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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Funnily enough my mates and I were talking about this in the pub the other night and my best mate and ex keyboard player came up with a great one. I've done one on here before so i'll tell you his Vocals- Freddie Mercury Guitars- Slash and Keith Richards Keyboards-Stevie Wonder Bass- Jaco Pastorius Drums-ian Paice
  2. Well on the way with mine. This time there is less composition and some vocals. So maybe i will get more votes this time ........i doubt it, i will be surprised if i get one. I don't care how many i get anyway. It's good just to be writing!
  3. [quote name='Walker' timestamp='1354482566' post='1886559'] Heck. I thought to would be a simple answer. I didn't expect to provide variables mr foxen! Normal pub gig stage? [/quote][quote name='Walker' timestamp='1354483194' post='1886569'] I've read that cabs can be pretty much anywhere in the room ( for smallish rooms anyway) as the waves Aren't particularly directional? Or is that more Internet nonsense?!! [/quote] if you didn't expect to give variables and get a simple answer......well it's probably gonna get interesting round here!
  4. Right! Know what I'm doing. Last time i spent a bit of time on harmony, counterpoint and arrangement...to no avail. So this time i'm not! Infact the complete opposite.....beware!
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1354373266' post='1885312'] You all realise, of course, that, as a moderator, I decided early on that it was inappropriate for me to win so whenever anyone voted for me, I deleted the vote. I left a few in there because I didn't want to draw attention to my ploy. I actually got 207 votes but am sworn to secrecy..... I shall never tell. [/quote] I actually thought yours was the best compositionally.
  6. There's a band round our way called One foot in The Groove, apart from the singer they are all in their 60's!
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354322192' post='1884956'] Why not? Each note could represent one of the children he abused, could be a nice tribute. [/quote] Then every time you played a note you would be touching a child. So maybe not a good idea!
  8. This http://youtu.be/c6RnMCl5WZU They all give it some on this tho!
  9. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1354228668' post='1884000'] when Jimmy played like a god... [/quote] Word!
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1354228509' post='1883998'] What is it? The O2 gig? [/quote] The stuff that they recorded whenever they appeared on the BBC in the late 60's and 70's
  11. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1354227654' post='1883982'] ah dazed and confused, live, unbelievable!!! [/quote] It's what i love about zep. The unabashed power and bravery of improvisation.
  12. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1354138310' post='1882699'] Now you're talking. As far as [i]music [/i]is concerned,I personally prefer Jeff Beck's 'Guitar Shop' (and 'Wired' and Blow by Blow',but mainly 'Guitar Shop') to anything that Led Zeppelin have done. I think Keneally's albums are better than all of them though. [/quote] He's class keneally, seen him live. But it's kinda musicianship over music, academic over nature. Page everytime for me!
  13. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1354227088' post='1883973'] thanks for that, tuned in... [/quote] no probs. somehow became an avid radio 2 listener about 3 weeks ago and heard about this the other day!
  14. That is all!
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354146167' post='1882863'] Cool I've never come across a Spiritual Healer before, what's involved mate? [/quote] I thought all that spiritual healing was a load of bollocks. I had a problem with my shoulders, the girl i was seeing at the time was into it and took me to see her spiritual healer and she sorted it out. Spooky!
  16. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1354146035' post='1882862'] Anyway going now before i put my size 12 in it again [/quote] I find this post offensive and belittling as i only have size 10's
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354144140' post='1882827'] Heh! Quite a bit of development and artistry in Electronic Dance Music, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it... [/quote] Apologies, I meant in a kind of Zappa, Stravinsky kind of way!
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1354140798' post='1882758'] Close arsenic, I like to think its about development. Of your creative skills, your ability to interpret an abstract subject, work to a timeframe, take and give criticism and a wholebload more. Basically developing as a composer. For example it seems entries with vocals are doing doing particularly well. Now how are people who cant sing going to get by this? I dont know about you but Im eager to find out [/quote] Why should they have to get by this. We should just change the title to BC Songwriting Competition if it's gonna funnel everyone into doing vocals jus to get votes. I can sing jus choose not to when writing music for myself, I write songs for my band. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354142083' post='1882787'] I'll just get Kit Richardson or Ingrid Webster to do the vocal on my next one That might help Seriously, I think most people don't really get instrumental stuff that much, they can understand the music better if they have a funky groove, nice melody, sexy chord sequence, and a lyric. I know we get a lot of criticism of popular music on Basschat, and the X Factor, and mainstream pandering, etc. but the fact is, most people, including us musicians, can't assimilate complex or aspirational music unless we've been exposed to it early on and by someone we trust and respect. I have no problem with that, I LOVE pop music, I grew up on it, but I also had a big fat geeky friend who I would play D&D with all day and listen to all sorts of amazing sh*t from his massive collection, Zappa was his favourite. I love loads of the music he introduced me to even now. It's all been a huge influence. We fell out massively and not had contact with him for 30 years, but really, most of the music I make is a dedication to him and the musical education I received from him. There's virtually no modern popular instrumental music to draw from these days is there? [/quote] I can get down with this. I grew up listening to pop and rock, but Steve Vai got me into instrumentals, which led to classical and jazz. With regards to no modern instrumental, you may get a bit in electronic music but its a bit basic. Not much develoment or artistry.
  19. [quote name='arsenic' timestamp='1354139965' post='1882742'] No disrespect to anyone, (and certainly not having a go at Redstriper, just using his post as a reference) but this is the kind of thing I was referring to. If it comes down to people asking other to vote for them, it defeats the purpose. It's all about the composition, not who has the most friends and family willing to vote for them, just to stroke their ego. For me that would kill the whole point of the competition stone dead. The fun is in the creation, being judged by your peers, knowing that you will/will not win, based on your creativity. Knowing that you could loose because you play fair or because you don't use facebook, would certainly make me not want to bother next time. Sad, but true. [/quote] Respect! (i'm on a respect vibe today)
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354137214' post='1882683'] Very very sadly, I think you are probably right, but I desperately hope that's not the case here, and I am saddened and disappointed you would expect the entrants to do so. I do hope this is not your personal attitude as I have always thought you were a very fair kind of guy. And I don't mean your complexion, although Anglesey might do that to a person The effort should go into the interpretation, composition, execution, and being true to oneself. Not trying to ensure material gain with a campaign strategy, if that's the case then one should enter the Basschat Public Relations & Marketing Competition [/quote] Respect!
  21. Missed all this, just read the whole thread! Wow! It's amazing what a custom bass can do! Down to one vote too....not that it mattered!
  22. I can't remember what songs we play, the names of songs, the names of our originals. So no tips really
  23. Voted, went with the one i thought was compositionally the best.
  24. Just listened to them all start to finish, some of them a couple of times. They are all great. Got it down to two. Don't know whether to choose the one i like the most or the one that i think compositionally is the best, i.e use and development of themes, harmony and counterpoint etc, as it's a composition competition. My Maud has just ordered me to the shop for chocolate so i'm gonna have a good think and then vote later. As everyone has said it's been great to be part of, all in good spirit. Long may it continue!
  25. Thet obviously wanna be really Rock n Roll, so fight fire with fire. At the end of the gig start acting real Rock n Roll, like The Who, and smash the sh*t out of all their gear!
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