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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1357911580' post='1930435'] Hi All Not sure if this has been covered before but..... When you go to a music shop to test out a bass/amp etc what do you play? For me I find the music shop experience a complete and utter nightmare, I'm not sure what to play, what I do play, sounds really crap (well to me at least). Anyone else suffer from this or similar. Cheers Tony [/quote] Is that why Rimmer is you're profile pic!
  2. You give love a bad name- Bon Jovi
  3. I don't think she's coming back to this thread!
  4. It's gotta be any LettsBass. I'm saving up to get one!
  5. A couple of you may know that i got the gig for the above, so just doing my bit and posting a link for dates and tickets if anyone is interested in this kind of thing. [url="http://www.rentinconcert.co.uk/"]http://www.rentinconcert.co.uk/[/url] If anyone does go and and fancies a drink after the band will be more than welcome. haha
  7. All my favourites have been mentioned so i'll just add Chris Frazier/Stu Hamm Terry Bozzio/T M Stevens
  8. By similar ish i meant talent and quirkiness. Kimbra sounds nowt like what your doing. But she's a strong performer, female, quirky, incredible songs
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357580261' post='1924817'] Hopefully it will be mate, but I'd like to think it will be because the music is interesting, and that people will like it because of the songs, the sounds, and Kit's gorgeous voice - rather than big tits and high heels. I don't think it should be in the recording section, simply because you're right, hardly anyone goes there, but also because we have a large bunch of Basschat followers who have been kind enough to buy the previous ep, so I'm in no way shy of putting it where they will see it, and hopefully they will like this just as much I put my own sh*t in the recording section though [/quote] Ha ha, I wasn't telling you off and i wasn't saying Kit has big tits (I wouldn't know and it's probably best not discussing) I didn't mean mainstream like katy perry and all that! I mean the talented ones, kimbra etc. (i'm rubbish at remembering names
  10. Maybe the time is right for this kind of thing, you hear similar ish kind of stuff around in the mainstream. Female is so Hot right now! But naughty, naughty Nigel shouldn't this be in the Recording section. Have you put it here cos no-one goes down there Good luck with it moving forward!
  11. Apologies if you are already aware of this. http://youtu.be/8W3NERMKIBM
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1357313122' post='1920818'] Music existed before the theory of it ever did. Make of that what you will [/quote] Not strictly true, theory would have existed but hadn't been discovered/worked out. Like the theory of physics or chemistry etc.
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357151912' post='1918276'] It's the canvassing for votes I have a major problem with. I think it's deeply unfair. I'm glad there's no prize this month, even if that means it gets a quarter of the votes it did last month, at least they are more likely to be honest votes. [/quote] Respect!
  14. Yeah, ya probably right!
  15. I was just being cheeky, i wasn't having a go at people for not entering. It is quite an undertaking to knock out a quality piece of music in a week or two. And all the entries have been quality. Especially like you said it being Christmas and everything The voting thing tho.......to me, It's just funny how the overall votes cast has returned to pre prize levels
  16. Well it seems i've been proven right and wrong! Wrong- i said my piece wouldn't get a vote and it did. Right- that there wouldn't be as much interest or votes this time.....i wonder why....... i wonder what happened to all the members who voted last time!!?
  17. Yes, No, Yes, No!
  18. i got sequel2 and a Line6 UX1 and it's a piece of piss to use. And if anyone has heard any of my composition competition entries, you will know you can produce to quite a high standard with them. i think they cost £100 a piece. Bargain!
  19. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1356519936' post='1910646'] Finally got mine to a reasonable state. There's some pretty sloppy playing which I'd redo with more time, but here it is, warts 'n' all [url="http://soundcloud.com/stevemcevoy/broken-future"]http://soundcloud.co...y/broken-future[/url] good luck with the comp this month, oh, and merry xmas [/quote] Like it, sounds like Floyd meets Manchester. Some interesting chord changes and cool solo section.
  20. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  21. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1356226630' post='1908241'] I don't. I generally think about the chords when I'm walking. More accurately,I've spent a lot of time studying and practicing chord tones that I'm don't have to think about them when I'm on the bandstand. [/quote][quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1356260219' post='1908416'] This was my point. It involves a lot of thinking time if you have to decide what mode you use if chords change once or twice in every bar. On a tune like So What there are only really two chords in the whole thing. To keep things interesting then, yes, use the modes. There is plenty of time to think about what you are going to do. Otherwise, as Doddy says, work with chord tones. [/quote] That's what i was getting at really. I studied theory and modes loads at college and uni to the point where they are redundant almost. I was quite obsessive at first, coming up with systems of use and learning.Like a relative mode system (i'm not saying i invented it, but i invented it for myself as no one taught it me). For instance, where you use relative major and minor scale shapes to go up the neck i.e Emin, Gmaj, E min, Gmaj etc, I'd do the same with modes i.e E dorian, G Lydian etc. I realise loads of people probably do this but when i was 18 i thought i was a right clever bugger. I guess my point is, that all the battering of theory and modes leads you to a point, where for me it's just basic notes against chords, back to simplicity. Now i just kind of see the notes when each chord comes up relating it to what as been and what is coming, as bilbo said.
  22. Is this how a lot of people approach it? Constant thinking thru modes etc on every change? Just wondering.
  23. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1356175445' post='1907612'] Why does every thread with the trigger words "active" and/or "passive" turn into an "active vs. passive" debate regardless of the question posed by the OP? [/quote] Right! That's enough, everyone stop debating!
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