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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. Nickel strings are also softer on the frets.
  2. Veering back on topic, there's another element to recreating the bass sound here, not only do you need a Precision ( not sure if this is the greenburst/ rosewood fingerboard or the black /maple fingerboard) with Rotosounds and a HiWatt 50w guitar head and a Marshall 2 x 15 and a Marshall 4 x 12 with knackered speakers, what you're hearing is the recorded sound, so you'll also need to recreate TW Studios in Fulham as it was in 1978, and get Martin Rushent and Alan Winstanley to tweak it. Or alternatively,just shove a Precision through a valve amp and crank the treble up.JJ Burnel's live sound was not the same as the recorded sound back then.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424388072' post='2695937'] Maybe it's just me, I don't think a P Bass has any sort of unique sound or tone. Tone comes from the fingers of whoever is playing any bass, not the bass. I can tell the difference from , for example round wound strings as opposed to flats, but that's where it ends. Blue [/quote] I must concede the use of the word "tone" in this context confuses me a bit.Tone is the other knob on the Precision that changes my sound from Jah Wobble to Algy Ward.
  4. I wonder what a relic'ed instrument would look like after 30 years of hard knocks?
  5. And watch the input levels on the second mixer.And if it's a powered mixer, DON'T.
  6. Assuming it's not a powered mixer, instrument cables. Speaker cables will pick up a lot of noise and get very hot.
  7. The Hiwatt was a 50w guitar head.
  8. Volume control? You mean the rotary on/off switch?
  9. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1421897439' post='2666401'] Yeah, man, I'm sorely tempted. But I'm still curious to see if anyone has any experience, good or bad, with rack mounted effects. [/quote] I have used rack mounted effects, and the downside for me was an added layer of complexity.
  10. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421414991' post='2660923'] OK, fine, but which hand is best for metal? [/quote] The left hand, obviously...Hail S*tan.
  11. Happened to me once, 4 out of 5 of us were lefties, except the guitarist played right handed.
  12. Have you discussed this issue with the rest of the band? Likely the keyboardist has no idea they are causing a problem.
  13. Hotels? Food? Bunch of wimps.
  14. Easy answer to Pestie's question is at small PA level, whilst there are plenty of dedicated kick drum mic's available, any mic will do the job - I used to use Sure SM 57's - on a low mic stand stuck into the hole in the drum skin.Cut the low frequencies on the mixer and aim for a click rather than a thud, that way it doesn't interfere with our part of the audio spectrum and provides sound reinforcement which is what I'm assuming you require.That approach has always worked for me in the pub/club environment.
  15. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1416995250' post='2615772'] I think guys do care, it's just that your opinion of what looks good is different to theirs. Go up to the worst looking band you can find & offer them £10 to wear a three sizes too small lederhosen, a pair of clown shoes & a pink cowboy hat for their next gig - they'll all turn you down. [/quote] £10 each and you have a deal.
  16. Dress like you look like you're in a band. And dress like you're in the same band as the rest of your band.
  17. I long ago gave up the idea of getting paid for music. As long as it's in someone else's living room that's fine by me.
  18. Total music snob and proud of it.
  19. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1413479735' post='2578710'] We've been asked to provide one of these for a gig. Never been asked before, so I don't know much about them. Is it compulsory as a gigging band to get one? If so, what's the best way to get one? Any info appreciated, because as I said, I know nothing about them [/quote] Personally, I would be asking to see the venue's Public Liability insurance certificate.
  20. Attempted to pull off a Jean Jaques Burnel stylee karate kick, misjudged it and twatted the guitarist in the head knocking him out temporarily.
  21. There are 2 options, black or mirrored.
  22. I can empathise,Pete, I'm having to take an enforced break from everything for medical reasons, (see my profile pic...) and it does ones head in. We will be back playing but prioritise.
  23. My answer would be "sure,if you can play it left handed". It would depend on the circumstances and their approach, if circumstances outside their control have led to this situation and they are duly respectful and grateful then it should be ok. Although I can understand why someone wouldn't want to, when our guitarist was asked if a complete stranger could borrow his brand new Gibson Les Paul he wasn't too happy.
  24. D'Addario or Fender. Same thing.
  25. As far as the Clash' s Should I stay or should I go, I'm fairly sure Simenon had Mighty Mite pickups in his precision.
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