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Posts posted by Thurbs

  1. For a cheaper option than buying loads of new gear, grab a screw driver, take out the old driver and then do some googling for a new driver with the same or compatable ohms as your existing one. You could "upgrade" your cab to somthing louder for not much money at all... (< £100)

  2. It sounds like a great experiance, one I would like to achieve in the future.

    What I guess is different is unless you are trained up the "classical" route, then you have missed the hundreds of smaller ensambles, gradually working up to a large one like this.

    I was in York Minster last week for some sight seeing and managed to stumble upon a simular rehearsal. A large throng of voices is quite magical to experiance really close up. It is a shame I couldnt stay for the performance for real.

  3. I have played in them all...

    covers - which should be a tribute
    covers - with lots of licence to embelish / change
    Jazz standards
    origionals - note for note someone elses line
    origionals - 100%

    They all have their pro's and con's and I get enjoyment out of doing them all.

    Jazz standards have the best of all worlds IMHO with specific phrases you need to follow plus the improvisation, soloing etc.

    The most important thing is it is done well.

  4. I don't understand this topic either.... how can a rig be too big?

    Also, the next time you gig outside, see if you can get a massive lead or wireless guitar, then wonder out in to the garden and behold as your awsome and loud rig at 10ft away dissapears in to a wet fart not much further away. To be low and loud outside needs massive ammounts of power.

  5. I am in two at the moment. Everyone else in both bands are also in other bands as well.

    As others have said...

    Be open.
    Make sure you know your sh*t (ie 2 bands = twice the work, not 1.5 times or the same as a single band)
    First come first served for rehearsals and gigs.
    Gigs trump rehearsals.
    Get good deps (I prefer getting deps who are just as good if not better than me).

    Being in two bands, especially playing different genre, massively helps my playing and I can feel the difference both bring to eachother in my fingers.

  6. [quote name='Sub_Drop' timestamp='1391174938' post='2354122']
    Yes, you would be right. Nice spot.
    [/quote]I though that Double Bass and Bass Guitars are a transposing instrument and were one octive lower than is written?

  7. The 675 I had sounded great. It is true that the default is quite trebley, if soloing I used the on bass EQ to cut it a bit. One thing the bass has in spades was presence and the ability to cut through the dences mix like hot butter.

  8. The first rehearsal should mean you go through all of the songs, the whole way thorough with no significant mistakes (like more than 1/2 a bar's worth of mistake), be it a wrong chord, missing a stop etc. It should be 'gigable' down the dog and duck.

    After the second rehearsal it should be gigable anywhere with all vocals sorted, harmonised and repeated mistake free.

    Anything else and I get rapidly bored with very itchey feet.

  9. Thanks. I loved the energy of the band, really good.

    As an aside, not being a massive blues fan, nor of the band, I couldn't help but notice the drummer and wilco both seemed to play with much more dynamics than the bass player. It just seemed to me he played the same twelve bars, the same way, the same loudness all the way through. Perhaps it is always / meant to be like that? I would not know.

    Looked like a great gig mind.

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