na na na na na. I'm the king of the castle and your the dirty rascal. Everyone smells of wee and poo but me!
  9. tell us something we don't know!
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360621075' post='1973676'] so your '62ri ... probably has the spiral bridge and will be a higher end model made of alder. i.e. a good one. [/quote]Mine's a CIJ
  11. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360614310' post='1973517'] It's bollocks - Fender used to use a couple of factorys to build their basses - the first was Greco I think (but don't quote me on that) and from 1982-97 they used Made in Japan. In 97 I think it swiched to another producer who used "Crafted in Japan" - until 2007,2008 when they start using Made in Japan again - probably another factory. The fender website lists more Made in japan from 2010-2011 from yet another factory for certain models. So thats the reason for the switch... different suppliers. So why do I think it's all bollocks ebay sellers language? Well mainly because you rarely hear of a bad Fender bass - wether MIJ or CIJ and that if there is a difference I suspect it's so minimal that it's both not as big as variation from bass to bass, and not worth worrying about one bit. They will both be decent basses. But.... Some japanese Fender were made to export (like the Geddie Lee model) and some were made for the japanese market. Which is better? Well the best guitars that Fender Japan make are for the japanese market. And also the worst guitars Fender Japan make are for the japanese market.... they make a range of qualities for their market - from cheaper basic models to top of the range vintage reissues and even the japanese version of a custom shop... and of course that's changed over the years too! So in conclusion. The fact that it's MIJ or CIJ, made for export or made for import tells you very little about how good it is or how high up the range it is- just that it was made in japan. Hope that helps! [/quote]It does. Cheers!
  12. I'm going to a long time friends (school) soon. There will be a lot of muso's there so there will be bands playing and other musical stuff. I think it's an extraordinarily bad idea. It turns the wedding into a gig, diverts attention from the bride (and in reality it's her day). Plus it means people have to focus on what's going on and detracts from what a wedding should be, a celebration.
  13. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1360610592' post='1973388'] You said that like it was a bad thing. [/quote]No! No! Not at all, It was more a statement!
  14. Some have told CIJ is better, some MIJ. Others have told me it's just MIJ is for export, CIJ is for Japanese market. What's the truth?!
  15. Is there an easy way to explain theory. I understand theory to quite a high level and whenever i read people explain it to others my brain just glosses over and it almost makes me not understand it!
  16. Manchester bands don't rehearse. they just get their haircut like Noel, get some retro threads and talk about The Smiths and Joy Division
  17. How dare he play covers and not totally original art, what a disgrace!
  18. So i've took it in to be set up. As the B rattles and the A does at 1 and the G is a bit dead at 5. The guy said he'll do set up and that he may posibly have to do a kind of fret dress, even though it's fretless, not sure what he means. He said after altering truss rod etc some the neck may need smoothing out in places. I trust the guy as my mate has had loads of gtrs set up by him really well and an ovation acoustic sorted. Anyone heard of what he means?...apologies for piss poor description!
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360415832' post='1969988'] Not sure what to make of that, but thank you, that's a very lovely compliment! I do think people can accept music with integrity that's not dumbed down, Everything Everything's success gives me great confidence in that. Cheers! [/quote]I only say it as most things i think are terrible are really successful whereas things i like aren't. To be fair i've only heard a couple of things a couple of times but really liked them. Good Luck!
  20. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1360358383' post='1969460'] I always had the impression that muscle memory is just training the brain by repetition of the muscle movement. its kind of why you can pick your nose without really thinking about it ............. and then your mum shouts at you , then your wife , and then your kids , the dog ...........maybe not such a good analogy [/quote]The way out of that is to just gross them out by eating it!
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360355947' post='1969388'] . I notice my language limits are showing, but: If you're only talking about improving one's playing abilities in general, then I'm with you. However, I get the idea that you're also saying that one can not (almost) totally prepare a certain song or piece for a gig or concert without having played it. In case, I disagree. Or: in fact, it's wrong. When one reaches an adequate level of mastering the instrument and the visualisation, this is not a problem, provided the visualisation doesn't stop in the vision department, but also incorporates "visualising" the necessary movements and tensions: as in programming the brain with the signals it will have to send to the muscles later (yes, my English isn't adequate here - I hope you still understand). Exactly this was my preferred concert preparation: always saving time by preparing one of the pieces without playing it, only reading it on the commuter train, thinking about it and making notes - - with the exception of the last few days before the concert, which were used for ironing out some mistakes and quirks. A process like this would normally take three months or so, but I was a slow one, and could easily use five to six months on a concert programme. best, bert [/quote]What he said!
  22. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1360337669' post='1968948'] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Jimbothy[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Paul JH[/font][/color][/s] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Lord Sausage - could I be after you please? If yes, then:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. JazzBassFan[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. Ubassman[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. TommyK (Please, thank you, thank you etc..)[/font][/color] Movin on up the list ....and Lord Sausage is a fast reader too ! [/quote]I'll hammer it when i get it and send it on to JazzBassFan the day after i've finished. (I do all my reading at night)
  23. I read something somewhere about a large portion of any practise is all in the brain, it may have been 2/3, and the rest physical so if you spend a lot of time visualising practising when you are unable to practise it will help. It was in New Scientist i think!
  24. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1360351719' post='1969250'] I am similar to you but I have started to do a bit of scale practise based on the fact that you only develop muscle memory if you give it something to memorise. I can pretty much play Summer of 69 blindfold , and that only comes from gigging it week after week for ???? years . [/quote]I don't go in for all this muscle memory stuff, it's just the brain. We don't have muscles in our fingers!
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1360352927' post='1969285'] Perhaps, but is it art..? Discuss... [/quote]It's probably more Entertainment!
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