Hi everybody! Glad to finally join this merry band of pluckers, slapper, poppers and thumpers! I was first made aware of this forum's existence by the very helpful chaps at Bass Merchants Colchester. Only used it for reference up until now as Ive seen a very tasty combo I hope to claim as mine under the for sale section.
Well lets see Ive been playing for 12 years in rock, funk and covers bands and even a metal band along the way. My favorite bass players are Flea, Les Claypool, Jack Bruce, Larry Graham, Tom Jenkinson (aka Squarepusher) and Billy Cox.
He are a few pictures of my current tools of the trade:
My newest addition is this fantastic 30 year old Yamaha bb1200 I have recently modded with Dimarzio PJ set with Master Volume, Master Tone and pickup selector switch. The Volume and Tone are Push/Push pots for series/parallel switching and what a difference this makes!!! its like 2 basses in one, capable of a very broad tonal range. Couldn't be happier!
As you can see It is unfinished. Im currently designing a unique scratchplate and need pot knobs!
My Work horse for the past 5-6 years is this formidable Warwick Corvette with pretty much the same pickups and passive electronics as my new yammy.
Unfortunately my collection is kinda like "one in, one out" so the Warwick is being sold off soon! this forum will be the first to know when I do.
I also own a Yamaha BB414 which has been my backup bass for 4 years or so. Great Tone for the money! no pictures as yet.
My Ex's, the basses I just didnt get along with in the end or something better came my way:
Ibanez ATK300, Great basses!!! sold recently to make room for the BB1200
Ibanez RDGR400, Big tight tones but abit too metallic sounding for me. The 19mm spacing was a great touch though.
and my dear Streamer LX5 oh how I miss the tone but not the string spacing!!!
If anyone has bothered to scroll down this far I play through a Warwick CCL 4 (made in Germany not china like new models) combo which I'll most likely be selling off soon too If I get that MarkBass CMD 102P for sell in this forum! Well thanks for looking. Any questions about the basses seen here I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge or memory!