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Posts posted by Tat2monsta

  1. Aaah cheers guys. thought 5 would be ok. but best to chek eh..
    i got surge protecters for all my pc gear and have a few spare.. will pack one in my gear bag.

    LOL @ 1/4 Bolt.. nearly spat my tea out

  2. Hi all.
    I just got a amp head today but not sure what size fuse i should have in the plug
    Its a 500w head.
    I had a quik google but found to many answers..

    Anyone throw me a number?

  3. Hi all
    Im a Tattoo Artist from the south coast UK been tattooing pro since 1993.
    Picked up Bass in 94? ,dont know any music theory,im one of them "plug and play" types.No bands just jamming with friends.
    I stopped playing around 2000 as my hands was playing up from work,and thats where the money was.
    In that time i bought and sold many Basses (will list a few in no order)

    honor b bass
    honor steinberger b bass headless
    vester thumb copy
    status energy artist 6string with spare fretless neck..same serial.. wish i never sold this! have a pic of it somewhere
    warwick corvett standerd 5string
    Ibanez TR series
    Ibanez eda905
    and a few others.even made my own bodys a couple times. have pics somewhere

    sessionett combo 4/10 with 15 cab
    fender 300bxrc combo
    all sold!

    About 5 months ago i was talked into picking it back up again.
    been jamming with 2 friends doing some heavey slow stuff (kyuss,eye hate god type noise) and realy having fun with it.

    I currently own a 100w Roland Cube (awesome little thing) and a Traben Array - 5 String in satin black :)
    Just got a warwick profet 5.1 for a nice price as our drummer drowns me. Looking for a cab now..not sure what to get.wanna stick with one cab as i dont drive and dont want to take over the house with stuff again....(hehe)

    influences and heros include
    Les Claypool
    Slanley Clarke
    Steve Harris
    Cliff Burton
    Phil Lynott

    Like lots of dif types of music. mostley heavy stuff
    Anarcho punk,Death-speed-thrash-black metal,Old Metal,Doom,some funk and PRIMUS

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