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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. IME secondhand subs and SRs are more common than Ray34s I think I've seen at least 2, on this forum. I agree people do inflate prices. IMO playing the SUB feels better and I'm not constantly think I wish it was a real Ray, where as with the RAy34s ive tried, I just have that in the back of my mind, and after a while it frustrates me.
  2. It's not about buying one used and the other new. If I had a budget of 600-700 I'd be looking at those sterling rays or secondhand stingray. I'd only mentioned the SUB as it's a cheaper alternative over both. Even factoring a used price for a ray34, I'd still rather pay an extra 50 or 60 bob more for a SUB, or is that me just being a snob? I'd take a ray34 over a sub if it had a nordstrand mm4.2 as and try and get a MMSR pre-amp from John east.
  3. You are right!
  4. I'm talking purely of a sound stand point with SUBs I agree with anyone about the body and overall look. Mines "teal" and it's not great to looks at but another £20-£30 on a normal coloured pickguard changes it. Mine with a pearloid pickguard looks pretty nifty. All means you'll if you want something too look great the Sterling ray is a good bet, but to me it makes more sense to pay less for a better sounding and playing instrument regardless of looks. Plus the 5 string version is more a stingray than what EBMM where selling at that time as SR5s. I've not been one to bum up on US made stuff, all the best stuff is made in china . I'll always prefer a Japanese fender over an American one, I've yet to play an American one that played or sounded better than a Japanese. About the EQ, 2 or 3 its up to your own personal preference, and I'm sure you have the choice of eiher now days. IMO the SUB gives the much better stingray sound, and I believe it to be mainly down to the same parts used in Stingrays.
  5. If you have pingchat, it's a bit quicker and doesnt charge as it uses the interweb My ID is stephen.bass I think my iPhones mms services are down aswell.
  6. If you give me the date it might persuade me to buy?
  7. [quote name='ezbass' post='928307' date='Aug 18 2010, 07:50 AM']Not so, the SUB bridge and tuners are not the same as they are not stamped and the poplar body is slab not contoured, although with the introduction of the slab bodied classic Rays this is now a current design feature. Having said that the SUBs were great and I adore mine, with the exception of having to strip the painted neck when it got shiny and sticky. On the subject of Ray34s I prefer mine to my old 3 band US Ray as I prefer the neck profile and the sound. My only complaint is that one of the frets lifted at the edge a little, but a little tap with a hammer and dressing at the edge sorted that.[/quote] That's what I mean by "bells and whistles" That's just about the only difference, and I think it's a cracking deal, I paid 350 for my sub, love it, and I'm coping without the engraved hardware pretty well, and the extra monies I saved went towards a Barefaced midget. My only issues with it is the finish, the textured I finishes are abit blergh, and for a poplar body it weighs a considerable amount more than my jaguar. However £350 for a US made bass, there's nothing on the Market now that can beat that.
  8. Sterling rays are only there to fill a void in their Market. As they cancelled the OLP thing, and the SUB thing. IME the SUB is better option for a cheap ray, it's the same US parts assembled in the US. Except the body is poplar, and is missing "bells and whistles" You can pickup used SUB basses for less than £400.
  9. It's put me off buying new from them (although I'm sure the UK distributor is cool) I don't even want to own sterling bass I could get cheap now. It would probably be best to lock this thread before it escalates further. Sterling and his legion are going to continue their sycophancy until they explode, and we will all continue to be appualled, neither side gaining anything.
  10. Tis a nice bass give you that, I'm just not into the design features myself.
  11. Is there anywhere else to read up on this "process" ?
  12. Sterling ball clearly reads only what he wants to read.
  13. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='927208' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:13 AM']In one sense, a good idea; Sterling might read it and take some of the feedback to heart. In another, I'm not sure that an influx of aggrieved and aggressive new "members" fresh from the EBMM board would be quite as welcome... [/quote] Considering that this one includes the same type of "feedback" that was in the TB thread. I'm fairly certain he will still think of himself as a higher being and that we are lowly communers.
