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Everything posted by Ruck

  1. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1350646292' post='1841665'] *blushes, and can't help wondering what part of the bass would be the front bottom in that case. Blushes twice when remembering that her basses are all male* [/quote] Haha! judging by the Warwicks you play I see no question as to which part gets the horn
  2. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1350670783' post='1842189'] And I disagree so hard with this...quite simply the most stupid post I've read here for a long time. You might want to rethink that. [/quote] +1 but not so angry haha! Grand-Daddy of slap Larry Graham needed no teacher to form his most popular technique of all time used by bassists everywhere. On a side note I used to teach Bass for Yamaha Music School, I'd make a point of making improvisation the most important tool amongst rhythm, melody and harmony. Most lessons involved; Heres the bass line for this song, heres 2 other ways it can be played, come back next week with two other of your ideas. Pity I moved cities and didnt continue really.
  3. hahaa baked maple... sounds like were on our way to a tasty cake or Ben and Jerrys ice-cream. I know alot of people probably wondering wtf... this guys taken something! and Im expecting people to say the Heart of the instrument, what makes it beat, what brings life to it, is the imagination of the user. But I want to keep this strictly to the instrument itself. How about the Jack socket is the a-hole, where the tone is pooped out... dont be serious, have some fun...
  4. My pride and joy is having an operation, an organ transplant... I know when you return you wont be the same, heres hoping you'll be better than before. Some serious surgery is underway... new holes, new devices to keep you going... we must keep a brave face... Oh well, back to playing my old cheap n cheerful bass for a week, how Ive neglected you so! I want to play alittle game. I totally expect this has been done before. Please link me to a similar discussion if so! As we are all so fond of our basses, they are an extension of ourselves and a tool for expressing our moods and emotions (that or just kicking out some serious riffs!) But which parts of the Bass guitar would you liken to the Human anatomy? What would you say the Heart of the bass is? amongst other organs! Please post your opinions and a little description as to why: Im going to start off by saying the heart of the bass is the pickups, as they probably have the largest impact on the tone and how each individuals technique is "picked up". Your turn!
  5. I got the OBP-1 because I love how it lifts the the high mids when raising the treble - so I believe from watching the online videos - I assume it has quite a lenient "Q" whatever they call it. Awesome, thanks everyone for your suggestions and especially Gary for the eBay link! Got everything I need now.
  6. Many thanks for all the help so far! so, ok i need one for an Aguilar OBP-1, should of made that clear in the OP. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGH-QUALITY-ALPHA-STACKED-DUAL-CONCENTRIC-POTENTIOMETER-B25K-LINEAR-POT-DCP2-/190665834354?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c6491bf72"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGH-QUALITY-ALPHA-STACKED-DUAL-CONCENTRIC-POTENTIOMETER-B25K-LINEAR-POT-DCP2-/190665834354?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c6491bf72[/url] so this one, having a centre dent, would it matter for the OBP-1?
  7. is this it? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/emg_a25kx2_tandem_poti.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...tandem_poti.htm[/url] This is the pot I emailed them about. Says its a Dual Volume pot. Will it do the job for the Bass/Treble?
  8. Having some fun trying to find one at Thomann, what are they commonly known as please?
  9. Ive searched the forum, and googled around with no luck. Only sites are american and EMG of course. Was hoping to find someone closer to home. Found a european site but they only do 25k volume/volume pots. I asked if they would work with 2 band EQ and havent had a reply after a week. Hoping someone here can enlighten me. Cheers
  10. +1 on the Diago. Had similar thing with the DHA VT2 too, it would emit a low level high pitch hum until you clicked one of the stomps. Totally fine after that but make sure you stomp them with the mute engaged otherwise you get a big Thump! with each stomp switch.
  11. Apart from Rockbasses and the recent made in Korean Corvettes. I never heard of Warwick producing anything outside Germany with the exception of the Dolphin Pro II. I used to have a 1997 Corvette Standard, Bubinga/wenge, you'll never have a problem cutting though the mix with this bass. Wonderful mid range. I actually prefer the look of the "flatter" horns on this Proline to my Standard
  12. Indeed you are right Cheddatom, as I corrected myself in my main post, its pretty close and its a start I guess. Possibly adding another blend after the two loops could work? I dont know about pedal construction really.
  13. ok ok I have the time to finally post some details Well its pretty darn close to want you wanted however I was running a compressor after it to keep all the levels in check. Made by BrightOnion Pedals this is a Parallel Looper pedal with a True Bypass stomp aswell so that sorts out the one stomp to clean signal action. The dial located to the right side of the pedal is the Blend ratio between the two loops. I had this set on loop 1 10%, loop 2 90 % and would have the distortions running through loop 1 and every other effect that didnt suck bass through loop 2. The Switch on the right is a phase switch, currently snapped but luckily in the right position for me! [url="http://www.brightonion.co.uk/"]http://www.brightonion.co.uk/[/url] However I just ended up spending lots of money on a Frantabit, Darkglass b3k and Octave multiplexer which all have dry blends, changed my configuration so this is now redundant and available for sale if anyone is interested?
  14. Atleast Yamaha have their own Factory, quality control and assessment where as alot of "budget" basses are produced all by one factory. Not entirely sure how true that is but I believe Samick used to make alot of guitars for alot of well known brands
  15. I actually have a pedal that fits your description as i did the exact same thing. PM me if you want details.
  16. Yeah I should have said not for me rather than didnt hear anything exciting! However I have had some success in coaxing out the type of sound i was after with a Dunlop Bass Wah set to a certain sweet spot after my Multiplexer, as it really draws out the over buldging octave effect the Multiplexer has on 100% wet. It also rids the Multiplexer of the fizz it has on this setting. I should make a video explaining what I mean one day!
  17. Thanks Higgie, Ill make sure I try one then. I watched all the demos on the website but didnt hear anything exciting.
  18. The Octasynth sounds fun but again, its all fuzz...
  19. I was actually just looking at some videos of the Aguilar Octamiser. Its nice but too plain, still not any variance from the average octaver as far as i can tell unfortunately.
  20. Hey people ive looked around the forum and havent been able to find what im after, so does anyone know of an clean Octave pedal thats more dedicated to octave and doesnt have any fuzz or filters etc, which also features more controls to alter the character of the octave produced? Im after something more like the Octave Multiplexer, which is almost perfect apart from the so called fuzz thats apparent when you just use the high filter alone with the sub switch off. Could this be modded to clean it up? Cheers.
  21. Many thanks Sean your efforts are much appreciated! faster than Yamaha too
  22. Thanks Sean and thanks BB2000 for pointing out I need the cap value. so looks like all I may need to do if change the cap after all.
  23. Dont suppose you'd care to have a look Sean, into one of your 2024s pleeeeeeeeease. ta
  24. Roughly speaking the P is £120 and the J £80.
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