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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Here's me [attachment=122480:LordSausage.jpg] [attachment=122482:lord3.jpg] [attachment=122481:lord2.jpg] [attachment=122483:lord4.jpg]
  2. Here's my bands [url="https://soundcloud.com/asedya"]https://soundcloud.com/asedya[/url] Here's mine [url="https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted"]https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted[/url]
  3. I'm approaching my 20th anniversary of playing. When i was younger and learning i remember someone saying it's good to go back to basics every so often. I've never done it. So two weeks ago i started doing. I've started practising again for the first time since i was 21. Doing an hour a day, started right at the beginning, scales, technique exercises. Loving it and actual feel it is helping my overall playing.
  4. [quote name='Dr Chocolate' timestamp='1347379885' post='1800003'] No not really it's rubbish and it smells. Although you can always get decent fish and chips [/quote] You can same the same of Paris only you can't get decent Fish and Chips there!
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1351607728' post='1853193'] It is called serial composition and, yes, it is likely to sound very avant garde! [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_composition"]http://en.wikipedia....ial_composition[/url] [/quote] [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1351621566' post='1853385'] I'm typing on my iPod touch its faster for browsing than my g4 iBook at the moment. There was a composer who did very odd stuff was he called Schoenberg or something, some of it sounded like scary incidental music in films [/quote] Studied Serialism at uni as part of 20th century music(art not pop). Though very interesting and it's ultimately unsatisfying. Schoenberg was interested in cotiuing the canon of germanic composition Mozart,beethoven,Wagner, Mahler etc. He felt that tonal has reached its peak and it couldn't be taken any further so developed his 12 tone rows and serialism. He was a bit of a nob but a genius. he also wrote a giant book about music theory which is interesting and difficult. He also put himself in rivalry with Stravinsky who was actually taking Tonal music further mainly through changes to rhythmic ideas, time signatures and orchestration. Who'd a thought a German and Russioan could have been rivals in the early 20th century! Stockhausen is also a serialist composer, another nutter. He believes he's from another galaxy. He wrote a piece called Gruppen for three orchestra's playing in different time signatures and tempo's. http://youtu.be/mqvlrphkGAU
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1351587795' post='1852840'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hope this helps some folk.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I had to change the file extension from .ipb to .mp3 after download to get it to play on W7.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Garry[/font][/color] [/quote] I don't know what that means. ha ha. The file i made was an mp3 don't know what happened there. Is there anything i can do to change the file.
  7. Don't know if anyone will be interested in this. Basically a friend who has restarted playing keyboard after a number of years asked me to make him a jam track so he could practise improvising in F-minor and D minor over it. It's essentially a really basic version Canteloupe island with the second chord being changed from a Db7 to Dbmaj7 to keep it diatonic, at his request. I made it and just thought i'd put it on here in case anyone fancied it. The chord sequence is 4 bars Fmin7, 4bars Dbmaj7, (f minor), 4 bars Dmin7, 4 bars Fmin7. then just looped a lot. It's really basic but it may be good for someone to use, knock yourself out. Cheers
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351360209' post='1850549'] Although that could be non members listening but unable to vote, and possibly a fair number of robots, I have resigned myself to the sad fact that most people on Basschat would rather talk about stuff than actually listen to new music, it takes effort and the rewards are often too small for people to be bothered. I really shouldn't be complaining because the Kit Richardson work has gone down incredibly well and we've sold over 40 EPs through Basschat (THANK YOU!), but I'm in the minority here I think. [/quote] Well it don't take much effort in the grand scheme of things. Plus you shouldn't need rewarding to hear new music. It's good to hear the things people come up with plus you get to experience people on a different level. I recognised some of the entrants from different threads and wouldn't neccessarily expect them to produce the music they have produced. If you know what i mean?
  9. As if this has had 500 and odd views and only 23 votes. Come on sort it out!
  10. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351341296' post='1850297'] They're alright man! I didn't really notice any mistakes, just the odd timing error coming in with the drummer. The first one's the best of the two. Good song and well performed. [/quote] Yeah he'd always get carried away and that would happen. But it's better than no drummer. Struggling to find one!
  11. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351340926' post='1850290'] So dodgy you won't post the vid? [/quote] sorted
  12. You wanted dodgy so here's dodgy. This is my band, Asedya, at The Night & Day Manchester. Our penultimate gig with our drummer, we are currently drummer-less. Filmed on someone's i-phone. We didn't realise we were being filmed. Little bit drunk, few mistakes, good energy. My band will prob kill me for sharing, and putting on youtube, but nevermind. (not full songs) [url="http://youtu.be/1ibtL3ZdPwQ"]http://youtu.be/1ibtL3ZdPwQ[/url] [url="http://youtu.be/wJ8JQUQMDmI"]http://youtu.be/wJ8JQUQMDmI[/url]
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1351167261' post='1848134'] His descriptions are becoming more and more entertaining and ridiculous with each listing. Was going to say long may it continue but problem is, some poor sap eats up the bullshit and shells out their hard earnt dosh. [/quote] I've just checked his seller ratings on ebay, looks like there are a lot of poor saps who love his work! One even says you won't find a better guitar restorer on ebay
  14. I don't even know what mine are. I just know some are easier to play than others. I like that, keeps me on my toes. i read this thing once that said Richie Blackmore switched to Fender because he thought they were more difficult to play than what he was using. I liked that!
  15. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1351244736' post='1849098'] He's better than I was after 7 lessons! [/quote] If that is all he had well that's fair play!
  16. Hammond playing bass. http://youtu.be/ySJ8CZmq2V8 Clarkson can't play drums
  17. If anyone is interested then go for it. I went to college with the drummer, he's class. A proper drummer! I'd be interested but i don't have my own transport currently. I know most of the set list too. Shame. I've not heard them but it would be worth joining just to play with Chris.
  18. Been following this all month. Got my vote in. First one. Might enter myself next month!
  19. I play Football, does that make me a Footballer?
  20. It's sounds great!
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1349080334' post='1821332'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]To be clear, any instruments / sounds can be used although copyright should be followed for obvious reasons. Also Basschat T&C's should be followed within the actual recording so :[/font][/color] [/quote] Does that mean you can use samples that come with your software package i.e drum loops, electric piano chords etc?
  22. Just read some more wiki turns out he got fired but then came back. so it probably is all murray. He is a great player!
  23. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1350842945' post='1844153'] Those clips you posted both have Neil Murray playing on them - great player. Their first album "Trouble" is superb. I saw them on that tour & they were awesome. [/quote] I'm just confused as to what murray played on. I know he did slide it in and 1987. Wiki says he played on all the albums but on that gig at donnington 1983 its not him on bass.
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