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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Shame this is too far north for me.
  2. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1421584900' post='2662879'] could you not squeeze that OC2 on by moving the others closer together? just finished tweaking and setting up my nano board for live use, really impressed with this ovnifx compressor [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/pugwall/Bass/FullSizeRender1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/pugwall/Bass/FullSizeRender.jpg[/IMG] so it goes: Bass -> TC Electronic Polytune Noir -> OVNIFX Smoothie Compressor -> Suncoast B1P Bass Preamp -> Pearce PDI-09 DI box -> Demeter Minnie 800D power amp -> Barefaced Super 15 with nice neon pink gaffa so i can see my settings and where to stand on stage [/quote] Nice! Did you ever get those cables? My fist gig tonight with my palmer di box so hopefully the sound guy won't be scoulling at the treble in the preamp.
  3. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1421509717' post='2662109'] So the sandblasted blue strat in my local store spent 3 days between arrival and sale... Fender haven't got a clue! ;-) [/quote] Some people have no taste, and more money than sense.
  4. Caribbean mist... Looks pretty good but goes with nothing. Clashes with everything except black.
  5. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1421070711' post='2656762'] If it's a Markbass solid-state power amp, I wonder if the bottom half of the box is empty? [/quote] It is. How pointless. When these first showed on the markbass FB page last year I thought they were just going to be rebadged classic 300 amps. Now they are pretty much a LM3, with a worse preamp and a giant heavy case. 5kilo head inside a 10 kilo case.
  6. The flat radius and asymetric neck carve wasn't something I fully noticed until I played a traditionally carved neck. To me that says it's comfortable. I don't even really like P width necks but I'm sure my ACGs nut is 40mm.
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420838981' post='2654210'] Eden 212 plus a 210 driven by a WT800... Stonkingly awesome.. can't imagine any class D amp getting anywhere near that rig. I accept it is a BIG rig and overkill for most gigs but hard to beat, IMO. [/quote] Forgive me for maybe being Devils advocate but why go for two 2x? Cabs with different speakers. I know you like 12s from previous threads. But if that's the case why not just two 2x12s?
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1420655244' post='2651818'] Everything from the choice of pick or fingers to the room itself does something to your sound. Although I have a largish rig - 2 cabs, 6U Rack amp, effects and wireless system, it takes me less than 5 minutes from getting the gear to the stage area to being ready to play. Stack the cabs and rack case. Plug in the cabs, plug in the mains, select the first patch on my Bass Pod and I'm ready to go. I never play with the EQ settings on my amp, it always sounds right, and besides trying to use a frequency domain solution (EQ) to fix a mostly time domain problem (room acoustics) is an exercise in futility. [/quote] This.. It I just plug in and go, but it's largely because all the knobs have been set prior.
  9. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1420459371' post='2649486'] I've used them in the past and I've never had a problem either, in fact I can't actually recall seeing any complaints about them here previously, which is a bit of a record. The thing that tickled me was their tracking system. My parcel was picked and despatched in a matter of an hour or so. It left Germany and arrived in France a few hours later. It arrived in the UK the following morning. Pretty damn good I thought. It then wobbled up the country through various depots and was finally delivered three days later. Seems ironic that they can get a parcel all the way from Germany to England in slightly less than 24 hours, but that final 170 miles took 72 hours... [/quote] It's because the last leg is handled by UK workers who are over worked and underpaid by companies always looking to improve profit over service and work conditions. Followed by the ridiculous pay of managers, and manager's manager etc etc. I got a parcel from UPS at around 7:30 at night on a Friday!!! And he told me they are looking to introduce the same 7/8am till 8pm on Saturdays too.
  10. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1420492312' post='2650042'] Yup, which is kinda the same as what I had been getting at looking at frequencies response curves of the speaker - however, a more granular detail would be, for example, to model the curve of a speaker that is known to have a pleasing characteristic sound when fed with a distorted signal. the Celestion Vintage 30 comes to mind, or even just an Eminence (delta?) used in Ampeg cabinets. I do agree with you, but I guess I'm not happy with stopping there! I'm naturally curious! [/quote] In that case, you'll find most will mimic a similar curve. I found most guitar baised simulators have a dip around 1-2khz, a spike and the sharp roll off from anywhere between 3-5 kHz. Some go further and try and encapsulate the effect of mining a cab up, so include a low mid bump to mimic the proximity effect. If I was going to want the palmer Dis sound into the amp and cab then I would wire a jack to XLR plug cable, not too difficult to do, plus it's small and is passive.
  11. To totally kill off the tweeter it'd need to be set at the crossover point that's on your cab!! Some are set higher than others, as you probably already know. So your best bet is starting there with your EQ pedal and see if it still brings in the tweeter.
  12. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1420408637' post='2649140'] So that'll be my suncoast we're talking about too then I'll have a think and reply tomorrow! [/quote] That'll be you, me and Ant with one with a similar issue. It hates clean top end cabs/PAs. I'm getting the palmer di as it'll solve the PA top end problem, and the DI on my head is knackered. Do markbass not have some sort of pedal that just has the filters on? One is basically an LPF
  13. Don't know if they've been mentioned but I highly rate d'addario nickel flatwound(I think they are nickel) sound ace!!
