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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. I'm not to familar with the sansamp which I'm guessing is the bass driver. As far as I know presence knobs usually boost some high frequency but have a very small Q(bell shape) (I think) Personally you I wouldn't use the bass on full and presence on full (this is what's sucking the juice out of those high end notes,) Start with the presence on 0 and bass and treble on "flat" I,e 12 o'clock. Use the blend to put in mids as desired. If ypu still feel you need more bass turn down the treble. What sound are you after? Examples?
  2. I used one for a good while. however I definatly prefer the loudness and sound and loud volume with the Markbass. I would definatly try one out as its a fantastic piece of kit, a one stop shop for pretty much everything and the extra highend over the RH450 adds the option for hi-fi clean tone. It is very loud but IMO it's a different kind of loudness. In a mix it sort of feels compressed and not any real cut (used flat eq anyway) however add a bit of drive and its a great tube sim sound. I changed not because its a bad amp or a bad sound but I prefer the clean tube pre-amp in the LMTube, the second and third harmonics ring so much it makes me tingle and for me it makes the difference in a mix. To be all scientific the sag and compression in sound in my opinion comes from how its APM proicess the signal peaks and troughs. Even when its not being pushed it increases the louder peaks to be as loud as say 600w or 700w peak. When its quiet it amplifies these waves to louder than what a standard amp would. However my point is when its quieter its supposed to be quieter i.e dynamics, but i may be simplifing.
  3. [quote name='luckman67' timestamp='1321729585' post='1442569'] Today went into my local guitar shop,for the first time in months due to work & family.Either way they had some Warwick basses, SX J bass 75 and a host of other brands,but nothing interested me and I have never felt that way when I've gone into a guitar shop there is always something that I think I need. Have any of you felt like this it was weird I didn't want to have a play on any of them either,there was a new brand there called Deacon not Jim Deacon, looked a lot like the SX even the head stock was the same. Of the 4 basses I have the only 2 that get playing time are my Ric 4003 & my MIJ / MIM Fender Precision. [/quote] When I go in I never think I need anything. Although I want it. Recently I've been very happy with my setup so I know I dont need anything. I still would like a Wal.
  4. While I was a child I pretended to be left handed in an effort to be more creative, god damn cartoons.
  5. Well I made an effort to talk to him nefore he became ill and he just says its a chance for him to get out for a bit. Although he admits it is fun playing with us, he isn't interested in going furthar or really having a part in writing songs. His is very much more than happy playing his acoustic and didgerydoo alone in his bedroom. We verry much focus on originals. I have to tell you the lack of guitar was like playing bass after you've recorvered froma cold. I use a very middy sound and a hard attack so in a lot of places the guitar is there because as we all know, guitarist just want to make a noise. As far as covers go we do a strange redndition of bonker-dizee rascal and the singer played and song it quite well. I was very surprised. The trouble with dumping him is that he is very close friend so we all would rather not have the awkwardness after. I'm a hard git so it doesn't me so much but the singer even though he likes the idea of a three piece having a lead guitarist can add something. Having just chord based guitar is easyier for me to write sonhs for as well, as songs are usually based on a riff for verses and chord work for chorus. I'm a try record some of our older songs and re-arrange them to work better with less guitar and see how the other two feel about them. We've got gigs that we've booked to think of too. So frustrating.
