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Bassdude BE

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Everything posted by Bassdude BE

  1. Hi, Up for sale is my minty "Oxfuzz Bass"; al lot of stoner/doom madness in a box as you can hear in this youtube vid. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLObRK56sSM[/media] The pedal was made in may 2011 and it looks like it's hardly been used. I tried it a couple of times but then lost intrest and whent back to playing without fx as i seem to prefer a pure solid bass-tone (think tube! ) with no pedals in the signal chain. When ordered new one of these would cost you around 190£ (incl.import costs) This one comes with original box, waranty card and sticker of some sort, there also a battery-clip included in case you want to use it with a 9volt battery (i only used it with a standard Boss power suply). Looking for 99£ shipped to the U.K./EU [color=#ff0000][b]=> NOW SOLD![/b][/color] no trades please as i'm trying to come up with somecash for a new bass..
  2. please remove
  3. [quote name='V2factoryman' timestamp='1359660784' post='1958492'] Is the cab definitely 4 ohm, there's another for sale on the forum at 8 ohm? They're not switchable are they? [/quote] Yep it's definitely a 4 Ohm cab (you can see it written on the back panel when you check the pictures in the link i provided)
  4. Noooo!! oh man, i wanted this one so bad...
  5. is she coming to Belgium?? I really hoped i could still buy this bass one day as i was in the middle of selling my 4string '91 SSII to get this one and as i'm living in Belgium my chances have just increased...
  6. Nice one! This one already caught my eye a couple of times when it was on Bassmarkt.de, are you intrested in any other trades? (don't have a precision bass, but i have a 4 string SSII and an Epifanu UL210-1 cab up for sale/trade)
  7. PM'd re. trade
  8. bump, lot's of cash offers so far, but no 5 string trades so far, c'mon where are all those beautifull 5 stringers that could use some more attention???...
  9. [quote name='spuggy9' timestamp='1359306648' post='1952818'] message sent [/quote] discussing offers now, this won't be around for long i'm afraid... Another fun fact: The serial number is [b]B [color=#ff0000]666 [/color]91[/b]
  10. Anyone here ever played one of these? they look the part,but i have no idea how they sound/play...
  11. uhm... i'm very tempted by this, if my 4string Streamer stage II sells i might be back for this.
  12. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1359193270' post='1951269'] I've seen this bass before. It is beautiful Don. If only it were a 5 string eh? [/quote] My thoughts exactly, she plays like a dream, i just can't get along with those thin 4 string necks anymore after playing 6'ers for a while.. If only i could find someone willing to trade this bass with it's 5 string sister, that would really make 2013 a good year for me.. I might consider a straight sale (will consider cash offers close to the trade value), but still prefer a straight trade with a nice 5'er. *EDIT: more pictures here: [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/114565193968859214000/WarwickStreamerStageII91"]https://picasaweb.go...reamerStageII91[/url]
  13. [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2mnrypk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2nm2h4j.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/1570y94.jpg[/IMG]
  14. [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2hfi70i.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/o9eu5v.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Hi, as i've been wanting a decent 5 string for a while now (and don't have the cash to buy one...) i'm offering my 1991 Warwick Streamer Stage II as trade bait. She's a natural beauty and in amazing condition considering it's age. The Bartolini pick up's (stock) sound superb and the neck is incredibly fast to play due to it's slim form. No bad things to say about this one. The bass is currently set-up with a fresh set of Thomastik Jazz Flats, but will also include a set of reasonably fresh Warwick roundwound strings in the sale as well as a spare set of Schaller straplocks that i had lying around. I have a brand new quality hard case for this bass, wich i was thinking of keeping, but as i will probably have to ship the bass, i will include that as well. [color=#ff0000][b] *** *** NOW SOLD!!! *** ***[/b][/color]
  16. PM's replied to, pedal is "on hold pending payment". that didn't take long..
  17. Hi, due to needing some cash to fund my new bass i'm selling some gear (also selling/trading down my mint MB F1 and Epifani UL210-1 in the amps/cabs section). That's why i decided to put my 3Leaf audio GR1 up for grabs, it's one of the first series and these are still preferred by many fellow BC'ers because they sound better/work better with other fx, but i never had the chance to compare the GR1 with any of the later models so i honestly have no idea how the newer versions sound. This pedal sounds great though, very organic and versatile and it's the only filter i really liked so far (compared to MXR / Boss / Digitech). it will be missed, but cash is needed ,so this one has to go. Pedal is in perfect working order, still looks like new apart from some glue residue at the bottom where velcro was attached and it's missing the 4 knobs as they we're lost somewhere along the way. (they're easy to replace though as 3Leaf used regular "Fender Jazzbass-knobs" on these pedals) because of the missing knobs i'm willing to let this go for 75£ posted to EU/UK, a bargain imo.. (shipping is 12£ so your actually getting the pedal for only 63£!)
  18. some intresting trade-offers, but still available at the moment... Bump for pricedrop!
  19. bump for added pictures! [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/114565193968859214000/EpifaniUL210MarkbassF1"]https://picasaweb.go...UL210MarkbassF1[/url] prices are negotiable.
  20. Hi, as i urgently need some cash i decided to sell my beloved epi cab. Epifani UL-210 of the popular first series in near mint condition. The cab is rated 500watts,4Ohm, and it is an amazing lightweight 210 cab that goes loud enough for most small to medium sized venues and due to the better speakers that were used in the first UL series it also sounds a lot warmer and more organic than the newer (UL2/UL3) series with the neo speakers and it's still lighter than the new ones as well. Total weight = 18kg./39lbs! Would prefer a trade with a lightweight 112 or 210 combo, trade value for the UL-210-1: 475£ in order of preferrence: - Tecamp puma combo [size=4]- Genz Benz combo[/size] [b]cash sale price UL-210-1[/b] : [color=#ff0000][b][s]525£[/s][/b][/color] [b]=>[/b] [s][color=#ff0000][b]500£ [/b][/color][/s][b]=>[s][color=#ff0000] [/color][/s][/b][s][color=#ff0000][b]Now 475£ shipped to the UK/EU![/b][/color][/s] [size=5]I [color=#008000][b]now have my eye on a nice combo, so this has to go now => FINAL PRICEDROP: 450£ EU/UK shipping included![/b][/color][/size] pictures now online!: [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/114565193968859214000/EpifaniUL210MarkbassF1"]https://picasaweb.go...UL210MarkbassF1[/url]
  21. HI, are you intrested in an Ibanez SR1306 (padauk/bubinga/wenge/emg) + cash adjustment?
  22. Noooo!!! why no crazy trades? why?? I would offer you my Warwick streamer stage 2 + my Markbass F1 for this beaut in a heartbeat...
  23. Are they 4stringers or 5'ers? Imight be intrested in the Dolphin as well..
  24. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1357418449' post='1922497'] Thanks for clarifying...(I dont understand anything either anymore)! [/quote] lol, apparently that's what happens when people start asking questions where you don't know the answer to...
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