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Everything posted by BigBassBob

  1. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1427661860' post='2732843'] markbass compressore is a brilliant transparent pedal BUT its big and will want its own pedal socket so if pedalboard space is an issue.... [/quote] While I'm sure the Compressore works for you to describe it as transparent is misinformation. It sounds great but it definitely adds a lot of colour to your tone.
  2. Bumping.
  3. Hi guys, having another clear-out (again) and am looking to move some stuff. George L plugs, cables, stress jackets and cable tester - [b][s]£85[/s] [s]£75[/s] [s]£60[/s] [s]£50 posted[/s] SOLD[/b] I've counted 12 plugs and 16 stress jackets. There's plenty of cable for you to work with but buying cable by metre/feet is quite cheap if you need more. I can't remember if any of the current patch cables have issues but I'm 90% they're good to go apart from one or two. I would really like to sell this as a complete package. Pedaltrain Mini - [s][b]£35 posted[/b][/s][b] SOLD[/b] It's the older version with the lip on the end (good for protection.) The shoulder strap itself snapped some time ago but can easily be replaced if you need it. It's got some scuffs and marks from gigging but its functionality remains intact. Iron Ether Polytope - [s][b]£160 posted[/b][/s][b] SOLD[/b] This is a rather unique chorus/modulation that can go from a subtle detune effect to a rich chorus all the way to multiple pitches being bent by whole tones flat AND sharp (kind of like a cassette player catching fire mid-song.) Has velcro on the bottom, ready for your pedal board. EDIT - Both the Abunai and Polytope have "LED dims" over their LEDs. These are little pieces of dark plastic designed to take the edge off both of their super-bright LEDs. You can remove them simply by pulling them off Feel free to PM any questions. Cheers, Bob.
  4. Possibly. A little bit of dirt isn't noticeable in a band mix (as in a touch of OD.) A B3K won't do the scooped BDDI thing but it can add a slightly grindy/growly quality at lower settings. It MAY be what you're looking for or not. I love the B3K circuit but I prefer the B7K due to its EQ section.
  5. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/2015-03-02%2012.45.25.jpg[/IMG] Just wired this up with Van Damme cables. Trimmed down the board to the bare essentials for the gigs I'm currently doing (I've got a PT Nano to run a modular setup if I need anything extra.)
  6. Love it!
  7. Bassballs is a good bet to get close. The original track sounds like keys to me (probably doubled up the bass line.) The live video you linked has a different attack and timbre. A very wet envelope filter will cop that sound.
  8. The Bassballs IS an envelope filter with a switchable dirt circuit. It would probably get you in the ballpark but the bass in that song you linked doesn't sound like a bass guitar to me so you may find yourself searching for a tone you can never quite get. Your closest bet would be an Iron Ether Xerograph in my opinion.
  9. Received payment extremely quickly, excellent comms throughout and a lovely bloke too! Would happily do business with Lee again
  10. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1424358376' post='2695519'] Out of curiosity, if it's not money that you avoid Apple for. Why is it? [/quote] Because I shouldn't have to jailbreak my iPhone in order to have the same functionality as an Android.