  6. For a while my first and main band has been in a state of disarray. We (vocalist, myself and drummer) have all been concerned with the guitarist effort (or lack) we thought it was just a tempory thing since becoming madly in love with his latest partner, but he has even admitted to me he isnt really interested in the music we make anymore. Which is obvious in his atitude at rehearsals and his body language while playing. He barely remembers to bring picks, and we forever have to listen to his endless niggles. Anyway, he has been ill recently and we thought instead of cancelling another rehearsal that we would make an effort to at least write a few tunes that I and the vocalist had been working on privatly. We soon went over some other material and singer got the spare guitar out, I set him up with a sound (I prefer a guitarist to have haha) and we gave it a shot. Despite his sloppy playing and singing it went rather well, I was pleased with the guitar not being there in the mix all the time giving some tunes more downtime and space for the singing, and a lot less high pitched endless noise that gets annoying in some songs that the guitarist wants to do becuase "chords are boring". Myself or any of the other guys would rather not loose the guy as he is a very talented player, but we cant make him want to play and write songs and bring all his gear so it helps form a definate clean/dirty sound. The guys have even discussed getting a second guitarist to generate competion for him so he would be more interested but dispite having 2 guitars being a nig no no for me, it would proabbaly have the opposite effect. Was I just happy to hear our songs live again after not hearing them a for a few weeks? or is a 3 piece and a lot less playing (from all parties) an improvement? A 3 piece to me as a bassist sounds great, more room for bass!!! I've also seen some truely great local 3 piece bands recently that I personally would aspire to, and have been a good eye opener for great bass playing in a simple but interesting format. Obviously hard to judge without hearing it all. There is link to our first real recording on our bandpage in the sig (shameless plug). If we were to go down the 3 piece route there would be probably very little if any guitar during verses unless it was a basic 4 chord progression.
  7. Ive done it two ways and both have worked for listenable quality. After a mix down anyway. The drums is always the hardest part, IMO. For my main band we did a rather large and more proffessional set up. Guitarist and bassist in the same room with a miced up drum kit. the bass amp and guitar amp are in seperate rooms miced up, and the vocalist is in another seperate room. All the tracks are recorded in 1 live take, with overdubbing guitar solos, and doubled up vocals. My preferred way if you have the resources, especially for me as a I prefer the finished product to sound not very "produced" the vocalist has headphones of everything, while bassist , guitarist and drummer have everything but drums, playing to the feel of drums is better than the sound of drums(feeling the kick drum as an example) In my other band the drummer and rythem guitarist really know thier timing so we do a "track by track" sort of approach. The drummer will be micced up alone with just the guitar DI'd into his headphones. Then we all over dub the drum track. Rythem and lead will DI probably together, then the singer will do his bit, I'll get sent the tracks to record the bass how I want. I usually do this with just a single SM57 that I have about 2" from the grill just off center of the cone. I may also DI to add some better low end. the first way I very much prefer and it sounds like a unit is playing and worth the extra time and monies of gear for a better quality track IMO. The second way is a lot easyier and rougher fine for demos to send to venues, as they all assume we have home recording studios these days. The second option does sound like the tracks have been cut and pasted together though. I would mix them with everyone present aswell as in the past the vocalist has mixed the tracks and done a crap job, adding way too much reverb and not cutting nearly enough bass on the guitars for the bass to sit in the mix with purpose.
  8. I would say a fair few of us have a quirk or trait that makes us [i]us, [/i]in regards to bass playing or being a bass player. I would guess mine is electrical tape across my pickup. Ive heard of some doing this but you'd be surprised at how many people believe I do it for aesthetics. The real reason is of course do to my rather heavy technique, It helps prevent blisters from hitting the magnets too much and helps prevent the pop when the strings hit the magnets. Just interested really if anyone else has something strange or unique they have to do or do on a ocassion. I dont think buying gear all the time constitutes, a high percentage of us are guilty of that.
  9. I have not checked this out yet but do recieve emails. that arnt too mobile friendly!!! As a keen gear head(so to speak) im very much more interested in the raw facts rather than opinions that in printed media always tend to favour what ever is being reviewed. Everything cant be a great piece of gear. I know, I have had some stonkers. Bass gear magazine (which is online) has great content and the transparency of actually doing tests that proove for or against a certain products say wattage output. Any markbass user knows that markbasses 300watts are considerable more powerful than a few other brands, through the simple fact that the power section is not outputting 300watts. Same can be said for speaker enclosures. manufacturers marketmen will spin anything to make it sound good on the face of it. I feel as a consumer of both bass gear and bass magazines that somewhere there needs to be a transparency of what stuff is actually capable of.
