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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='1044551' date='Dec 2 2010, 12:55 AM']I don't understand why this underpowered thing seems to follow SVT3PRO's around! I used mine with 2 Mesa Boogie cabs and it was loud enough to match some very, very noisy guitarists I play with. In 10 years it was never not loud enough. I was in the house band for a jam and used it run a Boogie 115 and Epifani 410 stack, that's a total of 1400 watts, and it never missed a beat. When I sold it the new owner paired it with an Ampeg 410 Classic and he made my ears ring when he tested it out. Turn the Master to 3 or 4 o'clock and use the Gain to get your volume. There's also a volume slider on the EQ if you need more.[/quote] As I said it seems perfectly fine with some cabs, but with others you don't get alot of headroom or anything extra should you need it. I had in some unbranded 4x12 and it was a lot louder (but that cab was crap so I didn't use it) To the OP I would imagine that it would be fine volume wise with te cab you linked to, also you can sways add another should you need/want to.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1049119' date='Dec 6 2010, 11:27 AM']How cool is that?! Tbh, the LM3 is probably the best value 'all round' amp on the market still.[/quote] All round? It's is very versatile and while clean you can coax some vintage tone out of it with the filters. Pretty good idea though, like Barefaced's "on tour" thing, surprised most dealers/manufacturers don't do this as for some people it's nearly impossible to try gear without traveling sometimes hundreds of miles. My "local" stores only have 1 or 2 brands in for bass amps, one place only has Ashdown gear and the other place only has markbass and there it's on the steep side.
  3. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1047683' date='Dec 4 2010, 07:18 PM']well done in the sale Stephen. The fella who got this is surely getting a well setup bass. I love mine to bits, however even im starting to consider swapping/selling mine as im hankering for a 51R.....damn gas[/quote] I'm not getting my hopes up as payment still not been recieved. Also I'm pretty positive the used price will go up after I sell it as they are discontinued and I can't seem to find them anywhere, one I did find was priced at £825!!!!!!!!
  4. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1044510' date='Dec 2 2010, 12:01 AM']ok... it's worked... they've made me want an ashdown...[/quote] +1
  5. I totally understand where you are coming from. At the Notts bass bash I played a very very nice Wood & tronics Klimt, it was amazing to play it was like a bass epiphiny. I could have ordered one but in the end I like my bass to have a bit of imperfect character about them, and the W&T left me a bit cold.
  6. [quote name='cocco' post='1047612' date='Dec 4 2010, 06:10 PM']Am I the only one who opened this thread thinking it had something to do with Si?[/quote] Was probably the only reason I clicked the thread.
  7. 8B ? Is that the 8 x 5 cab? In that sense it's not that heavy, also a lot of weight is held in the wood an the wood PJB use is really dense/heavy. Is it really as low as 30hz???? Great cab and a better price good look
  8. Take a look at the Enfield bass. It looks like HH but the pickups are split horizontal and vertical. So you can have HH, JJ, PP, HJ, HP, JH, PH, JP, PJ. I think it's also activive/passive aswell. Very versatile however very very expensive and if you do buy it you are only likely to use 1 or 2 of the available options. So it's for the rich and indecisive.
  9. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1047410' date='Dec 4 2010, 03:21 PM']probably the best assumption.[/quote] An assumption none the less. I've signed for packages after the driver saw me walk up my own driveway, not asked if I was a resident there or who I was, didn't even stay around to see if I had the key to my own front door. I could have been anyone. Best thing to do is claim your insurance, and notify the courier you used to post it. Then I'm sure if anyone of us sees it in a crack convertors or on eBay they'll notify you and the local authorities.
  10. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1046625' date='Dec 3 2010, 05:53 PM']Really? I'm very surprised at that as it's a pretty sensitive driver in there...[/quote] Well I was shortening what could have been a very long answer. Basically the compact should be pushing a decent amount of air with at least 300w @ 8ohm, the SVT-3pro spits out 350w @ 8ohm. So you would think it's plenty, not the case, or atleast not the case with my old 3pro and compact. I found mine had To have it's master volume on 3/4 at the least to get the cab to "punch" or what I can only describe as reaching the cabs peak of "tone"(you know like when your on low volume and you don't get the same sound as if you was playing on stage kinda thing). Could have brought another cab but I effectively traded it for an OTB, used it to get around 300w @ 8ohm and it managed to drive the same compact to it's peak at around 1/2 way on the volume knob. Also a few other reviews state that it's lacking in power unless you are using 2 cabs to get 450w @ 4ohm. Despite that it sounded pretty beasty, loved the sound.
