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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. What I typically do is learn a fair amount of songs that I would associate with what ever style I want to try. I learn as many as I can until the "patterns" turn up. My basslines usually consist of the chords, then hitting other notes within the chord or scale on beats of the snare of kick drum. Usually ending chord progressions with a fill, octaves or quick runs to help accentuate the end of a line. For funk, I do what I learnt from bootsy collins a long time ago. As long as you are on the right note on the 1 you have the space in-between the ones to do as you please.
  2. Do the songs need a G-string? If not string the Pre-EB BEAD....
  3. Dibs on pre-amp, message you when I get home.
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1335091' date='Aug 10 2011, 02:39 PM']Ed can make anything sound good but i love the fact that he demonstrates with both finger and pick most of the time. As a 99% pick player its not easy finding online videos of new gear played that way.[/quote] If only you wanted a Big Al....
  5. [quote name='clauster' post='1335301' date='Aug 10 2011, 05:08 PM']From the Terror Bass manual-[/quote] Indeed. But it does what he is intending and as long as the total minimum load isn't below 4 ohms it's fine. I did this a few times with mine, and I would say there is little to no volume difference so seems rather pointless endeavour. To lower the output to "practice" levels you'll succeed better in using smaller cabs. Could try the bass volume. Also the EQ knobs are each volumes so you could turn them down. Also the volume does go anti clockwise.
  6. Congrats! I wouldn't worry about the case issue. As long as it hugs the body ok when it's closed it won't move around enough to cause damage.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1333227' date='Aug 9 2011, 09:19 AM']He is one of those players that hold the bottom end pretty damn well. Nothing too flashy, but some nice runs which you dont notice until you hear them through headphones. With them being such a big 'rock' band with the tradtional 'loud guitars' I doubt he will ever be that dominant. Plus he seems like quite a quiet chap. I think he should use a Stingray for a gig or two. I bet you will hear him then.[/quote] I'm sure I've seen him use a Ray in the past. Maybe be making it up though. I'm quiet partial to a bit of relicing, I enjoy the worn in neck more.
  8. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1334393' date='Aug 10 2011, 12:04 AM']That's a really cool offer Also I've just noticed you put yours through a Barefaced Super 12 T! That's the best damn rig in the universe oh yes it is [/quote] If anyone wants to try either I don't mind them popping in for a brew and some bass. Thanks, it's one beasty rig.
  9. Steve and I just traded a RH750 for a F1. Very very quick transaction. Deal Done over the weekend, posted and arrived by Tuesday. Top bloke!
  10. I remember a thread about the decline in QC. However at the time I had several sets on rotation. Then a few weeks ago I ordered some more, out of stock and every week being told they are coming next week. Finally got my hands on 2x 40-100 and had the E-string duff on one set, I emailed the UK distribution, and by the sounds of it they have no 100 gauge hi beams at all..... what the hell? Is DR going duff? Trying out some lo-riders, which I'm preferring but if they don't last at least 4 rehearsals I doubt I'll be buying DR again. TBH I do have an issue with string life, my hands are terribly sweaty. The longest string I had was some elixers but they sounded terrible compared to DR.
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1334168' date='Aug 9 2011, 08:52 PM']I know, but no chance at the moment. Id love to be able to gig both, and see which cuts it. Then, what happens if I also took the STL900 and that worked better?! Haha. What a nightmare.[/quote] If you ever want to come try the F1, more than welcome.
  12. A lot more depends on what you need your amp/rig to do. £700 is a lot for smallish rigs that a decent enough and still sound good. But 700 you'll struggle to get a top notch amp that'll do exactly what you want and more. Obviously this is if your buying new. All you need really is a head that's very transparent and flat in response, and a cab with a decent tweeter.
  13. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1333521' date='Aug 9 2011, 01:10 PM']Yep, used to own one. not bad at limited volume, but far from the best cab I have used. Very middl-y, not great low end extension. The ported 102 standard is MUCH better. I used to use my trv102 on its end and angled upwards, purely as a stage monitor, which to be fair it did its job as, but I have heard better. For the money I would not bother again. I used to be a string advocate of the MB cabs, but since trying others (Tecamp, Ashdown, Aguilar, Barefaced) I think they have a distinctive mid/wool sound, which some some but I do not. I have heard a LM3 into a BF Super 12 T and it was an excellent tone and volume. I would think a better alternative to the TRV102P would be a 210 form tecamp/TC, or a BF Midget, or any of the nice 112 cabs out there.[/quote] +1 The only really good sounding 2x10s I have heard have been heavy and relatively big. These smaller 2x10s while a nice idea don't cut the mustard. A better solution to small 2x10 is indeed a very good 1x12, the Barefaced midget have better frequency response and louder output, and due to it being Barefaced it sounds amazing. Or a small 1x15 as a stand alone cab, especially a 1x15 like the BF Compact. Has amazing mids and low end, just doesn't give me the top end I need. Don't get me wrong, I like a 2x10 but light or loud arnt realistic options in the Market.