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1321529464' post='1440151'] I think the ability to do both is always an advantage. I was a 95% pick player for 15 years, until 2009/10 when I started to want to play fingerstyle. Then I joined a new band this year and basically forced myself to not take a pick. I'm still MUCH faster with a pick...really fast. But I enjoy fingerstyle more. [/quote] Indeed its not all about the speed. Finger work is much more pleasurable bass experience,even more so when im watching some who is really good.
  11. Played with a pick exclusivly until I wanted to really nail some Rage when I got my sub bass. I was massive arse about it too. With comments like "bass nerds using their fingers and playing with a short strap. That's not RAWK!" Now I play with my fingers and have a very short strap.... Personally I prefer fingers in all most everything, I find them so much more expressive. I only really use a pick on extremely fast chords work where I just want to follow the rythm guitar.
  12. Singer left the band after booking 10 gigs for us to play. Although he didn't tell anyone until we started talking about a rehearsal. His reason being "his heart wasn't being in a band". He was happy that we carried on though. Although a week later after we did a gig he booked us and left 3 day prior to, he was really upset that we carried on under the same band name and played the set we had been rehearing the past 3 months.
  13. True after a while of reheasals I tend to turn down as it can seem a lot louder than it had at the start.
  14. please forgive lack of replies. I only have access on my phone and for what ever reason it cant load the pm section. Any one still interested please email. [email="o.prime2@googlemail.com"]o.prime2@googlemail.com[/email] Version 1. is an older version. Version 2 has a on/off toggle for the speaker emulation. and is £20 more expensive on top of the RRP. No power supply, comes how iut does from the shops, just without the tiny manual for suggested settings.
  15. As it happens I brought another, nothing else is quiet like the clean tube preamp in this. And the power is to die for! Is ace with all barefaced cabs. As I used it with a midget and then a super12 and now a compact.
  16. Want want want. But too much for me.
  17. My opinion is vastly different. I had one for a while. I didn't really like any of the sounds it had, but I prefEr getting as much as a flat sound as possible.. The different channels are usable, I just didn't like them. In terms of loudness, I fEel it was short here too. I could hear next to a loud drummer but not with any real defintion. I would look at returns policy cause the only wat you'll know if its right for you is at a gig or rehearsal.
  18. I only say as it would suit smaller rigs for practicing and rehearsals. Obviously 500 watts is still beasty!
  19. Brand new in its box, not sure where the instructions are but can be found online. I have mount screws for it but its better to use the screws that where originally in the bass. £60 posted, bank transfer. Thanks Stephen
  20. Still have the box. Used roughly 3 or 4 time! £20 posted. Bank transfer prefered.
  21. Brand new in box still, lost instructions, but it holds little information anyway. £80 ono posted. Bank transfer prefered.
  22. You are right but nothing to stop one from increasing the depth, no?
  23. I have a Seymour Duncan SMB-4A unused in box, with mount screws. £90 RRP. £60 posted. Also a EBMM sterling pickups. Its from 1994 and is a little aged on the magnets, but is sonically sound. Ceramic 3 coil pickup. I think you can wire it however you would like (parallel, serires, single coil)and can be retro fitted to stingrays. No idea for price so... £80 posted. Both ono, no trades need the dosh. Bank transfer prefered. Thanks.
  24. A spending spree and an amp repair bill that half its actual cost means I got sell some stuff. A few dings but nothing obvious at the front and obviously doesn't effect the sound. Which is as you expect a P bass. Does have an S1 switch but never really played with it. 2003, Chrome red, black pickguard, maple f/b. £450 posted ina hardcase. For pictures please email o.prime2@googlemail.com I will add its one of the btter sounding P basses I've had/tried. Very warm and mellow, or aggressive with a change of technique and a twist of tone knob.
  25. My GB stl900 has come in witha repair bill. This is a used condition, with only what I can see 2 small marks on the front. Everything else, knobs, input/outputs are 100%. I've only used a few times for practice, and at less than 2kg makes a great practuce amp. 500w at 4 ohm and 280w(iirc) at 8 ohms. Would suit small cabs due to size. Need to recoup funds for the Genz repair. £300 plus postage. Preferably bank transfer. Or obviously can collect. Email me for pictures at o.prime2@googlemail.com. Thanks
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