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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1396694307' post='2416462'] I like this answer :-) [/quote] The Electronic Noise live scene is invariably small venues with small PA's. A 550w bass stack makes my performances memorable...
  2. [attachment=159449:doghouse.jpg] The on stage symmetry ( certainly for a 3 piece ) is nice, one advantage I've found is getting some bargains. Frequently found an unloved dust covered L/H bass hanging up in music shops that they're happy to bang out nice and cheap just to get rid of it.
  3. [attachment=159448:pbass.jpg]
  4. [attachment=159447:008.JPG]
  5. I regularly run synthesizers through my bass rig.On the odd occasions I do electronic live performances I like to make people's bowels wobble.
  6. I wouldn't use Rotosound again if they paid me.D'Addario get my vote.
  7. Motorhead. That always confuses people.
  8. I formed my first band about a month before I started playing. Punk Rock and all that.
  9. [quote name='Nodd' timestamp='1393602615' post='2382473'] Do any of you have one of the recent Squier P bass Specials? if so, can you tell me what the channeling under the pickguard is like? i.e. has it the 'hole' from finish spraying and is the pick up cable channel routed? Thanks, Nodd [/quote] [attachment=156543:squier.JPG]
  10. Good bass, good price. I get massive neck dive on mine...
  11. None. Although the 78 Precision isn't far off needing a refret. Damn you, Rotosound!
  12. Black
  13. One that involves the E string and the first 3 frets.
  14. At no point in my 35 year career has anyone ever said to me "Noooooo you ruined it by playing an open string instead of fretting it".I wouldn't worry about it.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1391364185' post='2356252'] There is only one answer to this question, US Fender Precision. [/quote] Mostly. Looks good,sounds good, all the worky bits are in the right place so I don't bang my hand on them when thrashing. Although having played a MIJ one recently, it doesn't have to be a US Fender.
  16. [quote name='roonjuice' timestamp='1391634124' post='2359639'] which side are the girls dancing? [/quote] Girls? Dancing? Explain.
  17. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1391632141' post='2359582'] Looking at the band, I'm always on the left but that's because I'm left handed. [/quote] Same here. visual symmetry and avoid clashing headstocks.
  18. Angela Arnott www.guitarangel.co.uk
  19. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1390999986' post='2352063'] I am the same-ish. Definately a rightie, the only two things I do left handed are guitar and archery strangely. I blame my lefty guitar playing on being a brass player originally, so I am used to using my right hand for 'fingering' the notes I am playing. This seems to translate to the fretboard on a guitar. I have found though that I cannot slap, which I think I could do with my right hand but then I am not really into that style anyway (although I would love to add it to my limited repetoire). Also unusually, my F-i-L is a complete righty but plays golf left handed. He cannot explain it at all. [/quote] Interesting, I started as a brass musician. I just cannot physically hold a right handed instrument, let alone play one.
  20. Save the CD's for selling/giving away at the gigs. Use websites to get your music to promoters. Personally, I find it much easier to stream music whilst working on the laptop than going through piles of cd's that take time to take out of the envelope, unwrap,insert into a cd player and listen to.
  21. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1390751395' post='2348969'] I had a tokai. Looked great, but I had to send it back, very poor construction and fit and finish. Nothing at all like the Tokai of old. Even the company when I returned it were rather 'frank' about their cheapness. [/quote] Interesting.I have a (left handed) Tokai Thunderbird, and I can't fault it's build quality or finish, it's superb. It's inherent neck heaviness is increased by the light body and it doesn't sound like a Gibson, but I can't fault it's construction.
  22. I like a fairly high action, but I do bash the crap out of the strings.
  23. www.gitarinn.is/pdf/bass-beasty_OwnersManual.pdf
  24. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1390513932' post='2346388'] Use this thread! Anything you don't understand, post it here and you can bet you'll have an explanation in a jiffy [/quote] Although it might be stuff we made up..
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