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Everything posted by Ruck

  1. I'd just wish they'd say something like "Hey man is your sound suppose to be a undefined drone of sub bass?"
  2. I just trust in the soundman too much.
  3. Headlining a NYE gig at the major venue of my hometown. They had 3 hours to get it right
  4. Oh I do all that you mention, every where I play. Always thank the soundman.
  5. Yup next time Im going to have to insist this.
  6. Played a venue last night, that Ive wanted to play for the last 20 years but never got the chance until now. Played far grander venues since but this one has always been on the bucket list since I was 14. Ive seen bands at the venue in question and theyve had a great sound, so I know its possible. So after sound check I was very happy with the stage sound and my tone was exactly to my taste. Soundman requested Pre-EQ'd DI which I gave him. The sound out front was just a messy drone of sub bass with no definition, dynamic or any good qualities..... How do Soundmen get it so wrong? After the gig people came up to me saying they went right to the front to see if my tone was as bad as the FOH mix and the shocked to find my stage sound was totally different and actually decent... So there we go, 20 year wait over only to have no one hear a single note of what I was actually playing yay! Not playing that place again unless I bring my own soundman... How do I go about avoiding this without actually hiring our own soundman?
  7. AVRI 63' and Precision Deluxe.
  8. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Nice! and so tiny, thanks! B3n looked good but the size was going to be a slight issue.
  9. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Most of the demos online are using the FMeron with high FM settings and im not so much a fan of that sound. So I mostly use it with the FM control set all the way down or just before that. The other thing you will find if you get your hands on one is the triggering. Its a little fussy, but when you've figured it out its spot on and very quick. Unfortunately you have to feed it a signal devoid of highs and high mids if you want it to trigger reliably on a low E on a 4-string for example. However playing a Low E or anything lower on a 5-string's B string and it appears to be much less fussy. Im using a P-Bass 4-string with thomastik infeld jazz flats with the tone rolled all the way back. The band Im in probably wont be comfortable sharing out early material I will try sort out some recordings into my soundcard soon!
  10. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Iron Ether FMeron, although I reckon the Thumpinator is still doing its job. Best guess is I need something to cut around 40-80hz if I am to utilise the FMeron without long term damage to speakers and really annoying sound engineers.
  11. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    I have one unfortunately the 30hz hpf doesnt quite cut it. Even with the filter on my GK 1001rb engaged my Barefaced Big Twin 2 is still kicking out serious flappy lows
  12. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Forgot about these, cant remember why I was turned off them. Ill have another look thanks.
  13. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Which is the best for the cab sim and hpf?
  14. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Yeah im a Bit Crusher abuser and sometimes need to tame the crazy fuzz settings. The HPF is the must have however. One of my pedals kicks out serious subs that need to be completely cut out.
  15. Ruck

    HPF + LPF

    Is forking out £200 for a Broughton HPF + LPF the only option I have for this type of pedal?
  16. Time to find myself a set of SPB-3! Thanks all
  17. Thanks! I was thinking along the lines of Seymour Duncan SPB. Not wanting to add another pedal to signal though. I would like to hear other alternatives just to see if there is anything out there like the SPB-3.
  18. So without resorting to active pickups and pre-amp, what combination of pickup and bass strings out there will give a naturally massive low end, big output yet also have bright highs on tap should I need them. We're talking Standard P bass spec and string gauge still around the 45-105 mark.
  19. Saw John Butler Trio tonight at London Hammersmith Apollo. The bassist could not be heard with his Warwick SSI 5 string and Aguilar db751 setup. Yet when he played his bass synth it was roaring with low end. Where do they find these sound engineers???? 

    1. GisserD


      Unfortunately its happening all too often now. Its rare that i go to a gig at one of these big venues and am impressed, or even satisfied with the sound quality.

    2. jazzyvee


      I saw Level 42 last night at the Birmingham Symphony Hall and they had the Blow Monkeys on support. You could not near any clarity in the bass guitar from the blow monkeys at all just a thud until he used a pick, then it was all mids and no low end. 
      Level 42 was  not as bad but there was no low end I could decifer coming from Mark's bass at all, it seemed to be mainly  mids and toppy and the bottom end coming from the meaty bass synth and sequencers of Mike Lindup. The only bottom end you could hear from Mark was when he changed to a different bass with a PJ setup for the encore and did a short solo introduction to the next track. That situation in my experience seems to be worse at large venues. 

      That said I saw Mark on stage with his new red fender styled Status bass at the BBC Big Weekend festival this summer guesting with Nigel Kennedy. It sounded PROPER! Bottom mids tops. Crisp!
      Like you GisserD, I too am disappointed with the sound at large venues especially the bass and bass drum. Maybe it is just something about large venues themselves and sound guys having to make compromises, doing their best but being thwarted by physics.


  20. Awesome thank you chaps!
  21. So trying to find these pickups anywhere in the UK is proving somewhat tedious. Im guessing they were not very popular. Can anyone advise?
  22. Ah man I miss my old VT2 a lot. If this is still here in a few weeks I might be tempted.
  23. Is there anything else to the Old Smoothie pickup Ernie Ball use i.e. 5 string humbucker in a 4 string bass or is there something special about it? Im playing around with the idea of using the same thing in my Fender USA precision deluxe pre 2010 bass. Replacing the twin jazz with a 5 string Music Man style humbucker.
  24. Awesome many thanks for all the recommendations!
  25. Indeed I've always had stellar support from the admins here. I'm a bit harsh when I say con artist. Though at least one of them definitely deserves it, possibly another. A few others have conveniently left details of flaws out of descriptions and claim they have never noticed, however obvious it was. Most instances I have sorted disputes with partial refunds. Some of them I haven't noticed til further down the line such as truss rod defects so I put that down to my own mistake of not fully inspecting something over. Some people have sent £200 pedals in nothing more than a jiffy bag. I've been trading on here for a few years so I'm bound to see some deals go amiss.
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