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1424195721' post='2693719'] I hate it enough when lazy sound engineers want me to plug into their behringer ultra di before my amp, sucking the life out of my tone, and then making sure the bass is totally inaudible FOH. This would definitely make me think twice before buying the guy a beer before stage time! [/quote] It always seems to be a Behringer Ultra DI I've met a number of sound engineers who only use their own DIs because it's what they're familiar with. Still somewhat irritating when they refuse to take a DI from either your pedal board or amp and run you through some plastic £30 piece of crap
  12. I've recently started a new project which is going to require some new equipment and my MOT is due this week so it looks like I'm going to have to shift some stuff. [b]3Leaf Pwnzor:[/b] Bought new a few years ago. It has long been discontinued and has become a sought-after gem. This has been my favourite compressor since I originally acquired it. It's punchy, fattens up your tone and just seems to make everything nicer. It uses a standard power supply (it has an internal voltage-doubler so it actually runs at 18V), uses 3Leaf's relay-based bypass switch (which can be switched internally to be buffered or true bypass) and has internal trim pots for input gain and release (IIRC but I'm 90% that's what they are.) It's practically as new apart from velcro on the bottom. I've kept the original box, manual, 3Leaf bag and rubber feet which will be included with the pedal. [s][b]£160 POSTED[/b][/s][b] SOLD[/b] [b]Digitech Bass Whammy (reissue):[/b] I bought this new last year and have used it FIVE times. It's an incredible pedal and far less "glitchy" than the Whammy IVs from a few years ago. VERY cool little gizmo (if you'd like some examples of what you can do with it check out "Wall" by Living Colour, "Schism" by Tool and "Tribe" by The Mad Capsule Markets.) It's essentially in mint condition; there's no velcro on the bottom and it's as it was the day I bought it. It comes with its box and paperwork but it came with a rather redundant European PSU which has since disappeared. That said, you can safely power this bad boy with a One-Spot along with whatever pedals you have (within reason of course.) [b][s]£100[/s] [s]£90 POSTED[/s] SOLD[/b] Cheers, Bob.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1422093540' post='2668554'] NAMM = Not Available, Maybe May lol [/quote] Bueno Not really a fan of the Rat sound but that pedal does do what it does well. Good on Ryan at Fuzzrocious, I wish him the best of luck with his collaborations with MXR.
  14. Update: I received my DBS check some time ago. A squeaky-clean record and the paperwork to prove it!
  15. I wonder how much of that perceived tonal improved is coming from that rather nice Ampeg he's running through being pushed with a bit of extra gain from that pedal. I'm very curious what feedback it gets it gets into players' hands. At the moment it doesn't seem like much more than a preamp with a gain circuit.
  16. Spencer is a smart guy and I doubt he'd do anything to harm the legitimacy of his business. That said, it is possibly somewhat in poor taste. As far as I understood it when 3Leaf/DG started collaborating Spencer helped redesign the B3K and B7K so I don't know exactly where it places him in the whole affair.
  17. It depends on what chorus sound you'd want. If you want something more subtle you could go for a Neunaber Chorus, Iron Ether Polytope or the detune setting on a Digitech Whammy. These pedals produce a more subtle "shimmer" rather than a "warble" which can be overpowering in some circumstances. That said, the IE Polytope can go into the realms of absurd and "when am I ever going to use this?" I really fell in love with the Analogman Clone Chorus for its thick, rich swells and organic nature. Bear in mind that a lot of chorus effects can add some faint high-end noise. If you use tweeters or have a very treble heavy rig then some pedals are going to produce more hiss than others.
  18. The tone isn't 100% the same but the texture of it is there. I'd say "close enough" but I'm curious to see where this leads with further R and D
  19. While the Animato isn't something I'd want I know there's an army of Muse fans who would be all over a clone and that one sounds pretty close!
  20. This is stating the obvious but it's interesting to see the trend of bassists moving towards smaller rigs, like 2x10s and 2x12s. Here's what I've been using for a few years: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BigBassBob/media/2013-05-04232325.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/2013-05-04232325.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. Having moved back to Pembrokeshire after studying in Cardiff for several years I've decided to start teaching. I began playing bass as a teenager and learned under several great musicians but I received my foundations from a local tutor called John Rodge (currently a guitarist by trade but is a former session bassist). I've spent the last twelve years playing in numerous bands and ensembles and am familiar, and comfortable, with most styles and genres of music. I'm more than happy to teach notation and tab, and I aim to tailor my lessons to the individual pupil. I'm currently taking on beginner-to-intermediate students (or if you're quite advanced but feel like you've hit a brick wall with your playing I can probably help you break out of your rut ) I charge £18/hour and will provide the relevant learning materials for you to take home to practise with. My contact number is: 07814438795. Cheers! Bob
  22. Bump!
  23. Bump with price reduction!
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