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Everything posted by Bassistclem

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1432020779' post='2777234'] It's not really suicide because the alternative is iCloud which AFAIK isn't supported either. It's a legacy system and developers have to make business descisions on how much they spend on supporting obselete systems. You should be able to pick up a very cheap second hand machine. . [/quote] Cheers Tim, but it's a question of what is obsolete I suppose. My "old" G5 works perfectly well and don't feel the need to feed the big fat cats at Apple quite yet. The point is that there are many in the same position, more than the lines of dropbox may have realised.
  2. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1432020724' post='2777233'] Copy.com is excellent. Loads of free storage and you can get more by recommending friends. [/quote] Cheers I'll check it out
  3. Look up a selection cover band set list online, pick out the ones that crop up the most and start there...oh and assume you need to play them in different keys. There's many old standards that most band do, plus usually a few current tunes for good measure I'll get you started... Mustang sally 500 Miles Don't stop me now Blame it on the boogie I will survive.......
  4. In a seemingly suicidal attempt to loose business, dropbox has decided to stop supporting apple users who still operate older operating systems, or pre intel mac users as we're know. Most musicians, video makers and photographers I deal with in the business still work on the older macs, we're not [b][i]all[/i][/b] rich you know, and many use dropbox for file sharing whilst collaborating on projects. I'm not sure if this a subversive attempt by apple to make us all go and buy shiny new computers or is it just dropbox naively shooting themselves in the foot? There are other options after all... Wondered how many of you out there have been recently excommunicated? Also interested to see which service you trust spread your doings around the globe? Clem
  5. RIP BB
  6. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1431454759' post='2771572'] It's scarier if you can see the whites of their eyes! [/quote] Or if you can smell them!
  7. Hi. What is the nud width on these? Also is it made in Japan?
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1431439673' post='2771357'] For me personally it makes no difference. As a band you should always put on the best performance you can whether it's to 1 person or a few thousand adoring fans. [/quote] Amen to that. Not always been on stage with people who think the same though
  9. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1431441928' post='2771401'] I think there is psychology involved. At some point the size of an audience rather than being a number of individuals, becomes one audience. As you are then dealing with one entity, it can be easier psychologically to deal with. [/quote] That's the way it seems to me
  10. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1431439346' post='2771351'] I always find the dog barking at me quite off-putting...! [/quote] Haha been there
  11. After been fortunate to perform in from of some large audiences over the years, people have often asked if it's more scary. I don't really suffer from gig nerves anyway but find the bigger the crowd the easier it is. Is this unusual? What are your experiences?
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1431132777' post='2768194'] I like the BB series - had a BB1100s many years ag, was my first "proper" bass, and it was great, very good quality build, incredibly versatile, and a great workhorse bass as well. [/quote] Still use a BB1100s myself. The actives no longer work but I use the bass as my 'foam dampened flat wounded thump' bass. Sounds as good as any P bass I've used for the job...
  13. Agree with comments on here. Yamaha BB basses or a Jap Fender or Squier every time. I have all three in my collection and all are quality pro instruments. My Yamaha is a BB1100s made in Taiwan circa 1990, bought for under £200 off fleabay! Brilliant bass. I even had a Yamaha BB400 I bought for £60 that was good enough for pro gigs...
  14. I dep for probably the original tribute band Magic (kind of queen/Elo), these guys have been going since the 70s and still going strong. Also played for Off The Wall, pink floyd as well as an Abba show. There may be a bit of a stigma amongst some muso's about tribute bands but have come across some quality bands/singers over the years. Want to see the steely dan tribute band at some point, heard they're great, believe the bass player is on basschat.
  15. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1430425394' post='2761420'] Cloudbusting, Kate Bush tribute, as per my signature. Enjoying it so far [/quote] Sounds like a great gig, amazing songs and baselines.
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1429527799' post='2752218'] There are an infinite number of reasons for poor sound in a venue, here's just a few: Rooms not designed for music, different shapes, materials used in the building, furnishings etc all affecting sound. Walk around a venue during a performance and hear how drastically the sound changes from one position to another. PAs not up to the job. Poorly positioned and set up PAs. Sound engineers not experienced/qualified to deal with dodgy acoustics. Musicians too loud on stage. Bands that try to reproduce their [b]recorded[/b] arrangements on stage - maybe an idea to rethink that fast 16s bass synth part for the enormoshed tour! Bands that just aren't very good. Live sound production has always been hit and miss, not just since the advent of electronic dance music. [/quote] Yes....what he said. Not always the sound engineer to blame.
  17. A friend of mine used Gavin Harrison from porcupine tree to record a couple of drum tracks. Not cheap but sounded amazing and added serious cudos to the recordings. Lot of top drummers offer the same service these days.
  18. Must be quite lucky in York as we have three very well run reheasal rehearsal studios with multiple rooms, not cheap but they're always busy and everything works.
  19. Hi. Is this the SM900 head by SWR?
  20. Usually Huey Morgan or Bob Harris does the trick.
  21. Sorry to namedrop but once played a celebrity party and Sting approached the drummer in the loo and said "you guys are pretty good, how long have you been together as a band?", being a complete scratch band for the night he answed "about 31/2 hours", to which Sting replied "in that case you guys are F****ing great"
  22. Oh and turn up smart, on time, prepared and don't moan when the bandleader calls mustang sally!!!
  23. I have done loads of dep gigs over the years. Most pro gigs tend to be function or tribute bands so knowing the material is essential. I don't find many function gigs require reading these days although will be needed for theatre shows. If I need cheat sheets for unfamiliar songs I personally try to keep the info to a minimum as many bands have their own arrangements of songs so listening and quick response is also vital. Also learn to think of chord changes numerically as you'll play many songs in different keys, for example instead of C F Dm G think 1425 in the key of C, a knowledge of modes also will help with this. A good exercise I use with students to build ear training and instincts is to busk along with the radio (radio 2 good for popular tunes),
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1428955357' post='2746451'] In public reply to somebody's comments. It's just over a year old. It's pretty much immaculate. My feedback sort of backs up comments I might make about stuff I sell. It's 21% cheaper than a new one from Thomann and 27% cheaper than a new one from Bass Direct. And I've had 5 enquiries about this amp, yet not a bump from one of them [/quote] Hey Karl sorry to hear that have one on me BUMP The protocol on here tends to be that if someone has an open question about how many "fizzldy goggs" a piece of gear has, then asking here on the listing is best as it allows [b]all[/b] potential buyers to benefit from the answer. However if potential buyers are giving personal details or giving an opinion on condition and value then this is best done in a private message to maintain discression and integrity of the original advert. Private messages are more likely to be seen too! All the best with the sale Clem
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