Lord Sausage
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Everything posted by Lord Sausage
[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1350580052' post='1840879'] Hey Kerms, Welcome to BC. It may be new today, but just wait: it'll be a quarreling family before you know it. Evidence: What an awful piece of sh*te! And the same goes for the bass! Just kidding, of course! Nice bass, nice bloke. Enjoy your stay. Be family. best, bert [/quote]
Confession time! I have a penchant for pre 1987 Whitesnake, it may not be elegant or high brow but it's great pub rock n roll. plus any band that has contained Jon Lord , Ian Paice, Cozy Powell, Micky Moody has to be alright. Anyway, the bass playing is pretty tidy on them albums. Being an ignoramus though I'm not sure who the players are, how's that for underated. I know Neil Murray played at some point but it's the guys before him , i think. Here's a couple of examples. http://youtu.be/wAIxaGWXVBA http://youtu.be/K_gtdGDSnDA
[quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1350673534' post='1842247'] I think you need to get to a certain point before you should do this. I think it's better to read something,and if you get it wrong, stop and fix it. If there is keep messing up a specific rhythm(for example) that you mess up,if you don't fix it the chances are you will make that mistake again on another piece of music. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you make in the practice room,that's what it's for...the only time you have to get it right first time is on the bandstand. [/quote] Word!
aah bass is rubbish !
I get more kicks hearing my own music than I do other bands'
Lord Sausage replied to xilddx's topic in General Discussion
It's all about perceived quality for me. regardless of who's done it. If it's exciting, it turns me on. I go through weird phase tho. At one point 5 yrs ago,God gave Rock n Roll to you by Kiss was the most exciting thing i'd heard. I don't even like Kiss! I was smokin a lot of weed and drinking JD back then tho! -
Please have a listen to my bands latest Track!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in Recording
[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1350413050' post='1838539'] It's a good track. However, I think it is a bit polite, lacking punch, not enough power. I normally expect music like this to have a glossy rich American type of production as I think that's the primary market. If I hear music like this I want it to energise me, and I'm afraid this doesn't do that for me. I'd want the vocal recording to be more layered and posh sounding as they feel a little distant from the band. The kit and bass are a little lost, especially in the verses. The choruses are nicely produced, but again, I want to hear much more punch and a some 'loudness'. From an arrangement POV, I think you want a few little sweets in there, just to jive things up a bit and stop the verses from sounding too similar. It's good though, very good, just lacking production polish. Sorry if this sounds a bit too honest mate. [/quote] [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1350414813' post='1838591'] I'm with silddx on this. Everything's there, just needs a bit more oomph . [/quote] Yeah i can dig it! Like i said it's my least favourite of our own but it was the drummer and singers favourite. I really struggled to get a line for it that i was happy with because of it. For my part i developed the bass lines as the verses progressed to make it more interesting, but we could have done a little more with the arrangement. Thansk for comments, I have no problem with honesty if its valid. You can check out the other tracks at the same soundcloud. [url="http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=asedya"]http://soundcloud.co...ltext%5D=asedya[/url] -
Our drummer quit 2 months ago and we're having a 'mare finding a new one. One guy joined 2 weeks ago last friday he said he was ok to rehearse this wednesday then he quit today.
Peavey 1x15 STILL FOR SALE!!!!!PRICE DROP£50!!!!!!!!!!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
Please have a listen to my bands latest Track!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in Recording
[quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1350235353' post='1836112'] Nice track, I like it. I'm no pro but sounds to me like your bass is getting a little lost with/in the kick-drum in parts. If it were me I'd be wanting to cut through a bit more and the growl to be heard a bit more. But nice sound overall. I'd be happy coming away with a tune like that Edit: Listening again, it was maybe only the chorus and maybe just the 5 stringer? [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1350238312' post='1836181'] Good evening, Lord Sausage (or may I call you Lord..?)... Allay your fears, nothing wrong with that; certainly not too 'speedy'. The bass is fine; no 'rushing' apparent. Whilst it's not the sort of number I'd be buying (my tastes are attrocious, so be flattered by that...), it's got a nice 'thick' production, and lays easy on the ears. Well performed (yes, even the double-kicking in the bridge...), well-fitting bass line(s), and enough guitars to not be able to distinguish any one in particular. Very 'pro'-sounding voice doubling (trebling..? more..?). Overall, if I was playing or mixing that, I would be happy to call it a day and turn the lights out, job done. Well done, Lord and band, and whomsoever tracked/mixed. Good work. Thanks for sharing. [/quote] Cheers, to be fair i always think the drummer plays a little to much. He's got that early bonham bass drum influence tho a la Good times Bad times. To be honest it's the least to my taste within our own tracks. I always get worried that we do a bit too much, too many gtrs, too many vocals. So perhaps that's my issue. Thanks a lot for comments. It's taken on board -
Please have a listen to my bands latest Track!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in Recording
[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1350233219' post='1836074'] Sounds good to me, Saus'. Bassline certainly doesn't sound rushed. You're probably more conscious of it being played faster, but coming to it cold it sounds perfectly well suited to the track (and nicely high in the mix too!). The production itself sounds fine thru my cans. Nice wide mix, very crisp and clear. The drums are perhaps a little low and the vocal a wee bit too loud. But I'd need to hear it through monitors to be honest… I'd certainly be happy with it. But that's me [/quote] Thanks for your comment. You're probably right about me being concious of it being faster. -
Shall I sweep the floor with my a*se whilst I play bass?
