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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1305077' date='Jul 15 2011, 07:55 PM']Well, only the post 2008 HS models, and the pre 2008 single H H/S models have the option for a single coil IIRC. This is definitely the single coil (switch towards neck) if its a Ray.[/quote] If it's the same controls as the sterlings back in the early nineties then the middle position on the 3 way gives you single coil(the bridge coil) as I believe it anyway. If it is indeed the ceramic pup in the series position (3-way pointing at neck) then I will guess 1 as it has a low mid boost, and since you cut the kids back on the sandberg the 2nd definatly has a slight mid cut. A straight forward alnico equipped SR4 with 2 or even 3 band EQ flat against another brands impression would make the exercise a lot easyier. Personally I wouldn't call the SR5 a true ray, not even the newer ones with the alnico pups due to the 3 way. The best SR4's plus another string are the classic SR5s, alnico, same preamp, no other gubbins in the way.
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='1303781' date='Jul 14 2011, 05:10 PM']I thought I was awesome at 20 too .....I suppose it also depends on what you think of as 'the best'. On a more general note,a big part of practicing is not the pure number of hours but the material that you study. Playing along to your favourite Chili Peppers for a couple of hours is great fun but it's not practicing. The idea is to practice something that you have never played or can't already do....that is how you improve. An hour studying an 8 bar exercise out of 'Chord Studies' will see a bigger improvement than 3 hours jamming to 'Californication' for the 6th time. Don't get me wrong,playing to your favourite albums is fun and important but after a short while it stops becoming practice and you need to look elsewhere for improvement.[/quote] Very true. I try and "practice" at least an hour a day. It doesn't just involve playing however. Scale runs, improv over a metronome, reading up on theory, executing theory in jams to drum machine, watching YouTube vids(for techniques I want to improve on). I also try and listen for basslines that excite me to then learn. For example Duran Duran - Rio was on radio, spent my hour listening to the song, and playing the lines, I now know the verse and chorus, just need to remember changes then move onto playing the bridge. In a week I'll be able to play it without really thinking. A lot of my buddies think I'm good but I know I'm not as good if I'd taken music at school or was more bothered with theory, but STICK IT TO THE MAN!!!!
  3. [quote name='charic' post='1303378' date='Jul 14 2011, 11:59 AM']Very good idea this kind of thing [/quote] It is. Any slots in Nottingham?
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1301141' date='Jul 12 2011, 03:24 PM']I'd also like to know this as im seriously thinking of changing my cab now. As much as i like the 1212L i cant help think a Compact will be a better match for my STL600 or F1, if so it will mean i dont have to sell my STL600.[/quote] Markbass watts are very nice, the F1 should out put 350 watts in 8 ohm and I've had 500 supposed watts going through a midget and never noticed a volume decrease. If the Schroeder is close in design to a S12T then the midget will be 1/2 as loud as the 1212L, the Vd of which is 330, the 1212L I'd guess around 650-700cc of Vd. The compact is just over 500cc Vd. The missing volume will be negligible in smaller room from the 2x12 to the 1x15. Still 330cc is still loud and a lot better than most 2x10 while be lighter. I've already gone through the pros and cons against each one but can go in more depth?
  5. In psychology there are arguments about why someone has a particular behaviour. However 9 times out 10 everyone is wrong. Tone is not in the fingers, or the pickup, or the electronics, or wood, or the frets, or the strings. It's a combination of it all.. I sound like me sure, but if I play a jazz, I sound like I'm playing a jazz not a stingray. The very fundamental basic of basics of "tone" is in the string and how and where the string is plucked struck caused to vibrate. Then that "tone" is effected ever so slightly with pickup types, wood types, EQing blah blah. Jaco won't sound like Jaco on a EB-0....... He'll sound like he is playing an EB-0. Anyway. Back on topic. Still I'm sticking to my firm belief that what ever mix it was the EQing done to the basses just made the sound like generic bass sound which is ever so popular intodays "pop" music. Watching jools holland, band A use a stingray through ampeg band B use a P bass through ampeg, both play with a pick but you'd still expect a small amount of "characterful tone" to cone through. No, you get the same inane low end druelling.
  6. A lot of bassists come from the standpoint of low end holding and unfortunately so do a lot of sound engineers it's only inevitable that basses and bassists will sound similar. If I go to a gig I make a point to make sure the engineer mixes me in the FOH how it sounds through my rig, otherwise the band ends up sounding like every other generic Indie pop rock band.
  7. Currently alex has a few compacts ready in stock, so if you order soon you'll get one a lot quicker. I think there is £40 on top of advertised price aswell due to the neo fiasco. Also alex fears not being able to get the neo drivers in stock again, so I'd order Barefaced now before they get to expensive and/or stop production till Alex can sort something else out.
  8. Hopfully this news will keeP you looking from the bongos in the for sale section.
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1301326' date='Jul 12 2011, 05:21 PM']Thanks prime_BASS. Im all set to place a trade add in this weekend and see if anything happens.[/quote] If I had a compact and didn't have the supertwelve I would trades. If the figures on the site are true I'd be interested in trying one. The mini 10s look unbelievable!!
  10. [quote name='thebassman' post='1301322' date='Jul 12 2011, 05:19 PM']How long have they quoted for delivery? I am getting serious gas for one of these.[/quote] Usually about a month, I've had cabs come shorter before though.
