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Everything posted by Kubickiboy

  1. Price drop to £95 plus P&P. Go on, you know you want to..!!! [b]EMMA DiscumBOBulator envelope fliter/auto wah for sale. [/b] Immaculate condition - always been on a pedal board - built like a tank. Boxed with instructions. Power supply not included. Here's the review - "The Emma DiscumBOBulator DB-1 envelope filter was designed to react precisely to even the fastest of playing, while still being able to deal with strong signals such as chords. In addition, the DB-1 will retain the full spectrum of tone present in the original signal without the volume peaks and dips common to other filters. Its multiple controls (Sensitivity, Up/Down Drive, Width & Attack) allow precise adjustment to the responsiveness and degree of the effect, while it's proprietary circuitry allows the DB-1 to be used for Guitar, Bass, or Keyboards with equal effectiveness and dead-on tracking. If digital modelers have left you flat, the DiscumBOBulator is sure to put the swing back in your strings!" [b]£105 inc p+p[/b]. Cheques only please. Cheers
  2. Hi. I'm interested in both of these. What would you sell them for if I collected? Cheers
  3. Hi, If you just search for Musicman Stingray, and Warwick Thumb on ebay.co.uk you'll find them no problem. Cheers
  4. Hi All, The Musicman SR4 with Status graphite neck and the Warwick Thumb 5 are now up for sale on ebay, so if any of you are interested then have a look for them there. There is a picture of the two in this thread. Thanks, J
  5. Hi Chris, It's up on ebay if you're quick. Cheers, J
  7. Ashdown Superfly - RESERVED SALE PENDING Thanks to all - all your cheques have been gratefully recieved and are in the bank awaiting clearance. Please let me know that the packages have got there safely when they reach you , Cheers, J
  8. Hi, The Thomann bag measures 100cm long x 45cm wide x 20cm deep so it'll be big enough for you. J
  9. Here's the state of play so far with these - BASSES Warwick Thumb 5 B/O 2005 w/retro fitted brass nut. Natural body and neck (frequently waxed with Warwick wax). Plus accessories (truss rod tool, handbook, wax) - £750 Ibanez SR506 Soundgear 6 string (Mahogany body, Bubinga neck, Bartolini p/u's etc) - EBAY Ibanez AGB200 semi acoustic 4 string (Brown) - EBAY AMPS Gallien Krueger 700rb Mk 11 biamp head. (nb the blue "on" LED doesn't work but in no way is the performance affected. In perfect working order) - SOLD! Gallien Krueger RBX 4x10 cab w/adjustable tweeter. 800 watts!! It's a heavy one!. On castors. £300 - must collect Stagg ABS 4u rackmount case - £30 Ashdown Supefly 500 head - £99 Hartke 115XL (USA) cab loaded with 1x15 400w 4ohm Celestion Neo speaker - £75 - must collect FX Alesis 3630 rack compressor - £40 Boss ODB3 Bass Overdrive - EBAY Bodd AW3 Dynamic Wah - EBAY Hartke VXL Bass Attack DI/preamp (NOT with original knobs) - SOLD! Boomstick Bottom Feeder Envelope filter (offer waiting on this) - SOLD! EHX Russian Big Muff (the black one) w/additional 9v connector so you can use a eg Boss power supply with it. - EBAY ASSORTED Tascam CD-BT2 bass trainer - SOLD! Boss Micro BR portable studio - SOLD! Thomann padded keyboard bag (about a metre long. Used for a gig bag) - £10 Various Bassist and Bass Guitar Magazines dating back to the first Bassist in Nov 1994. Approx 50 to be collected. - £50 Jaco Pastorius Autobiography with "Birthday Concert" CD - £5 The Bass Book by Barry Moorhouse - £5 Hope you find something you like...! Cheers, J
  10. Hi mate, I'm open for offers on everything and it's working out pretty well with the PMs. As soon as I know what's left, I'll pop the prices on in another post. Cheers
  12. Hi Chiron, The Hartke would be £90. But you'd have to collect it of course. J
  14. Hi Colin, It's a deal mate!!. PM me and I'll send you my address etc and let me know where I have to send it to. J
  15. All, I'm putting the Warwick Thumb 5 back up for sale as both deals I was looking at for this fell through unfortunately. £750 plus £20 p+p. PM's always welcome. Cheers!
  16. Hi Colin, How does £70 sound all in?. As it comes with the power supply which was extra. No offence taken mate! J
  17. Hi Colin, Yes the Bass Trainer does come with the additional Tascam PSP520 AC Adaptor. J
  19. Hi colin, I'd take £75 inc p+p for the Tascam. Cheers, J
  20. [quote name='speedtriple' post='417719' date='Feb 23 2009, 07:10 PM']Hi, I'm interested in the status neck can you consider to sell it as spare?[/quote] Hi, Sorry, the Status neck comes as one with the MM. Still not sure whether I'll sell it yet. Cheers
  21. Hi, I'd let the GK head go for £299 but am open to any near offer, Cheers.
  22. [quote name='harlowbassplayer' post='417112' date='Feb 23 2009, 03:00 AM']how much is the ashdown head any pics[/quote] £99 plus p+p. So around £110 all in I should think. No pics I'm afraid but it's just like this one... [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=4252"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=4252[/url]
  23. Hi Bow, Sorry mate someone got in their first. But any problems I'll put it back up for sale. £750 plus p+p. Boss Micro BR - RESERVED SALE PENDING
  24. Hi all. I'd take £300 for the SR506, £150 for the AGB, £99 for the Superfly, and I'm undecided abouit the MM yet. Probably about a grand. But I'm open to offers. PM me with any questions. Bottom Feeder - RESERVED SALE PENDING Cheers
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