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Posts posted by Thurbs

  1. I couldn't resist it....

    Now with a more concidered mix, gates, compressors, eq and limiters...


    [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1406845033' post='2515352']stuff[/quote]

    Thanks for the encouragement...

    We had issues with the kick drum (took the head off, stuck a pillow in it and placed the mic as this thread suggested), and the floor tom (which I think is still a bit sh*t). Dumped the dynamic overhead mic and took out the high hat to get this mix.

    Thanks for the tips on the snare, I shall suggest them to the drummer who is a really open guy fortunately.

    I will keep this thread updated with progress if people are interested....

  2. Thanks so much for the advice all.

    Here is what we got done tonght with a really quick mix and no effects at all.


  3. Single Midget-T user here. Anything else is pointless, or you need a bigger PA.

    These days, I don’t even bother with that and just go straight in to the desk. I sometimes feel sorry for the drummer, but only sometimes!!!

  4. Hi guys.

    Doing a recording session with the drummer tomorrow on our new album. All the stuff is written and well-rehearsed so hopefully it shouldn't take too long.

    I have never mic'd up drums before so could do with some pointers.

    The mics I have available are:

    2 x KAM KD15
    4 x KAM KD10
    2 x Samson C02
    3 x Behringer XM1800S
    7 x Stands

    And only 8 channels on the Focusrite Saffire Pro 40.

    Here is my efforts so far...



    Kick & floor tom with KD15
    Snare & toms with KD10
    Overheads with Samson C02 & Behringer XM1800S
    High-hat with Behringer XM1800S

    Any better suggestions on mic usage, position or anything?

    All advise welcome.

  5. I posted a thread a little while ago and got massive flamings for it!

    Forget the LB, anything louder than a chilled out jazz trio and you will get drowned. I have tried it with a LB112, LB212 (both designed for the head) plus loads of other cabs. If you like it massively dirty, but still unaudable over the drummer, go for it.

    Also, before you stick it in to the PA, buy [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=xlr+Attenuator&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=vfHCU_KvFMXR8geZg4GoCQ#channel=sb&q=xlr+Attenuator&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&tbm=shop"]an attenuator[/url] or it will be cliping all the way to a fuzzy mush. I have 2 x 20dB

    Think of it as an awsome recording / practice setup and get yourself 100w valve amp for the gigs.

  6. There is a difference between publishing and recording.

    Publishers own royalties from the lyrics and melody. The publishing royalties are earnt when the song is done by the "origional band" and subsiquent covers (even pub bands). The rhythm is not concidered part of the publishing rights.

    Recordings artists own royalties from a recording (doh!), and only the recording. Covers by other artists dont count (but do if they are sampled). Recording royalties can also include the sound engineer, producer and others contributing to the recording.


  7. I would ditch the combo option, very few will go 600w+ and head is plenty loud enough for medium sized gigs...

    Remember, watts != perceved volume.

    Some other options/suggestions...

    - Make sure the gain on your guitar is all the way up (just short of clipping)
    - Make sure the gain on your amp is all the way up (ditto)
    - Make sure anything else between guitar and amp is all the way up.
    - Then (and only then) make sure the master volume on your amp is all the way up.This should be the only dial you change from now on to adjust volume.
    - Replace the cab for a more sensative one (not one which cries at the end of ET, a sensative cab doesnt need as much power to produce the same spl)
    - Cut the lows, boost the mids
    - Swap the 115 for a 210 or 112 (gets you as above)
    - Add a 210 / 112 / 410
    - Get the band to turn down...

  8. I got strung along one band for 5 weeks before getting a no.... so dont be a numpty like me and try to close them down as much as you can.

    Another band got back to me a week later, said no, then 6 weeks later got in touch letting me they made a terrible mistake and would I still be interested? I thought it was a bit cheeky, but the answer was yes.

  9. Hi guys, thanks for the input.

    There is the usual ammount of space in the back, just enough but could be better... kind of thing.

    I like the look of the John East pre-amps, they look great. I shall go with the U-Retro 4 to avoid more drilling!

    Does anyone have any recommendations on pickups?

  10. Hi guys.

    I have two of these (one is de-fretted).

    How would I go about upgrading the pickups and pre-amp? This is a really dumb question I know...

    Also, can anyone make some recomendations about which pickups and pre-amps are best?

    I am not looking for a partocular style or tone, just a guitar which is well rounded and has a flexible set of tones on offer.

    I would also prefer a 3 band pre-amp, but can live with the current 2 band setup...

    Any help apreciated.

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