  11. I have a tendency to keep my EQ flat on amps for the fact that I like the sound of my basses and I'm still not too sure how to EQ right in regards to room dynamics, however this isn't really an issue with these cabs as they are very efficient as in the sound isn't too effected by rooms (to a point) anyway my point. With basses such as P's even poorly setup jazzes have to me sounded rather boomy through the compact, however now I feel confident that I could do enough to the bass, head and cab to cancel out any boom. If you are turning the tweeter off anyway then you won't miss that ultra high end as a compact has plenty of top just not enough for me, and in the mixes I was in with it the high end it did have I found got lost a little. You personally won't ever know until you try it your self, but I'm confident you'll find it great for your current needs. You won't find anything louder, lighter, brilliant sounding for cheaper.
  12. All of Barefaced range is very transparent. Although they each hold characteristics of size/speaker aswell. For example the midget is a great flat response cab, although if you push it you notice the loss in lows more due to it's small size pushing less air. The supertwelve gives the same midget sound but loud, fantastic mods and due to size the lows keep up all the way to the point that your head explodes. The compact is a great middle ground, very very loud, the kids and lows stay balances all the way to maximum Vd. The lows are nice a full with out muddying the Mids/low mids. My own personal problem is it's high end response, something sounding as phat as it does you notice the 4khzs barrier more, especially if you are used to the 20khz+ limit of a tweeter. All in all these cabs wont solve your mid range issue, but I will say you get what you put in! You put in a vintage sound you get that out, put in a clean bright sound you'll get that too. I personally like the fantastic PA quality un-coloured sound. I'm probably one of few people in the world to have owned all three of the modular range!!! Th supertwelveT does it for me on a lot of occassions. The compact im positive will be a great choice, however I think that genz streamliners are quite mid present an as such might need a little cut depending on what bass you use. Also it'll be even more present with a new conpct due to the driver needing to be broke in, a time goes on the mods smooth out and the lows deepen a little. Just beware that at gigs you may not be getting quite the same high end response due to the cabs limit.
  13. Stop looking Gareth!!!!
  14. 100+ 10% of the bar takings would be about £600 at my local! The place is usually quite busy any way regardless of what's on music wise.
  15. I will testify that this cab is suitable for anything up to medium sized gigs providing you have a solid 350 watt amp head. Any gig bigger should have PA support. However it served me well on many occasions. Only issue I had with it was the noticeable loss in deep lows (below 50hz) when it was being seriously pushed, but if again this can be countered with the right positioning on stage, and having a good sound onstage that doesn't completely drown it out. Played this on it's own against a 2 full range PA 50watt 1x10 and a seriously loud drummer, and people commented that there was too much bass !!!!!! On the slip side, I had to raise it off the floor ontop of another amp and it lost that floor coupling and the general sound on stage was naff so it struggled on the lows, but if it was on the floor it would have been fine. The main reason that I got the bigger unit was because I was doing a lot of gigs without fold back Monitors for the bass and out door stuff and rehearsal volume increasing! I'd be all over this but I'm holding out on some other stuff.
  16. It depends how the passive mode is wired through the rest of the system. As I understand it the jack socket with a jack plugged in acts as an on switch, so it could very well need a fresh battery. Hard to tell without being to hear it. If that fails, try the gain in the amp, this new bass may be particularly hot in output. If that fails I suggest sending an email to whom ever sold it to you. If it's not the battery or amp gain, something is up.
  17. So it's 750w at 4 ohm?
  18. You are using a 4x12. It's going to be loud.
  19. I had the midget for a while. You won't miss the Tweeter with just the one, if you were using with another or a compact then you might need it. It's got a lot of low end for it's small size, probably great for small acoustic like gigs. However because it's small you notice the loss of the deep lows the louder it goes. In reality it depends what your needs are, if you need something small purely for monitoring onstage because of PA support or if you need a full large sound on stage with little PA support. The first midget non-T will be great. The second, a compact will be plenty or of you need rediculous loud the SuperTwelveT.
  20. Been playing instruments since I was 14. Bass 2 years this November. High point has to be just making some great basslines. Low point, learning a whole set for a favour for a Mates band and being the only one who could play the whole set properly.....
  21. Bucks is a bit far for me!!!
  22. Personally I learn the basic shape and patterns. And then simply move them up or down for detuneing. Usually I only drop to D but have been known to play in Eb. However for example joceln browns somebody elses guy is tuned Eb but majority of the song is in Ab I think, regardless open strings arnt prominent so if I'm lazy I'll play it in standard tuning but play all the notes a fret lower. The guitarist should have told you what key he is playing in. Some people detune or play in different keys for the vocalists sake, however I also feel that you should have picked up what was happening or at least stopped and asked. If someone is following me in a jam or what ever, I'll at least tell them what key I'm in, and if they are struggling I'd rather they stop and ask rather than sound crap and struggle. Communication goes two ways.
  23. [quote name='TRBboy' post='1296358' date='Jul 7 2011, 08:00 PM']When I was working in guitar shops, I found the Squier Bronco to be a surprisingly satisfying little bass. You can pick a new one up for about £150! The Squier Vintage Modified Mustang is fairly new I think but it looks like they go for about £250. The Danelectro 56 had a favourable review in BGM recently, and I think they're going for about £250 too. I've tried a couple of Epiphone EB's before, but they always seem to be poorly put together and badly set up, although of course I might have just been unlucky! I don't think your budget is quite enough for a vintage Fender Mustang but it might be worth a look. Hope this helps.[/quote] About the vintage fender mustang: I've seen some go for below £200 but this was before people started putting premiums on them cause they are old. Old doesn't equal good but does equal high price tag to some. The best short-scale bass I've owned is the jack Cassidy signature by epiphone. Fantastic sounding bass, very precision esque, warm and woody and the varitone is interesting.
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