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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1353584460' post='1876249'] Ha! Thanks very much everyone. I'm going away today until Sunday so please accept my thanks to all past present and future donators for the time being. I'll catch up with you on my return. We really appreciate it! Thanks ped [/quote] Now we know where all the money went!
  2. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1353543381' post='1876001'] Very nice mix and I am guessing you have deffo done this before, put together very professionally, this sounds like its been produced by a pro! Nice one, impressed and bowing down to the skill and knowledge involved, well beyond anything i could produce technical wise . [/quote] [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1353543529' post='1876003'] Freakin' sweet Lord Sausage! has a totally awesome 70s cop show thing going on too :-D [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353547525' post='1876027'] Wow, very clean production on this! Sounds awesome. Really like this ska intro… and the second half just plain rocks! Great guitar chops and some cool FX going on. It definitely has a showtime/soundtrack feel to it that captures the Scooby pic especially well. Good work, M'Lud! [/quote] thanks a lot for your kind words but tho i have a bit of experience i'm no pro. Like some of the others said it ain't about the competition and it has been rewarding doing it. Really enjoyed it, especially as its been a slog. Now to listen to everyone elses. Listened to silddx, walman and blademan all very good!
  3. Lanyards! We don't need no stinking lanyards! Have some money instead!
  4. Ok! here is my effort. It's been a slog having to do it in small snatches (oo-er). I may possibly remix it if when my ears have settled down tomorrow if i don't like the mix, but might not get time. Its in two parts. It's called Scooby (voo)doo! [url="http://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/scooby-voo-doo"]http://soundcloud.co.../scooby-voo-doo[/url] oh yeah it's a couple of seconds over, is this ok?
  5. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1353333948' post='1873713'] Not had a hope in hell of doing something this month - the pictures kind of put me off a bit this month - I had two conflicting thoughts and I wasn't sure how the f*ck I was going to create a bit of music incorporating the two...! I'll definitely check out the results though and vote - hopefully I'll be able to do something in Dec cheers Mike [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353334874' post='1873730'] That's a shame Mike but I know you've had a busy few weeks with the London Jazz Fest being on (wish I could have made it down this year). You can - ahem - [i]'thank'[/i] Nigel and I for the inspiration this month. Must admit I've really struggled with it myself. Ended up penning a song about a former failed relationship, dealing with deceit and the death of happy memories... so y'know, a chirpy and lighthearted singalong number on its way from me! [/quote] i struggled a bit at first. In the end i decided just to have to different parts a la Layla, The Chain etc, tho its nowt like them. Hopefully i will have it finished by wednesday night.
  6. That's some good playing, really good. I just think in places it's a bit much for fills, it's more solo playing, especially for soul!
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351512876' post='1851911'] It's a throwaway statement. No more point to it than saying Larry Graham did for bass what Nancy Sinatra did for boots, or Bernard Matthews did for British turkey farming. [/quote] I don't think it's fair to compare Jimi Hendrix to the might of Bernard Matthews. Jimi couldn't hold a candle to him.
  8. I can't believe Jimmy Page was on, he asked him nowt worth knowing. Then end. Joke!
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353012764' post='1870593'] How do you guys right music? i'm having awful trouble here. Edit- WRITE* er-durrrr! [/quote] I tend to hear the overall impression of what i want to achieve then i write little melodies and find chord progressions then i harmonise and arrange it. Then i start recording it but if i have any ideas during that i sometimes re arrange or add or take things. This current one is a bit of a challenge tho as i never give myself a time frame. Usually i spend a longtime. I once took 18 months writing something, so this is a first. Probably why i'm havin a little panic about gettin this done.
  10. So are people judging this on the composition quality or mix quality or both. I thought it was just the composition. Also i'm beginning to worry if i'll get mine finished in time, about half way through!
  11. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1352416104' post='1862915'] Right then. Heres my attempt. Not entirely happy with it, but bored listening to #2 son's excuses for not adding a bit of guitar to the second bit so went with some old bolloxs I eventually managed [url="http://soundcloud.com/aka_walman/bc-comp-nov12-run-scoob"]Run Scoob or Jim'll FixYa[/url] And under 3 mins as well [/quote]Class!