Lord Sausage replied to tonyclaret's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1350065794' post='1834301'] If you think you have to be fabulously talented to do that, then you have low expectations. And it's not like these are original songs you'd have to learn, you'll have heard most of them enough to have the arrangements fairly clear already. Any reasonably competent intermediate performing musician should be able to learn a set, practice it at home for a week, turn up to a rehearsal and expect themselves and the band to make a passable performance of it first go. That's just what you have to do. Four rehearsals is a waste of time and money. [/quote] Respect! That's how it goes most of the time! -
I thought this was going to be a Grand Theft Auto thread!......I need to grow up!
Shall I sweep the floor with my a*se whilst I play bass?
Lord Sausage replied to tonyclaret's topic in General Discussion
Cheetham Hill! Says it all really! -
I love Zeppelin and i can't wait to see the dvd, but it ain't proper Zep without Bonzo. I think a full blown reunion would be bad. I saw Page and Plant on the Walkin into clarksdale tour. It was incredible and good enough for me.
In my current band i love it when we play anything by Led Zep. But my favourites are a Heavy version of Groovejet By Spiller ( Sophie ellis bextor) and We do ready to go by Republica. It's so much fun and just kills.
The Landlady of the Pub we play a lot of gigs at coming over after an excellent gig and saying:- "I believe your drummer is quitting?" Us:- "Is he?" Turns out everyone knew before us and she thought we knew.....embarrassment all round (and mega anger)
To Lick or not to Lick?, that is the question!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1349780623' post='1830331'] Yes, I think you are. Personally, I think the 'lick' thing tends to refer to those people who take a certain lick from a certain solo they have transcibed and then often play it whenever that chord sequence is present. You can get away with murder doing this but it lacks integrity and any decent player will spot it a mile off. [/quote] That's what i was getting at with the lick thing. -
To Lick or not to Lick?, that is the question!
Lord Sausage replied to Lord Sausage's topic in General Discussion
I'm not disparaging those who do learn licks by the way! -
I noticed on another thread Scott Devine sharing a lick for others to learn. This took me back to a time at college in the 90's when doing HND in Popular Music, which was essentially Jazz. Our main project one year was to compose, arrange and score a piece of music for a Jazz big band. Then conduct them as they recorded it. It was a great project learned incredible amounts. Anyway, for the solo section you could either let a musician improvise or you could write a solo. Being a cocky 19yr old clever dick i wrote a five part written sax solo. They didn't nail it first time, so whilst they were breaking it down one of the sax players goes:- " That's a Charlie Parker lick, that's a Wayne Shorter lick!" etc I turn to my lecturer saying " Are they! I didn't nick em, I don't know any licks, I'm a 19yr old bass player" My lecturer reassured me "It's alright i know you didn't. That guy is a lick player. He knows tonnes of licks and sticks em all together. The other guy (points at another sax player) just totally improvises all the time, the complete opposite, there basically the types of players you get" So i was wondering what are you like? Me, i can honestly say i've never tried to learn anyones licks in my life. I may have picked some up naturally by ear or when i've had to learn a piece. But i've never sat down to copy licks. How about you?
Our Helical Mind - New video, new record, new tour!
Lord Sausage replied to pantherairsoft's topic in Recording
Really cool! Liked it! Good to hear something different. Them pedals must have cost a few pence and i thought Alice Cooper was drumming til it when close up. Good drummer too. I have a friend who is in a group that's similar but totally different. Just drums, gtrs and lots of pedals but they are dance pop. Check em out at www.hotbeatrepeat.co.uk. Hope you get more comments than the track i recently put on this forum! ha ha But once again.. really good...class! -
What are you listening to right now?
Lord Sausage replied to Sarah5string's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1349619156' post='1828333'] yeah my fave too, I have dance the night away single on picture disc vinyl, I like light up the sky, beautiful girls and women in love they are great songs, there is not a bad track on there, doa is awesome. all the dlr albums are superb except diver down although it has one of my all tie faves "secrets" on there [/quote] Totally agreed. I love them all on Vh2. I can't pick between Light up the sky, outta love and No good as to my fave -
[quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1349616272' post='1828290'] You were not meant to notice them! [/quote] Braces are back in now pal! Your ahead of your time!
What are you listening to right now?
Lord Sausage replied to Sarah5string's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1349615607' post='1828280'] I just saw post above...someone else listening to VH II as well [/quote] It's my favourite VH record. It just edges 1984 for me as it isn't as grown up, a bit more raw.(but 1984 is exceptional) -
[quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1349614088' post='1828256'] Neurotic pop, dub, art metal, stadium. Phew! [/quote] Thanks, I loved that band. We always tried to mix it up musically. I didn't play any instruments for 2 yrs after we broke up, i was that depressed. We were on the verge of doing something as well. We had Mr Manchester Tony Wilson, behind us, this demo was recorded with the guy who remastered someThe Who's back catalogue. We had started to support some proper acts. The classic Rock n roll f*** up. It was 5 yrs til i started playing bass again. Pathetic really but i was in my mid 20's and v immature.