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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [attachment=78121:burns_004.jpg] 1962 Burns Sonic.The bass is in far better condition than me.
  2. Not sure if it counts as a compliment,but at a recent gig the headling band were saying ( to our drummer) "You're bassist's amazing,how does he get that sound?" To which Drummer responded "He plays chords through a big amplifier".
  3. Obviously,an Ampeg SVT with an 8 x 10 cab.It'll make a great talking point too.Although I have a Hiwatt B15B,largely because it says HiWatt on it.If your after a tiny combo,I don't think there's much difference at around the 15w level.
  4. [quote name='hetzer' post='1200025' date='Apr 14 2011, 10:12 PM']One of my biggest regrets...... In 1963, I ordered a Burns Sonic Bass Leftie in Black direct from Jim Burns in Romford. Probably because it was a special colour I waited months and months for it. Eventually it arrived, cost me 45 guineas, a month's wages then! Sold it a few years later in London for the same money. If only I had it now......... Hindsight is a wonderful thing![/quote] [attachment=77594:burns_004.jpg] Left handed Sonics aren't exactly common.
  5. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1197179' date='Apr 12 2011, 07:03 PM']Married twice, and met both through gigging. Been with present Mrs. BD for 15 years and she's 26 years younger than me [/quote] My daughter is 26 years younger than me....
  6. Getting laid was not the reason I started playing bass.However,being in bands has got me laid on more than a few occasions.Although not recently,being monogamous and all that.
  7. [quote name='bassman2790' post='1194118' date='Apr 9 2011, 10:36 PM']I haven't got a radio system. Perhaps a very long 'sound checking' lead is called for[/quote] Definately.And fiddle with the EQ,it's what it's for!
  8. [quote name='Vinny' post='1191293' date='Apr 7 2011, 12:14 AM']How "perilously close"? Should I be worried? [/quote] 9 miles.Yes.
  9. [quote name='Vinny' post='1191109' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:37 PM']No, No, No! If I pick one up it will be either to move it out of my way or to give it's owner a swift kick in the gentleman's region. Filthy, filthy things!!!!![/quote] You are my new Hero.
  10. That's 3 Wolves fans here then...Town of my birth,although that was a long time ago..
  11. You can never have too much power,headroom is always useful,and ultimately it comes down to space,both in your transport and the size of the stage. I still use the Peavey MK.6 head and 2 1x 15 cabs I've had since the late 80's. One cab for the few small gigs we play,both cabs for the many middle size ones,and it goes through the PA for the big 'uns.
  12. Fortunately very short tunes...
  13. [quote name='Doddy' post='1185441' date='Apr 2 2011, 12:00 AM']That doesn't mean you should purposely avoid certain strings.[/quote] Agreed,and I don't,but if the tune requires 360 BPM E string then that's what I play.It has it's appeal..
  14. [quote name='Doddy' post='1185417' date='Apr 1 2011, 11:14 PM']This. Why would anyone want to limit their use of the instrument?[/quote] The style of music played may not require fiddly bits.
  15. I wouldn't do it.You can't predict that you won't need an extension cab one day,plus it may lower it's resale value.As an aside,I'm fairly sure that Trace Elliots used Eminence speakers.
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1184052' date='Mar 31 2011, 10:52 PM']Last two basses I sold I think I sold in part as they were too pristine for me. Don't like dings on the neck though[/quote] Good point,cosmetic damage doesn't bother me,but if it affects playability that's a different matter.
  17. Stage right.I play left handed,so the visual symetry in a 3 piece band looks good,plus avoids any headstock related trauma.Not an issue with regards to snare drum placing,I can hear that through the monitors.
  18. I use open strings as often as possible.Can't say I've ever noticed any tonal differences.
  19. E string or all 4 at the same time,usually.
  20. Basses can either be used or left in the case.If they get used,they get damaged.My apparently collectable and valuable 1978 Fender Precision is battered to buggery and I careth not.
  21. [quote name='weepaul' post='1177771' date='Mar 27 2011, 12:24 AM']Had Godflesh 'Street cleaner' on while doing the dishes.[/quote] Excellent choice.Also good for ironing.
  22. [quote name='Duarte' post='1174124' date='Mar 24 2011, 12:40 AM']I only have 1 bass, so that's not a problem. I've been playing 9 years and can't remember EVER breaking a string... Who breaks strings!?[/quote] I do! * Strapping on another instrument halfway through a tune is a much quicker process than fitting another string and avoids losing the impetus of the set.Back up instrument is essential,also being able to get to it...The one time I broke a string at a gig my spare was tucked away totally out of reach.Never again.Plus having a spare on a stand looks damn cool. Back to the original question,my main bass is a 78 Precision,and my spare is a Tokai Precision,so it resembles it closely. *Damn you Rotosound!!
  23. A collection of half finished demos,from what I recall,although my memory is somewhat drug addled.I'm pretty sure it was indeed an EHX Bassballs,and there was a Roland Cube involved somewhere.He was also an arrogant tosser.
  24. Must have missed this one.... Hanging around - Stranglers Word up - Cameo And,fortuitously,many of my own.
  25. You can have the one off my '78 for £150......
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