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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='KevB' post='1043457' date='Dec 1 2010, 10:22 AM']I'm sure a ric was played through a marbass amp at the recent Nottm bassbash, sounded fine. I've never played mine through an all valve rig and it's always sounded immense, cuts through like nobody's business. I'd forgotten how good it sounds until I heard it from a proper distance being played by someone else at a jam session the other week.[/quote] Yeah!! I can't remember whose Ric it was but I played through my amp (in my sig), and I'm sure someone else played theirs through it aswell. It sounded great to cut a long story short. My guess is your friend is rather snobbish since the markbass amp you mention is as SS, and maybe he has a preconceived about how rics should sound. The thing about Markbass amps is that they are very transparent, in terms of as what you put in you get out, a bit nasaly in the mids but that about it IMO. When I played a RIC at the bassbash it sounded very full and was very impressed with it's sound (I'm not a passive kinda guy) and I didn't think "this would be better with an all valve amp" Best thing to do, try a RIC out on your rig to let your self decide.
  2. The only thing I really wish I was better at was tapping. For the most part I'm happy with my technique and I haven't been playing a song and really thought "this song would better with some double thumbing" Would be nice if I was better at it though, just to show off.
  3. Prime_BASS

    Mr. Foxen

    Brought a tech 21 para driver from me, as soon as he was interested he sent payment no faff!!!! Would deal with again. Thanks Stephen
  4. You won't get a lot of volume from it with a Barefaced compact.
  5. All I get from that is that dingwalls low B is the only low B to have a long sustain.
  6. Im afraid all vocalists are mentalists. You'll just have to go to a shop and try as many as possible to see which are the least mental.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1041092' date='Nov 29 2010, 01:04 PM']Cool, good idea. Next time, top cab only. I actually realised how much I quite like 4x10s. Id love a Berg/Genz/Aguilar 4x10.[/quote] Do I smell GAS?
  8. I guess €600 isn't a bad price, and it is a nice amp head. I used to own one... However!!! It doesn't retain it's value much which isn't such a huge loss at the price if it's new. Make sure it's a "made in USA" version as the the others (made in china I think) have a few QC issues. The big thing for this amp will be what speakers you use with it. It's 8ohm rating of "350" watts seems very under powered, it failed push my old Barefaced compact until it reached maximum output, where as a Orange terror Bass which puts out around 300watts into an 8ohm load when in it's 500w>4ohm setting managed it. It's fine volume wise as long as you have a good cab and using the full 450w>4ohm. Are you planning on buying a cab aswell? And I dont fully understand the term "semi-pro" so it's hard tonsay what will be good/bad for you as we don't know what you need from an amp. For example: I need my amp to: be tiny, be very light, very loud, have a DI out, have tube front end, good even tone, have a decent response ranging from below 40hz to above 4khz. That's why I use what I use.
  9. I would guess so without looking t the site, I thinK it's around 20kg
  10. negatives? Well my only negative is that when I brought my midget it states on his website that they have them In stock and you can get it within a few days, but delays can occur. I placed my order and I still had wait a month, which wa the initial build time before the message was on his site. My midget arrived damaged, it was clear that something happens in transit as the box had a giant hole in it, emailed Alex and he said I'd get a replacement, that was at the end of march. I thought that at least I'd wait a month and I've emailed him twice and I am just told that I'll get one when he has one in. :/ Although I was very happy with my compact it is a huge sound, so I sold it and brought a midget, and despite the negative above I'm more than happy with it, took it to a bass bash the other week an everyone was surprised that something so small has so much low end, and a big sound. Don't worry about it being voiced in a particular way, the cabs I find don't have a specific "sound". Basically you get what you put in. Put a fat tube amp into it you get a fat tube tone, go straight through (bypassing a amps preamp) an you get te sound of your bass. The only thing I find is that I have to lower the high mids on my amp head which takes out some "nasaly" sound out of it. Also you have to remember that the speaker needs breaking in, and it's takes roughly 20 hours of hard playing to do that. I walk 10 minutes to practice rooms with guitar on my back a satchel for te amp head and the the cab in one arm. People criticise the cab handles Alex uses, but it reality they are so light and the handle so strong that's I doubt it'll ever be an issue. Agreed about the top end but te consensus at te bad bash was that the midget probably doesn't need a tweeter at all it's got a lot of high end. But obviously if you want the compact and high end I'm sure there is a tweettered versions. What you put in you get out.
  11. On the desktop I have short cuts to basschat, eBay, facebook and wikipedia. Homepage at the minute is megatokyo.com a webcomic I read and I used to take part in the forums a lot there, particularly the art section.
