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Spike Vincent

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Posts posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1447098485' post='2904887']
    I wish I still had my Trace 4x10 150W combo, way more grunt than my current class D affair supposedly rated at 500W.

    I was just about to mention Trace Elliot watts being louder than everyone else's.....Glad I kept my GP7 4 X 10 combo, apart from when I have to move it.

  2. [quote name='stoko' timestamp='1411758992' post='2562629']
    I was just about to start this very thread myself! Im after a short scale leftie - theres four bassists in our band and I want a short scale with ultra thin strings for a more toppy end.
    Do Fender do a left handed jaguar does anyone know? I cant seem to find one.
    I notice Timmo that your link doesn't post to the UK, any UK stockists that you lot know of?

    Hang on, 4 basses ? Is that Evil Blizzard?

  3. For those that remember, just over a year ago Death tapped me on the shoulder and persuaded my bowels to try and kill me. Well, I am now surgically repaired and have just started playing again. It will be a long while before I've regained the stamina to play properly, but I'm back..... :sun_bespectacled:

  4. [quote name='bootsy666' timestamp='1428956031' post='2746457']
    I've built a custom 8x15 bass cab over the last 2 weeks. I'm very happy with it, but I'd like some advice on venting. it has six 2" holes in the front, anyone think I should add a few more?
    The speakers that I've ordered are celestion TF1525.

    You are my new Hero.

  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424752349' post='2700012']
    In support of tone is in your fingers and how you execute your bass line. The Chris Squire example was very good.

    Here's another, if you picked up Larry Grahams bass played through his rig and started slapping, plucking and popping do you really think you would sound like Larry Graham. I'm sure Larry is doing things with his fingers I haven't mastered or even know how to do.


    If Larry Graham played my bass through my amp, would he sound like me?

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