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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1318556653' post='1403781'] An ex-girffriends sister was getting on my nerves over something once, so I asked her "If you had no feet would you wear shoes"? "Of course not" she said, "So why do you wear a bra"? She didn't speak to me for quite some time [/quote] You are my new Hero.
  2. How much you looking at for postage?
  3. Here's me hoping this was about Caz Campbell.I have studied her in depth,but never really looked at her bass.
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1318446097' post='1402350'] My Mrs calls the whammy bar (or tremolo arm) a "Wahwah Lever". [/quote] I am so using that one.
  5. [quote name='Nyl' timestamp='1318511550' post='1403119'] girlfriend saying..but you have enough basses now [/quote] Simply respond by asking how many shoes she has.
  6. Nice bass,well packaged,very helpful sorting out a courier issue ( I do live in the middle of nowhere..),absolutely spot on.
  7. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1318342803' post='1400854'] Sod not having practiced and such like "I thought you were bringing the biscuits this week?" is the one that fills me with dread. [/quote] You are my new Hero.
  8. I used to think my 78 Fender P was heavy until I picked up our guitarists Les Paul.I don't complain any more.
  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' timestamp='1318002138' post='1397180'] Look away now: C7 F7 G F# F7 C7 C7 F7 C7 G F# F7 C7 [/quote] What language is this?
  10. Digital tuners are far more convenient than tuning forks.
  11. Pleased to report that Leftbass's Squier is now mine.And very nice it is too.
  12. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1317925190' post='1396402'] this is a lovely happy thread and reminds us why we're all here. In fact no you should be practicing [/quote] I'm doing both.I can multitask,me. I don't kmow why I love playing bass,I just do.
  13. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1317733541' post='1393821'] The other issue with the 40+ age group is most of the people this age who like going to see live music have settled down, with kids and houses and can't be arsed or afford to go out and see bands anymore. Thus making it more frustating for those still playing as they play to a venue of 3 people. Plus there are less venues these days having live music or original bands. Its just more things stacked up against bothering. [/quote] But the ones that do are dedicated.There's actually a thriving live music scene here at the moment,to the point where we're playing in more places to more people than I ever did when I was little.
  14. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1317731123' post='1393756'] I think as you get older the concept of fame and/or 'making it' if you will becomes less and less attractive. I've made reasonably good money out of playing music (strangely, despite being rubbish) at one time or another but it was bloody hard work, generally at unsociable hours. I'm 47 now and would rather get a good nights sleep and go out walking with the dog on my days off. Playing is still fun but that's the only reason I do it. [/quote] Snap.Although I'm 49 and haven't got a dog.I'm having more fun now than I did 20 years ago,
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1317402217' post='1390468'] I have never really understood why anyone plays left handed you know? If no one had ever made one or played one upside down and for devils advocates if they were the other way round in the first place we would all just be the same way up. Can you get a left handed piano with the low notes up the other end? Any item that can has to be operated with similar levels of skill from both hands should just be one way round IMO. I will grab my own coat...... [/quote] I've called you a taxi.... I personally cannot physically hold or play a right handed instrument,it's leftys or nowt.And I'm not left handed.
  16. I always thought it was George Harrison,but I'm far from being an expert on the subject.
  17. Direct him to Baschat and hope he reads this thread?
  18. I think £50 - 75 is realistic.There's a nostalgia value,but they're not exactly practical compared to modern equipment.And yes,I used to have one.
  19. I WANT! Can you wait until payday?
  20. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1317141214' post='1387299'] . I believe that he was at fault for booking us. [/quote] My thoughts exactly.If a venue hire a band,it's not the bands fault if the venue hire the wrong band. You don't hire a Ford Mustang when what you really want is a Ford Fiesta. I personally have never been told to turn down,because we make it quite clear that we are a Big Nasty Loud Punk Rock band, and we do not play unsuitable venues.However,I have seen the other side of this as a sound engineer,and there are certainly cases where bands are louder than is needed.I worked with one band who provided their own monitors ( fine by me,less hard work) and were loud to the point where I was glad I'd brought ear plugs.I got so many complaints that in the end I put a sign on the desk saying " This console is turned off,please discuss the issue with the deaf people on stage". I got asked back.They didn't.
  21. First Punk band on Top of the Pops - The Adverts,Gary Gilmore's Eyes.Tony Blackburn looked quite disturbed by the whole thing.
  22. Yes,you are going to have serious trouble finding a machine head ! It's one of the cheaper (relative term) 3 screw ones,the higher spec models had 4 screws.Tried the Tokai Forum?
  23. Great fan of his work with PiL,can't say I'm familiar with his more recent stuff.
  24. No,I don't play all my basses.2 of them are in need of repair,and the sentimental value of my first instrument sitting in my parent's loft means I'll never get rid of it.The others get used,some more than others.
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