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Everything posted by BigBassBob

  1. Very cool, ProfFrink!
  2. If you've got a courtesy IEC socket on your Voodoolab then you could run a socket off that and plug your charger into it. It's what I do for storing crib sheets on my phone: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/2015-08-20%2015.58.48.jpg[/IMG]
  3. A while back I mentioned I'd record a demo of the 3Leaf Octabvre. Here it is: https://youtu.be/zpcwUfq5-i4
  4. Listen to his tone. Do you NEED to sound like him? Is there anything about his sound that jumps out at you? So long as your tone is good and serves the music then I wouldn't worry. If some songs they play have more grit than others then you might want to invest in an overdrive pedal or a preamp for those particular numbers.
  5. I forgot to mention that I like to put my preamps near the end of the chain (if using them to sculpt the sound before going to an amp) or near the start of the chain if using it to sculpt the sound of a bass. I'd probably run the BBE and Hartke near the end of the chain.
  6. Personally I would go down this route: [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Receivers/input > Tuner > Octave > Fuzz > Envelope/Wah > Compression > Overdrive > Chorus > Delay/Reverb[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]But... [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Experiment! Like others have said, mess around with the order, see what sounds you can get and what YOU like.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If it works for you, then go with the flow, baby! [/font][/color]
  7. The mute pad on my Rickenbacker is practically useless as it doesn't mute the strings evenly. You can kind of palm mute just past the bridge but it requires too much effort to do well.
  8. http://bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/3_leaf_Octabvre.html
  9. www.bassdirect.co.uk is where I got mine from I'll record something next week with it. I've tried a few octave pedals but this is the first one I've enjoyed using. I tried the MXR BOD but I didn't like the tones I was getting. I couldn't get on with the IE Sub-T (not strictly octave but I thought the tracking on it was very questionable for something which was rated so highly on Talkbass.) Don't get me started on the OC3. I've not tried the Markbass so I cannot comment.
  10. Very cool! Thank you for sharing
  11. I second the Sonic Research Turbo Tuner. Best tuner I've ever owned; it tracks fast, it's true bypass and it's EXTREMELY accurate. Its biggest flaw is its display but they're releasing a new model this year I believe; the ST 300.
  12. After I received a Tim-tuning Octabvre this week and getting stuck into lots of synthy goodness I just finished wiring this board up: If Neunaber released a phaser effect for the Slate I think I would be pretty much satisfied.
  13. My favourite overdrive/distortion. Can add some balls to your tone to some edge/grind to metallic thunder.
  14. Bought some cables off me. Lovely bloke; deal with confidence!
  15. Bump!
  16. He bought an IE Polytope from me. Fast payment and hassle-free. Would happily do business with again!
  17. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1427877619' post='2735241'] That becomes parallel compression which is a really nice feature in and of itself But I find 2:1 often too heavy at the thresholds I like to set it ☺ [/quote] I like to squish the life out of my signal with a high ratio and then blend in clean to add some life. Makes for an incredible slap sound. For general uses I have a light compression at 4:1 but I have the mix set to about 3 o'clock.
  18. Also my condolences for your loss. Having gear stolen is one of my greatest fears. Re-reading your post it may be that the MXR is too tonally transparent for what you're after. It doesn't add any real spice or flavour, it just controls the envelope of your signal. Check out http://www.ovnilab.com/index.shtml - it's full of brilliant reviews and may point you towards a compressor that may be more suited for your tastes.
  19. When say you're struggling to get the "right" settings what is happening that is undesirable? I found when I used one before it worked well when everything was set just right but the input and output controls offered too much range so the balance between too little and too much volume was hard to get right on the fly.
  20. Subdecay Noise Box - [b]£130 posted[/b] This is a discontinued pedal that is starting to become rare. It is incredibly hard to concisely describe. Taken from Subdecay's website: [color=#FF9900][b]A chaotic concoction…[/b][/color] Somewhere in between a chaotic octave generator, guitar synth, and a broken robot stuck in an angry bee hive. The Noisebox was inspired by additive synthesizers. [color=#FF9900][b]This pedal needs to be heard to be truly understood,[/b][/color] but I’ll try to explain it anyway. The Noise Box is an envelope following harmonic frequency generator. (Confused yet???) Frequencies generated are harmonically related to the input, and controlled by the Frequency knob, the Sense knob, and the Chaos knob. There is a gate on the pedal and you can change how the pedal reacts to your playing drastically by playing with your bass/guitar's volume control. No matter what level signal it's fed it will reproduce those notes at whatever volume the pedal is set to. Here is a guitar demo on Youtube - [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GblOjWZiysY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=GblOjWZiysY[/url]
  21. BUMP
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1427819238' post='2734654'] The empress is a great looking compressor, I've never heard one (would love to) shame it only has 3 ratios though [/quote] You can mix your clean signal with your compressed signal if you find 4:1 is too much.
  23. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1427713498' post='2733257'] Empress Compressor. Best I've ever found, and I'm a compression junkie. [/quote] This is currently my favourite compressor. Incredibly transparent and putting a passive HPF in the sidechain really lets the low B on fives punch through without getting squished too much.
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