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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1340400' date='Aug 15 2011, 10:37 AM']3 is the magic number....[/quote] Indeed,although I have been in 2,3,4,and 5 piece bands.Currently 3.
  2. I did have 10 years off....
  3. On average once a decade.
  4. I didn't get a good look at the Trace,but it sounded like a guitar amp.
  5. Our guitarist has learned the hard way that the best option is rip off the broken string and carry on.Really short songs helps this approach,though.He's also learned how to dodge flying Precisions,too.
  6. [quote name='bigash' post='1339748' date='Aug 14 2011, 04:42 PM']What i do, is on the second time you play the riff with the extra B at the end, instead of playing the B hammer on from the A. Sounds close enough and noone will notice anyway.[/quote] Agreed. I'm not sure how sad playing bass whilst surfing the net is,but....I'm always a pick player,and I've just tried this bassline fingerstyle,and hammering on is the way I did it.
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1339203' date='Aug 13 2011, 11:16 PM'] [/quote] I actually supported this lot last night.The bassist/shouter is AWESOME.Chords,bassline and lead lines at the same time at 100mph whilst shouting over the top.He had a Trace combo and a Peavey combo on each side of the drumkit and his sound was MASSIVE.He's also a bit greyer than in the video..
  8. A Precision with a jazz neck and EMG P/J pickups.Worked for me.
  9. Wasn't bad.We were roped in at fairly short notice for a mate's 50th birthday do,the in house PA was diabolical so the vocals were poo,and most of our crowd preferred watching New Model Army in a field,but the audience were enthusiastic and the Publican invited us back in november for £200. And somebody finally noticed my black strings.
  10. Current weaponry. Mid 80's Tokai '62 with EMG's,1978 Fender P. [attachment=86727:fenders_003.jpg]
  11. I believe it was indeed a resprayed '64. The classic Burnel sound was apparently a knackered Marshall 4x12 and an equally knackered Marshall 2x 15,check out the inside cover of No More Heroes.The amp was a HiWatt 50w guitar head,and lots of compression in the studio.And,of course,his own playing style.
  12. All I ever used was a Fender Precision through an Ampeg SVT2P. Although ironically,when I recorded us I used bass samples..
  13. [quote name='Davo-London' post='1328018' date='Aug 4 2011, 11:29 PM']Andy McCluskey of OMD is way cooler than all your votes put together. Davo[/quote] Not after inflicting Atomic Kitten - and Kerry Catona - on us he isn't.
  14. Talented little f****r...
  15. Spike Vincent


    Coouple of rare outings for my old band, August 13th at the Pig Inn the City in Westgate street Gloucester,and the "It's only Punk" Halloween festival at Gloucester Guildhall on the 29th of October (subject to me not being in prison,it's a long story) supporting the UK Subs amongst others.
  16. 3 months.Me and leads don't get on.
  17. D'Addario EXL Nickels have the coloured ball ends also.
  18. Which means he will always be cool.
  19. The crossover is in the Peavey combo. The 2x10" is a powered cab specifically designed to work with Peavey combos,they did a similar 2x8" for the smaller combos. I've used this set up ( with a mk 6 stack with 2 1x15"s) and it really did open up the sound. And if transport wasn't an option I would be buying this. I
  20. It's not what you've got,it's what you do with it that counts.
  21. Also,be prepared and always have a well used plectrum in your pocket when visiting music shops.
  22. Stock statement to anybody playing fast slappy show off to their mates in a music shop : Now play E/F/E/F/E/F/E/F/E/F/E/F/E for 10 minutes,not lose time or cadence and not get bored.Then you can call yourself a bass player. Then wait until they've put the bass down and proceed to slap the crap out of it faster than they did.
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