  12. In exactly the same situation. Our singer and 2 guitarists are unhappy with how things are going. Me and Mr.drums (sorry got to steal that) think everything is fine, we gig regularly and are building up new material. The others feel it's slow, boring or whatever else. They call a band meeting and basically call the shots, they don't want to do any more gigs until we have a whole new set. "WTF?" was my answer but in a more polite and long winded way. We end up agreeing that we will focus on writing new material. But since then only the rhythm guitarist has bothered to turn up, the others with claims of being "ill" and having to look after siblings. Later we find that the singer "cba" and the lead guitarist made himself busy. I don't understand how they can be so demanding then not bother to turn up to rehearsals. Before myself and the drummer joined they had been together 9 months and had 2 original songs, in the 10 months we have been with them we have roughly 45 minutes of originals and covers. So it's hardly been as slow as they think in my eyes. I just don't understand what's up with them really, I feel as though they are being mardy and pathetic with no good reason. How can they expect more from others when they don't give more themselves? I dunno.... Im rather vexed at the whole situation.
  13. Been to a lot of gig were it's been a medley of 4-5 bands. Each band has to bring at least one guitar amp, and we usually message the other bands saying well bring the drumkit and the bass amp. 1 time we had 5 bass amps turn up, another a week later we had 2 guitar amps with no kettle leads, am a guitar amp bead with no cab. Worst thing I've ever forgotten was my 9v power supply for my tuner, and had no batteries. Lucky enough the guitarists pulled through with a tuner to lend me.
  14. Not my cup of tea but better than some other people out there.
  15. Itdefinatly interesting if I can get something lighter I'll get it. But there must be a reason it didn't catch on.
  16. [quote name='Clarky' post='1035932' date='Nov 25 2010, 09:31 AM']Agreed, fortunately I don't like that tone! I see teh TC 450 (I have the Classic version, without presets) as an 'old school' sounding amp. With the Tubetone engaged, it sounds very like my old Mesa Walkabout. I am selling as I don't really need a backup amp although I have also offered a trade against an Orange Terror Bass given lack of cash among the BC buying public and the fact I think the Terror Bass is much more simple and an ideal plug-n-play for my punk gigs[/quote] If you dont like the tone of the classic450 then your not going to like the OTB, it's voiced pretty simar, there isn't alot of high end an it's very low-mid and low heavy. Be better off with trying to get a LMIII, very warm sounding amp with more high end on tap, and a more comprehensive EQ section. Lighter aswell.
  17. The vintage is the 2x15 yeah? I had an OTB through the compact and the sound was ridiculously loud.
  18. Ask the friend?
  19. Not bass related: Gameboy micro famicom edition, just painted to look like the old console. I paid £40 for the "rare and limited" edition version a few years ago, sold it for £60. One is one eBay for £130!!!!! It's just small Gameboy advance.
  20. 4 for me is enough. My experience of users who use more than 4 is that they spend their time noodling on the treble side above the 12th fret; if your gonna do that play guitar? Which is what I do. Bass is for bass, although I agree the Low B is needed sometimes, in some settings.
  21. like any company, its got issues somewhere. There are huge horror stories with CS within Ernieball Musicman and of Sterling Ball's massive asshattery. However I still like their products and for most part they are excellent basses. In my mind no company should be happy with an unhappy end user. At a recent work meeting we were told that if one group of 4 people had a bad experience it could loose the company a possible 10.2 million pound in future sales, through word of mouth etc.
  22. Save up a few extra bob, and buy my fender Jaguar? I think that wesley fellow on eBay does a Jaguar shaped bass, however I mimic other people sentiments. If the squier feels right now, go buy it, the extra £40 buys you things like warranty, returns policy and resellabilty if you want to move it on later.
  23. It's not just sites that are slow to update, I was in sainsburies yesterday and something listed at £12 was £10 at the till. No complaints obviously but if it was the other way round I'm sure a quick talk with te CS desk would refund me the difference. Also it's not hard to write a simple excel file to run under the website to keep track of stock coming in and going out, and to automatically update the site accordingly.
  24. I fully appreciate your argument. And the 1x15 must make a significant improvement on volume. Personally I like to have at least 100w into a 15 inch, purely for a decent amount of clean headroom. I know that tube what's are louder than SS watts, put I've had to play with a 15 inch combo before I think it was 60watts and it was just poor. Obviously I'd have to experience it in person before making a solid judgement.
  25. I fully appreciate your argument. And the 1x15 must make a significant improvement on volume. Personally I like to have at least 100w into a 15 inch, purely for a decent amount of clean headroom. I know that tube what's are louder than SS watts, put I've had to play with a 15 inch combo before I think it was 60watts and it was just poor. Obviously I'd have to experience it in person before making a solid judgement.
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