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Posts posted by Thurbs

  1. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1348145' date='Aug 22 2011, 05:00 PM']I have played about 8 of those tunes at the local British Legion, although I dont know the original bass parts, I invent my own.
    Most of them are II - V- I progressions or a variation on it. :)[/quote]
    +1, it is the best way. Throw some lead sheets together and note any rhythmic phrases key to the song and you are there.

  2. The guitarist going AWOL and being an arse has meant we cant fulfil this booking.

    Give Allan a ring on 01733 205354 and the gig is yours.

    [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=the+ram+whittlesey&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=the+ram&hnear=0x47d8077dccaa4605:0x81d909678f3bbd6a,Whittlesey,+Peterborough,+Cambridgeshire&cid=11089220836928280005"]The Ram, Whittlesley[/url]

    Cheers, Richard.

  3. Thanks for the replies.

    I think you are echoing what I originally thought...

    1. Everyone should have separate responsibilities.
    2. Don't mess about but get on with it.
    3. Only take the gear you need.
    4. Mark up levels for the next time.

    Regarding breakdown, that is never an issue and we are usually gone in 40 minutes.

  4. We did a wedding last night and it took us 3 hours to set up and even then we still were not ready. So why does it take us so long? Here is the set-up:

    3 x mic > desk
    2 x guitar > pedal board > amp > desk
    1 x bass > pedal board > desk
    1 x kick drum mic > desk
    1 x drum pad > desk

    2 x desk main out > power amp > pa bass bin > pa top
    1 x desk monitor out > wedge > IEM transmitter > light controller

    Is it too complicated?

    I have a feeling we suffer from too many egos and not enough Indians and there is a large amount of faffing about. I think the speakers got moved and re-arranged 3 times + the lights wouldn't work via the sound chaser so they were just on a normal programme. We had to just stop in the end as we were delaying the cutting of the cake! All was well in the end but it wasn't a relaxing experience, that is for sure.

    I don't currently use any back line as I am fully IEM. I am thinking it would be more efficient to ditch the idea of controlling the sound through the desk and just use the PA for vocals. The rest can be done from back line. Would that mean we are set up in less time?

    How long would it take you?
    Is there any tips?
    Do you have set jobs and responsibilities?

    Any help appreciated.

  5. Cable run was probably 25 to 30 meters.

    Off of the single cable was:
    - 60w Blackstar 4x12 rig
    - 30w Blackstar 3x12 rig
    - Marshall 4x12 rig
    - 3Kw Pa with 4 tops & 2 subs
    - 4 pedal boards
    - Other things like wireless IEM & guitar stuff
    - My non functioning amp!

    Back of the amp says 220-240v 50/60hz 550 watts. There is no switch but there is a 4amp trip.

  6. Perhaps I go to better gigs?

    Guitar-wise, I am not an uber geek so probably wouldn't know what was good and what was not, but probably seen 3 obvious boutique basses, Warwicks, Rickenbackers, Fenders, Les Pauls and others. Also seen a few sticks but never a acoustic bass guitar or a double bass (I regularly gig both).

    Backline I have seen Ampeg, Hartke, Ashdown, Trace, Orange and alike. I have to admit I am gassing more for a decent PA these days than back line. I think overall you get better value from a £3k pa than you would a £3k bass.

  7. Hi all, thanks for the replies.

    To clear up a couple of things...

    I tried plugging in to 3 separate extension leads.
    I changed every lead with a replacement.
    I tried changing every wire between the guitar and the amp, including plugging the guitar direct in to the amp.
    I put the guitar through a EQ with a meter which showed good signal going to the amp.
    It all worked perfectly before and after at home with the same leads.

    At the time I had the theory that it was the power supply effecting the amp also. Assuming this is the case, are all class D amps so sensitive?

  8. Hi all. I did a gig yesterday and I had a serious problem with my Peavey IPR 1600. My pedal board has 2 DI outs so one goes to the PA and the other goes to the Peavey and I use it to drive a BFB Midget-T for on stage monitoring mainly for the drummer.

    We did the gig on the back of a trailer running extension leads over from a nearby shed. This meant there was extension lead off extension lead and so on. The problem was there was nothing coming out of the amp at all. From full volume to quiet as a mouse there was no output (the lights were on).. Just before I left it worked and when I got home it worked, so my only conclusion is that there was something amiss with the power causing it not to work.

    Incidently, the band's bass player after us plugged in his Ashdown ABM EVO III 500 and it worked perfectly, as did the PA (not class D amps) and valve driven Blackstar & Marshall guitar rigs.

    Is there an inherent issue with Class D power? Is it just a Peavey issue? Anyone care to speculate what the issue was?

  9. If you are after the ashdown sound, I would get a ABM head (much better than the MAG) and then get a MAG 410. When funds permit you can then upgrade/add the cabs and you will have an awesome rig.

    Some ABM Heads


    MAG Cab
    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134736"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134736[/url] Shameless plug for my 410 for sale

  10. [quote name='owen' post='1316094' date='Jul 25 2011, 06:59 PM']I love my rockabilly strings. I wish I could bow them. I use honeys as a 'nearly there' bodge, and they are also great.[/quote]
    Me too.

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