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The inglourious bass turd

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Everything posted by The inglourious bass turd

  1. Nice - crosstown traffic was bloody good!
  2. [quote name='beastie' post='779089' date='Mar 18 2010, 08:35 PM']that has got to be the funnest name i have seen on here to big up geezzer its never to late to learn what is also nice about playing is the socail life that goes with it once you start in aband and get gigging that feeling of playing live is a feeling that you never forget WELCOME Gary (47)[/quote] Thanks dude! I thought since my name is Andy Frazer, I had better get a pseudonym, in case people expected me to be able to play!
  3. [quote name='Netballman' post='777454' date='Mar 17 2010, 02:40 PM']I wonder if we're actually underestimating the number of people who might turn up? Seems to me there should be many in London who might be interested, but who might well not either (a) be aware or ( decide until we have a ddefinite time and place? That said of course we have to know how we're going to cover any cost - or possible shortfall should there be one! I still reckon though if nearly 100 turned out for the SE do, we ought to very easily get far more than 20![/quote] I'll be along!
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' post='776934' date='Mar 17 2010, 07:52 AM']Welcome to the groovy side. Learning blues is a good starting point as it teaches scales & progressions with ease & can be as simple or complex as you like. Go & have a listen to Doug Johns on YouTube. Ibanez are excellent basses for the money. Mine was £700 when I bought it 20 years ago & it has served me well. I'm now after a fretless 5string as soon as funds allow. There's plenty of oldies on here, a nice balance of different ages. Graeme (39)[/quote] Excellent - I love de blues.....
  5. [quote name='Clarky72' post='776817' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:42 PM']respect for the funniest username on here, and welcome on board! [/quote] Thanks Clarky!
  6. [quote name='amishboy' post='776811' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:37 PM']I bought a bass and a Marshall B65 after my mate said he needed a bass player for Jamming. Never played before and found it hard to get into (never heard of Bass for dummies) At 59 the fingers ain't as quick as they used to be (ask my wife) but I am getting on niceley with slow blues and standards (Cocaine, Green Onions, Hit the road Jack & etc) I got an Ibanez Jet King which is an astounding guitar for the price (I actually telephoned the internet shop and haggled the bloke down from £259.99 to £206.00 with a spare lead chucked in!!!!! If you don't ask you don't get!) Saving my hard earned pennies for a Fender P Bass and then, when I retire, I think I shall buy a Fender Bassman as a retirement present for myself!! Looking forward to getting better and regretting not starting years ago! Are we evil twins? Amishboy![/quote] Aye, maybe so! I'm heartened to hear not everyone on here is under 25!
  7. I bought a bass and 60 watt amp in September after my mate fell out with his bassist pal (he is, of course, a guitarist). Never played anything before, and found it hard to get started (found bass guitar for dummys too complex!). My mrs got me 10 lessons for christmas, which was a great present, as it gave me the impetus I need to get going - at 47 the fingers ain't as quick as they used to be, and 144bpm is proving tough! Still, working hard to get the ace of spades under my belt.... I got a Hutchins bass - not bad to start with, but looking at an Ibanez now for my stumpy fingers.... The amp stopped working after 2 weeks - not from volume, I can assure you (was a Hiwatt), and dude in the shop sold me an older multi-amp, 105w, which sounds much better. Looking forward to getting better, and regretting not starting years ago! Cheers, Andy
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