  11. how about you try it with your current cab to see if it is any good. From what I can see on the website it can be used as a poweramp.
  12. indeed when I play a bass I see if it has a good even sound across all strings, I dont need to hear if it sounds good slapped, as slapping you you get get lows and highs and not much mid, so in essence you cant really hear how the bass sounds.
  13. [quote name='urb' post='1045626' date='Dec 2 2010, 08:43 PM']I would agree that boosting and controlling the mids is absolutely the way to get heard in your band... BUT - there's a bigger point here that as a bassist you should be able to find and achieve your sound, and while you should take on board what your bandmates want, and accomodate them too, defferring all power to your guitarists is a bit of a crap way to go about making music IMO.[/quote] IMO part of being a bassist is being versatile to suite the needs of the band and IMO (and I know other will agree) this particular bass sound doesn't sit well with the rest of the mix. it's not about cutting in on someone elses sound, you should be all able to sit well in a "mix" where as right now it feels go me you guys are separating. Your EQ choice would be good in a reggae format but for from what I'm getting from the vids it's not so hot for driving rock. Cliff Williams, I would say there isn't a lot of treble in his overall sound but he has enough mids to cut in and be heard while still anchoring the guitar.
  14. Alright!! My dad came to the rescue with his old ass set of "UNSC" hex keys. Thanks to all those that helped anyway
  15. Issue is sorted thanks to my superdad However my initial problem of finding replacement parts for MM basses. All well and good "protecting brand image" but in some cases it can be detremental to that same image. I'd love to be able to get a hold of a neodymium hbucker for my ray and the likelihood of one turning up secondhand is pretty low. Don't get me wrong I love the basses and guitars but for someone like me who buys used more often than new, I'd be pretty stuffed if there was a major issue with something other than electrical on my stingray.
  16. I listened to the clips through my vary good/expensive head phonrs. All well and good wanting your own sound however IMO the hand as a whole sounds rather "empty". This is because you EQ in such a away to make you sound totally disjointed from the rest of them. There is much to be heard between the extreme treble if the guitar and your extreme bass. All I can suggest is at a rehearsal stand in a way thy you can hear everything, and hopefully you'll understand what I mean. Then I would try and start from scratch, EQ your amp and bass FLAT then hear the difference. Not trying to hate on you but the bass doesn't fill much space and is rather indistinct. A slight treble and base boost with a high mid cut would fill up some space without sounding "cranky" or zingy.
  17. Your story rings true for so many gigs. Best gigs to date have been at functions when we have been in total control of everything.
  18. Maybe we couldget a better perspective with sound example? Any YouTube bids of you playing withthe band.
  19. I guess you have to ask your self: why do I want midi interface? And, do I really need it? Even so, personally I wouldn't want to change anything on my "go-to" bass.
  20. What is the cab? As long as it's lower than 300w at 8ohm it should be able to drive it lots for decent volume. Be looking around 250w 8ohm or 400-500w 4ohm.
  21. Reading through this thread there is a lot or subjective opinions, not a bad thing but then again you say funkier sound. Could you provide some examples, youtube links??? It'd be a lot easier to give advice once we know what you are aiming for. Knowing what you have helps, which you've done but I don't know much of anything about Wesley basses, all we really now is to know though is what it's pickups(2xsingle coil, split coil, humbucker) It's true that "tone is in the fingers" I didn't really get my desired finger playing sound until I'd practiced for good long while and built my finger strength. Also the right EQing can work wonders. However you can't make chickens fly. intonation: the notes at the 12th fret should be the same as the notes when played open.
  22. [quote name='simon1964' post='1043688' date='Dec 1 2010, 12:47 PM']That was my Ric through my Mark Bass Jeff Berlin combo. Sounds great to me - I set the vintage loud speaker knob thingy to twelve o'clock and everything else flat. With the Ric on the bridge pickup setting it gives a great rock tone. I'm sure it would sound even better through a massive valve stack, but my back is much happier lugging a Mark bass to gigs...[/quote] Yeah same RIC through my MB littlemark tube. I agree to some extent that all valve is best for O/D sounds, which for one reason or another people relate to RICs
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