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1333433' date='Aug 9 2011, 11:53 AM']I know what you mean. Ken has a certain style and he likes a certain tone but thats not for everyone. Seeing as your thinking about the LMIII why not lower your sights slightly and think about a F1. Its a lot cheaper than the F500 and has the same EQ (although its missing a few other features).[/quote] It's like old Ed Freidland, I hate the way he cuts the highs and boost everything else, although he will demonstrate "flat" and his videos are the most informative aswell. The F1 and F500 have the same preamp and power amp you only get the semi-para mids I think. You should get your arse down to somewhere that has both and try each out LOUD as that is where the difference really is.
  15. I put stickers On the back of a guitar neck. Ended up being helpful in playing blind as I learnt to gauge the distance between each sticker, took them off and I could still play blind.
  16. LM3 has th best optimally flat output. The F500 has dips in both the low mid and high mid section, but still spuds relatively flares the te centre mids are on the same output level as the lows and highs. Despite it being lighter I can't think of another reason for getting F500 over the LM3. Both output as near as makes no difference 500w, with the LM actually outputting a little more. They sound similar, but if you want flat phat punch out the box its a done deal. Unless the semi-parametic mids and lower weight is something you need, flat response is easy enough to get out of the F500.
  17. DR seem to be having real stocking issues ATM. I've been waiting nearly 5 weeks for 45-100 hi beams. I've been using whatever I can get in the meantime, and got some 40-100 hi beams on the sterling. Now usually I'll play the flavour of the week bass a lot but I've been trying to save the strings for rehearsals and gigs coming up. I've litterally used the bass twice in prolonged usage and can count the other short times on one hand. Picked it up this afternoon and they sound like they are on the way out already. For 26-27 pound a go I want them to last at least a month, not 2 weeks! Is this short life span due to the higher gauge? How can I help my strings not die so easily? Bass gloves?
  18. [quote name='JTUK' post='1329943' date='Aug 6 2011, 02:37 PM']No..no one can say. It is all about how the strings feel under your fingers. Technique-wise, slappers might go lighter ..I use 40-120 or 125 max. People who want a big powerful sound with a solid L and RH input could get away with 50.... If you are a light flicky player..you probably will not have the strenght to work the bigger strings on finesse parts.[/quote] +1 I used 30-90 once and it was easy to slap and tap, anything heavier and I feel I have absolutely thrash the thing. You have to bear in mind tension aswell. A higher tension string tend to be easyier to tap and slap on but finding high gauge high tension strings is something I think doesn't exist.
  19. Takeshi Ueda from Mad Capsule Markets. Any hard rock metal/rap metal fan who is a bassist needs to listen to digidogheadlock and 4 plugs albums. Probably the only bassist I'm such a fanboy of that I actually want his signature bass.
  20. I think the VLE really works. Although it is just a low pass and if your cab goes super high it doesn't work so much. But if it is a mid scoop or a mid contour control why not call it that instead of trying to create the next big thing or a useless USP. An ideal amp for me has: Low and is selectable between shelf and band. Low mid Centre mid High mid Highs selectable between shelf and band. And for the preamp to be optimally flat when controls are at noon. A power amp that is truly at it says it is. It also ha to be paper thin and weigh next to nothing..... I'm not asking much.
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1331441' date='Aug 7 2011, 09:59 PM']Well, I think im sorting a deal on my Genz SL900 and going for a LM3 or F500. I do really like the SL900. It sounds fantastic. But the problem is, the RH750 is also fantastic, and also has no problem in producing a clean tube amp tone. As I like the RH750 a hell of a lot, im going to change the SL900 for a Markbass. I think its the fact all my amps are very 'tubey' warm and aimed towards a more voiced vintage tone means one has to go for the clean Markbass tone. Never thought Id actually jump back to Markbass, but they do make excellent gear.[/quote] I was actually going to say before hand. One doesnt need 2 amps that do the same thing. Depending on what you are after, the LM3 maybe a goo choice as it sounds naturally cleaner due to the stunning flat response, where as the F500 has drops in the low and high mids and a boost back in the centre mids, which some say give a punchy sort of sound. It's not too over bearing though as the low high and the centre mid are all pretty level. I just think te EQ section is easyier to use on te LMseries as you know it's flat all ready, so if you need cut/boost something it's a bit easyier to do.
  22. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1331123' date='Aug 7 2011, 05:50 PM']From what I remember of my OTB, the mid didn`t add that scratchy nasally sound that you can get with some amps, just a bit more warmth and roundness to the sound. Making you sound like JJ Burnell, it would not - in the words of Yoda![/quote] The BGM review says that optimally is bass and treble practically off and mid all the way on. I'm very tempted to buy another for sakes worth, even more so now knowing it has 519watts in 4ohm mode and just shy of 500 in 8 ohm. I really want to strip one down just to the power amp section to have a really good solid 500w power amp for use with a preamp pedal. I'm hoping we get wind of the 1000w versions true wattage but after seeing the Markbass Momark 800w amp frame barely succeeding 700w I'm not being to optimistic about it. For me I would have kept the OTB if it had a stronger EQ. Not more knobs but the sweeps to be more dramatic and steeper. Each control interferes with it's surrounding frequencies too much for me. Overall still a fantastic amp.
  23. Ampage?
  24. I believe I took some 40 grade paper to my 95 in a got of drily ken stupidity. I think it looks good
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