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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1328695399' post='1531147'] I must admit I think Baroque Bordello is a good song and underrated. Good bass line! [/quote] I'm fairly sure that was a Yamaha.
  2. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1328549380' post='1528916'] What makes your decisions on gigging a particular bass? [/quote] How cool it looks,obviously.
  3. Well,it was a hire PA...
  4. Broken finger,(not one of the important ones),broken nose,broken toe,several black eyes,numerous cuts and bruises and an STD.
  5. Mmmmmm Bleep Labs...
  6. I 've been known to dabble with synthesizers....If you're going the hardware route,the Mikrokorg XL will do the job nicely.Consider a second hand Korg EA1,fairly limited in synth functions,not a disadvantage for the inexperienced,and has a good sequencer as well - which is what you need to create and play basslines.If you want to get into synthesizer wierdness - and you will,believe me - consider getting a Korg Monotron,which is basically a stylophone on acid,and at around £50 is cheaper than a weekend out on the town.If anybody wants to hear my electronic Powernoise project.........
  7. Kick the girl out and get the only proper cab for an SVT.You need an 8 x 10.
  8. No! If you want an additional speaker,make sure it's an 8 ohm one.Use a 4 ohm one and a trip to an amp repairer will be the likely outcome.
  9. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1327396237' post='1510381'] doubt tokai, didn't they have 5 bolt bridges? [/quote] Indeed they did.
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1327391800' post='1510318'] . Do Tokais have tugbars like your has had? [/quote] Mine doesn't.The scratchplate has holes for them,as well as the pick up cover,but not the body.Also,my Tokai is definately not a one piece body.
  11. One of the Wurzels came to see my band in Bristol once.
  12. 1950'S Fender P,Rotosounds,HiWatt 50 watt GUITAR head,knackered Marshall 4 x 12,knackered Marshall 2 x 15,and a shedload of compression.Oh,and play like JJ Burnell...
  13. Calling what I do "music" would be pushing the definition a little.
  14. They sound damn fine.Bit more depth than the Daddarios I also use.
  15. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1327179324' post='1507602'] Lock him in a room, inject mercury into his bellend and play this at high volume. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgFRVqsgP1k[/media] [/quote] I'd have kicked him in the nuts,but this works.
  16. Mmmmm balsa cement....
  17. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1326912510' post='1503709'] 4, VOX FOUNDATION CABS 1 X 18 2, VOX SUPER FOUNDATION CABS 2 X 18 [/quote] You are my new Hero.
  18. First amp was a Selmer Zodiac 100w with an unbranded 2 x 15.I foolishly part ex'd it for an H+H VS Musician with 2 unbranded 1x15 W bins,latterly supplemented by an enormous Marshall 1x18 (which I've still got and need to sell...),an H+H 2x15 and an H+H 60w combo of some sort.After an enforced lay off,I got a Peavey TNT 160,which was px'd for a Peavey Mk.6 with 2 1x15's.Most recently I have aquired an elderly Trace Elliot GP7 4X10 for quiet rehearsing.The studio has an Ampeg SVT 2 P preamp.
  19. [quote name='JoshL' timestamp='1323121184' post='1459625'] would be feasable to try and put a pj setup into it with not a lot of work being done to the bass itself? [/quote] No.There's a fair amount of woodworking involved. My choice for pickups is EMG Selects.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1323172258' post='1460014'] Taupe [/quote] You've made that up.
  21. [size=6]BLACK.[size=4]Or British Racing Green.[/size] [size=4] [/size][/size]
  22. Can't comment on the Gibson,but the Tokai Tbird is way better then the Epiphone one.
  23. The coating does wear off using plectrums.
  24. [sub]Does my own stuff [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]count?[/font][/sub] [sub][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Hanging Around.Stranglers.JJ Burnel.Nuff said.[/size][/font][/sub]
  25. [quote name='bencooper' timestamp='1322145492' post='1447182'] Hello everyone, I'm Ben the new Editor of Bass Guitar Magazine. Not sure if I should resurrect this thread, or if I'm just asking for a kicking... Ben [/quote] There's more than a few lefties here who are more likely to buy you a pint..
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