  14. [quote name='Skinnyman' timestamp='1420383536' post='2648592'] I believe there are four reasons to buy another company. 1) to get revenue (I.e. Buying a company that has strong revenue streams such as software, maintenance or royalty/licence fees) 2) to get technology (I.e. Buying a company for their patents/innovation 3) to get market share (by buying a strong brand that will continue to be promoted independently) or 4) to take out the competition. Given that GB had no revenue stream outside product sales, had limited patents and have now been taken off air, I can only assume that they were bought for reason 4. [/quote] I don't think for reasons four. GBs market wasn't really traditional, more lightweight and modern. And not too long after the announced buyout Fender released a new rumble range, that was strikingly similar to the shuttle range. Looked promising but never got chance to have ago with one as local music shops still have old crap combos and the old bit of markbass gear that's on at RRP.
  15. Regardless of what they do, it'll be some years before they as a company become profitable again.
  16. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1419008485' post='2635704'] What amp will you be using? IME I'd happily recommend 2 Bergantino AE112 cabs or 2 Barefaced Super Compacts. I used 2 AE112 cabs for nearly 7 years (loudly, with 5 string basses and lots of low mids dialed in) and they easily took over from my Epifani 410. I didn't miss the 410 at all. I'd recommend the CN212 but, at 46lbs, it's over your limit. IME it's worth extending your weight limit to include the CN212. Last week I saw 2 Super Compacts in use with a TC RH750. What a great sound that was. One of the best I've heard in recent years. [/quote] This, end of thread.
  17. On my COG preamp there is a -12db per octave roll off at 3khz on both the output and XLR output. Both can be turned on/off independantly.. The sun coast I have really cooks tweeters and and hates the clean sparkle on most PAs, this works a treat. But I'm going to get a passive palmer DI that has a speaker emulator.
  18. It works on the P yeah, but the jazzes pole pieces are bit too close for it to match up, probably doesn't equal volume across the strings on that back pickup. Interesting none the less as it sounded big on that vid that was pose.
  19. [quote name='PianoFights' timestamp='1420278042' post='2647367'] Henry from TTNG plays one of these I think: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq8QuTRAXE8[/media] [/quote] Just had a look, looks like a squier jaguar bass which has been modded to be 6 strings.
  20. This thread is mighty more pleasant than the last, thank god. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1415524654' post='2601057'] I nearly always have a mild overdrive on, so that's my compressor! [/quote] Similar stance as this from me. When I used to play clean with fingers, I would use compression live as it added lots of harmonic content that just wasn't there or at least quiet plus the added bonus of keeping the giant peaks down when I dug in hard, because at a rock show it's hard to rock the hell out and maintain your plucking hands consistency. Now I mainly play live with a pick and loads of drive. I used to have a parallel signal with one side being clean with the compressor. I still liked the compressor just not with my dirt pedals and it helped add weight to the clean signal. Didn't need much more highs adding with using the bridge pickup, a pick and loads of drive. For one reason or another I stopped using the compressor all together and now play without one. My pick technique is a lot more consistent than my finger and I have a preamp that has a built in compressor that has the LED as metering. The limiter is on all the time but only ever so slightly, to bring back those big low open notes. The compressor I've used that I liked was the Trex tube comp, which was a similar circuit to the Markbass one. Lots of control and an actual tube comp. I haven't used any cheap ones or ones with far less control that I found I liked, either too much effect or not noticeable. I do want to try the Xotic sp comp though.
  21. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1420294858' post='2647665'] Aren't they tuned B-B in the guitar register? If so, you'll need an octave pedal, if so, you're replacing a bass with a slightly lower guitar + a pedal to do the job of a bass? Lol Si [/quote] [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420295238' post='2647679'] Standard tuning is E A D G B E in bass guitar register. [/quote] As above, it's tuned one octave lower than a regular electric guitar. I did a quick google before asking in the OP, I wouldn't dream of playing a regular guitar these days. Those strings are so tiny.
  22. Great buyer and very understanding and pleasant when I couldn't post his item due to personal difficulties. Top man !!!
  23. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1419513027' post='2640534'] awful? It's buuuutiful! [/quote] Haha what happens when an Engineer designs stuff that's should look pretty. Tbh, the old painted finish and the logo do not deter me one bit. I don't have to look at it at gigs. But I'm not half tempted by a TKS cab though in red.
  24. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1417525037' post='2621292'] Glad you've got to keep it I've gone for the same pickup compliment in my Finn (currently in gestation) but I've gone for an active blend pot with passive tone, as I don't use the active tone controls on my Status but I do use the blend pot for the same reasons you are going V/V/T I'm guessing it'll make sod all different to the tone..? [/quote] To me it certainly does. Blending provides a few different tonalities that the rotary knob simply won't achieve IMO of course. Plus I don't use the series mode as I just don't like the sound at all. In theory a blend should do what I like to do but all ones I have tried have felt like he volume is only half open on each pickup. Maybe I'm too used to just whacking the knobs on 10 lol.
  25. Prime_BASS

    ACG build

    Up vote the dirty maple for your jazz build. Love the look of that wenge neck and fretboard. If only I liked the tone of Wenge ! But the look is enough to ask Alan to make me one for my jazz type.
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