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Everything posted by Thurbs

  1. Thanks for all the advice guys, really apreciate it. I will let you know what I go for.
  2. I use the LB30 mostly for home practice and recording. It is the main reason I bought the amp in the first place and have both the matching 112 and 212 cabs to go with it. Sounds great and I am 100% happy. The conventional wisdom on BC is that the LB is also a gigable amp, especially with the high sensativity matching cab. The thing is, it just isn't. I have tried it in rehearsals, in small pub gigs, large gigs with PA support and it is simply too quiet. Every time I have to back off the bass, whack up the mid and trebble just to make out the notes I am playing. I have stuck a 30ft lead in, walked around the venue, so it is not the "your ancle can hear fine syndrome". There is no creamy room filling sonic boom, just clattery trebble or nothing. I have tried every possible EQ setting, stuck a active bass in the passive input and so on. Same result, massively overdriven and inaudible, or clanky.... If I try working with the PA, it means remembering to bring a large attenuator, turning it down to even more inaudable sound levels and having a good FOH sound, but relying on "the force" when playing, rather than hearing you are in the right key etc. Anyway, the "loud" setup I have is a Ashdown Little Giant stuck in to a BFB Midget T. Great, light and loud setup which is great, but misses the character of valve based pre and power stages. I play in blues, rock, soul, funk and pop bands, usually doing covers. Sometimes with sh*t loads of brass, sometimes with sh*t loads of guitar marshal 4x12's to contend with. So, my question is, would a 100W valve amp be loud enough, or would 200w or 300w be needed? I don't play the O2, mostly pubs, halls, clubs to about 300 or so. If doing festivals etc, then it's back to pedal board & IEMs. I am not that interested in hybrids. Had a few of them and they never "quite" hit the spot if you know what I mean. In those scinarios I can use a Zoom B9.1ut pre-amp and go IEM anyway and put everying through the PA (with the inevitable monitoring problem for everyone else). Oh, and "play quietly" or "turn down" is not somthing you can do when depping etc, so that isn't really an option. Any help and advise from guys whom have giged all valve power amps in a large and loud ensemble would be very much apreciated.
  3. Good news! I would love one of these also but havent managed to raise the cash yet... look forward to the pictures.
  4. I simpathise with the OP... we usually organise it that the person whom got the gig, sorts out the set list. Obviously they need to take in to account issues such as tunings, keys and changes. I get intensively irritated with gaps inbetween songs, more than 3 seconds and the whole vibe is lost IMHO. I have managed to convinse the current band to do hald of both sets using segues which is working really well. It does need some practice though and you mentally need to have your sh*t together!
  5. These types of gigs are a nightmare, especially if you are doing a festival/open mic/1hr slot etc. I just turn up and if I hear anything at all (even with a seconds delay hearing what comes off the back wall) then it is a bonus. As long as I can hear the drums then all is usually well with the world. It takes some practice & confidence but doesnt take long to comfortable. The long term solution is probably not what you want to hear... but.... buy some IEMs, ditch the backline + monitors and everyone can enjoy crystal clear sound at a sensible level.
  6. Welcome Jim + nice rig!
  7. I got up early and ran to the front of the stage at this years Latitude festival and managed to bag a place front and centre... what an hour! Highlight of the weekend for me (him and Richard Ashcroft).
  8. Hope you have a great Xmas and new year.
  9. It sounds amazing, I wish I had the folding or this would soon be mine!!
  10. A pre-amp modulates the signal from the input channel in to the power amplifier. The difference between a PA amp and a bass amp is the bass amp has a pre-amp designed for the lower frequencies built in, where as a PA amp has no pre-amp. Some like to buy a box which has a pre-amp, amp and speaker in one box (combo). Some like to separate the speaker from the pre-amp & amp. Some like the flexibility of a separate pre-amp(s), amp(s) and speaker(s) for ultimate flexibility.
  11. Not too keen on the host, his fawning sometimes makes me cringe, especially with Tony Bennet and Lindsey Buckingham. Ignore that and it is a great program.
  12. Experienced bassist seeking hard working, high quality & gigging band. I am a mid 30's player with pro gear, can play reading gigs with both double bass and bass guitars. Can sing backing vocals and take lead vocals for a few numbers if needs be. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmsJCCDm9ELbaQYpu5F_viGN7kvKOVt34 https://soundcloud.com/richard-thurbin/sets No interest in rehearsing endlessly, nor would I be in it for the money. Happy to play all genre of music, originals or covers. Give me a call on 07917 704 145. See here for pictures: www.thurbin.me
  13. I am in a rock band and the LB is too quiet. Also, if you turn it up loud, you will need a attenuator to knock down the signal to the desk. I wish I could be in a band which gigs at volumes which would allow the LB to be used on it's own, but I haven't found one yet.