  12. Song 2 by Blur. (dare i say it.....yes i dare) Smoke on the water, Loads of Van Halen. Night boat to Cairo by Madness
  13. Could i have it after Geek99 please!
  14. Arrgh! I hope i get enough time. I can get about an hour a night for about 3-4 days a week to work on it. The second half is written but i've only got the drums and bass down. Desperately trying to get guitar and organ down by the end of the week. So i can write and record the first half. Still just have a rough idea for it.
  15. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1352051623' post='1858189'] Well, here goes [url="http://soundcloud.com/blademan_98/emotional-death"]http://soundcloud.co...emotional-death[/url] I found the photos really sad so an emo track has sprung up! (Sorry about the vocal ) Hope you like it lol [/quote] i really like it. I love soundscape/talking tracks.
  16. Maybe, a guitarist as asked me to set up a band with him today. We pla\y many styles. I'll see what he wants to do and get in touch if neccesary!
  17. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1352033467' post='1857942'] Same here, and I don't know either. Long periods with loads of Zappa inbetween longer periods with nothing (except the incidental iPod random track) Who knows, it may be in the human genome already. Or maybe it has to do with the loads of uninteresting tracks. Idunno. best, bert [/quote] It's an enigma wrapped up in a mystery
  18. I've dipped in and out of Zappa over the years, i don't why i've not listened more because i really like it. I had a number of Zappa when i was at uni and they all got nicked and i've never got back round to getting into it. I had a couple of his orchestral ones, i also had Boulez conducts zappa. Joes garage can't remember the rest. But i love Steve Vai and Terry Bozzio so i liked that stuff. I will watch this and start getting back into it This is good by zappa plays zappa [media]http://youtu.be/aDQE82ElyJg[/media] Oh yeah this is a great song too! http://youtu.be/K_WgCGOWae4
  19. Here's one of me playing bass (as its a bass forum and i was singing, kind of, in the others) [attachment=122587:rawk!.jpg]
  20. [quote name='KingMacca' timestamp='1351860129' post='1856256'] Hello folks - I've had an MBE 212 for a few months, only rehearsed with it a handful of times. I bought a new GK MB800 head to pair with it I was using the dire ashdown little giant(orange). Both GK items are fantastic. My entire rig including Yamaha bass is a one trip to the car carry and sounds great for my needs. However - rehearsing the other night my cab started smoking about 10 minutes in to using it and it literally filled the entire rehearsal room with acrid burning smoke. We stopped playing, I flicked everything off and cleared the smoke, then had a sniff around the cab, the backplate appears to have had some sort of fire! The cab worked fine when I tested it, but that was the end of rehearsal. Emailed Thomann and I've got to package it up, take it to the post office and they are sending it back to GK to get fixed. I am gutted. The cab sounds quite boomy at volume, even with the great EQ on the MB800 dialled out most of the mid/bottom. The cab is still very new but as I am so happy with it in every other regard I didn't want to add the padding as others have done in other threads. I think it was a wise decision not to mod it anyway, as it would have burned the building down had the padding material caught fire! I suspect that there is a poor quality component behind the jack plate that has let go which doesn't inspire me as I've spent almost £1k on Gallien Krueger kit in the past few months :S The cab is the 8ohm version rated at 600w and I was using my brand new GK MB800 head with it(one cab) for the first time in rehearsal. gutted. Anyone else had any problems with this cab? I was going to buy the GK 210 to stack with the 212 but Thomann no longer sell it, then this happened and I'm now not sure if I'm going to keep any of my GK kit, even though I love the tone, weight, price, power - everything about the GK kit. Chris [/quote] Blimey, that don't fill me with confidence. I got one the other day. Only used it once!
  21. started on it today, i have the first half idea, the second half written and drums done but it's prob gonna take all month hope i can get it done before the deadline. Sorry if this is ignorant and in another part of the thread, but when is the deadline?
  22. How terribly rude of me, congratulations to silddx and skol303
  23. In the October thread i said i would enter this months. It ain't just cos of the chance to win a bass but i can imagine i fair few will enter this month now.
  24. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1351774580' post='1855186'] Does you're Dad know you are going out in a skirt that short? [/quote] I'm not the bass player in this pic i'm the singer in red. Our band goes thru bass players like spinal tap goes thru drummers. That is our second bass player Bobby the Slag!
  25. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1351771731' post='1855128'] Loving you outfit, your Lordship! [/quote] Thank you kindly dear lady!
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