  14. No price? No pics?
  15. No for sale then?
  16. [quote name='Tait' post='901427' date='Jul 21 2010, 10:52 PM']The biggest problem with this, and most new things Squier seems to be bringing out, is that there is only one choice of colour scheme. I'm also not quite sure why it's part of the VM range, it's not based on any sort of vintage bass, if IIRC the Jaguar bass only came out in the 2000's.[/quote] Well the jaguar bass is based on the jaguar guitar range which is based on the jazzmaster guitars which release in the 60s IIRC So it very loosely vintage. Also fender don't really modern anymore cause they arnt very good at it.
  17. I'm surprised I'm getting so vexed about this. Although I'm registering (not to be an arse I just want some info on dates and bridges) I saw this upon doing so. "Although the administrators and moderators of Ernie Ball Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Ernie Ball Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws." Yeeeerrrrrr right.....
  18. Weather it's a corporate forum or not, it's still open to the public. He's alienianating his own customers. I only hope his legion of fanboys all end up with problems on there own basses/guitars and still get told where to go no matter how much ring licking they have done to him.
  19. I think a lot of people are confused as to what is actually on offer.
  20. At work if a guest (customer but it's company policy to say guest) questioned something on the menu, or asked how something was done, I'd have to tell them honestly and politly as best I could. If I gave a kinda typical sterling ball answer, I'd get the sack..... But by sterling balls policy, I can be as rude and hateful as I like cause it would be in the companies building.... You would think the owner of a company would be setting the standard for customer relations, not dis-regarding it. This is how I see it. I know it's only the Internet at the end of the day, and part of me hopes that he wouldn't be such a jerk if posed a question in the street, but I'm sure he would be.
  21. Barefaced bass? I'm alex doesn't make that much mint.
  22. I sure it sounds great, but it doesn't look so hot. An I'm a bit sceptical about the long horn thing-a-ma-jig mono jumbo.
  23. Well there is a Locke thread in the for sale section... Don't know how like the the bass of doom it is like though. Although my guess would be it would be made with out the capacitor/resistor(I literally know nothing about the bass sorry) as I doubt adding it and then remov would be the key to the tone. I do know a bit about pots. 500k generally let through more highs, and with single coils can make the bass sound a little brittle - they a more commonly used on Gibson/epiphanies with humbuckers, as humbuckers generally suck a bit of high in ten effort to buck out the hum. 250k pots chock off some highs, an a more common with fender and single coils as they fatten up the sound a single coil puts out. I wouldn't use 500k pots on a jazz, especially with 70s pickup spacing as it can sound very dry and brittle on the high end.
  24. Is that a nitro finish then? I haven't seen that kind "mojo" on a poly finish before, also I though specialscame with a bridge jazz pup. What makes this special?
  25. [quote name='gjones' post='925385' date='Aug 15 2010, 10:16 AM']It's strange, I have a friend who plays with a bluesband and has a MM Sterling. I really don't like the sound he gets with the MM when it's being played without the band but once the band starts up it really sounds excellent. You can hear every note and it's bassy and punchy and clear. I've heard him play through his amp with just vocal PA and also through a big P.A. and the sound is exactly the same i.e. sounds a bit iffy on it's own but really great when playing with the band. He used to play a Precision but the MM sits in the mix so much better. Maybe you should get yourself a long lead and go out front when your band are playing to see how the Stingray sounds when the rest of your band are playing. Meanwhile have a butchers at this video which shows the diffferent sounds you can get with a Stingray ...including reggae! [url="http://www.musicmanuk.co.uk/video_stingray4.htm"]http://www.musicmanuk.co.uk/video_stingray4.htm[/url] By the way I don't have a MM but I've been converted by seeing the guy I was talking about above play his and if I had the spare cash I'd buy yours right away.....it's a looker.[/quote] If you want a ray, you best buy now while the prices of used are low, or a SUB I can't tell the difference. Also Munk' you may suit better a HS 2EQ ray?
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