  14. [b]Royal Oak 23/11/13[/b] American Girl Aint no sunshine [u]The one I love[/u] Last nite Last train to Clarksville I Hear You Knocking Gravity While my guitar gently weeps White wedding Till the end of the day Many of horror [u]Sultans of swing[/u] Little wing Lucky man [u]Maybe tomorrow[/u] Live forever Like a hurricane Are you gonna be my girl Down in the Tubestation Start me up Hard to handle I want you to want me Basket case [u]Learn to fly[/u] My sharonda Dakota [u]Two princes[/u] I fought the law Encore: Dr Alibi Knocking On Heaven’s Door Try to segue between songs without an undeline (guitar change).
  15. Everything I do I do it for you is the definition of cheese. Everything else is debateable. I tend to find most cover memebers tend to be very snobish regarding songs. The band I am in now, they all refuse to play Mustang & Sweet Home + the drummer wont play Sex on Fire or Mr Brightside. Personally, i'll play anything, I do it for the audiance!
  16. I plug a Little Giant (1000w version) in to a midget T and hitting the deep switch turns the cab from a angry monster to a whole world of earth shattering bass, even at full volume.
  17. Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It is clear there is a common theme going through so I will put it to the guys and hope they don't get too defensive! We all share singing in the band (SoS is not one of mine) and none of us are great singers so it is an area we need to all work on. As for a live recording, we are going to try and set it up for our next gig and see what happens. Thanks again.
  18. I have a 9.1ut and find that engineers like low sh*t signals which they wack the gain up on. This is sh*t if you also plug it in to a power amp for monitoring, as you dont have a hot signal any more! To solve this I bought an [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=xlr+attenuator&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr&ei=d0CTUtWTDe2MyQPyxYDIBA#q=xlr+attenuator&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&tbm=shop"]attenuator [/url]and just put this inline to the signal to the PA. I also bought a short xlr cable also to avoid it getting knocked whilst sticking out the back of the unit and for some stress releif (for the socket!!!)
  19. Hi guys. I am in a 4 piece covers band and we put together some demos to try and get us some gigs. We have handed them out a few times and last night a big fan of ours told us our demo was rubbish and we are much better live. Being the one whom recorded, mixed and produced the tracks (my first time doing so I hasen to add!!) I am probably too close to hear what the issue may be? https://soundcloud.com/richard-thurbin/sets/bad-faith-demo Any thoughts on how I can improve them?
  20. I turn up to Saturday's gig at a local pub. Usuall affair with the pool table being moved to one side and the resulting space being given to the band. With lights, backdrop, drummer, a 4x12 Marshal and 2x12 Blackstar rigs there was no place left for me! Luckily I slid the wonderfully small BFB midget under the pool table and all was well with the world. Anyone else get forgotten about? [attachment=149176:WP_20131123_001.jpg]
  21. Wont do all the notes but gets you going: http://chordify.net/ Just improvise over those chords to the rhythm or work out what the progression is...
  22. Congratulations on taking the difficult step of accepting where you are and having the courage to go outside your confort zone and improve. As you say, this is often the hardest part and until any individual accepts where they are and has an open mind, they can not move forward. As for the internet being full of bollocks... what took you so long
  23. All sorted now, thanks for any interest.
  24. Hi guys. Business takes me away now for the weekend of the 12th of July which means I need to find myself a dep PDQ! Band: www.badfaith.org.uk Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/richard-thurbin/sets/bad-faith-demo It is a pub gig so don't expect big money. Will confirm as soon as I can. Nearly every song is in the origional key, nearly every song has the standard structure. The band are not pro but have a pro attitude, dont piss around and other than the odd mistake nail it every time. I have lead sheets for the whole set and always read when giging so they will be OK with you doing the same. I am not 100% sure of the set list, but it will be made up of the following: White Wedding Ain’t No Sunshine The One I Love Live Forever My Sharona Last Nite While My Guitar Gently Weeps Sultans of Swing American Girl Last Train To Clarksville Folsom Prison Blues I Wish I Were Blind The Letter Jesus Just Left Chicago I Hear You Knockin’ Til the End of the Day Dakota Are You Going To Be My Girl Learn To Fly Hard To Handle I Want You to Want Me Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door Sunshine Superman Tequila Sunrise Like A Hurricane Heart Of Gold Wichita Lineman I Knew The Bride When She Used to Rock'n'Roll The Man Who Sold The World Let’s Work Together Dr Alibi Down At The Doctors 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover Little Wing I Got You Crazy Horses Start Me Up I Fought The Law Give me (Richard) a call on 07917 704 145 or Chris who is coordinating the gig on 07966 273 754 if you have any questions.
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