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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='gjones' post='847980' date='May 25 2010, 10:00 PM']Hmmmmmm....a very interesting comment. I've been in the same situation where the sound of my bass out front is woolly rubbish but on stage is excellent. I've always wondered why all the sound guys/girls I've ever dealt with want a pre DI signal, into a DI box, when I've spent a lot of time getting a sound I like with the EQ on my amp. Guitarists get their sound and then a sound guy puts a mic in front of it to amplify THAT sound. Time to make a stand! Bassists unite! If they want a direct signal they can take it from the amp post EQ! Get that poxy wee DI box out of my sight![/quote] I've always ran the DI from the head post EQ, I like the way it sounds. TBH the sound guy/girl probably never noticed as the rest if the bands bassists use my amp. Surprising how many times other bassists in the bands and even some musos have given their appreciation on how good the bass sounds if I muck in. That said. It probably helps, mucking in I mean. Our band has always provided the drum kit and bass amp (the two heaviest and most awkward pieces) arrived early and helped set everything beyond the sound board mix desk thing. I've always soundchecked for a few seconds aswell however, but then again I've been happy with the sound. I always make sure to play a bit quieter too, as they tend to turn me down a bit if I go full on. And in my band it's the lead and bass that important, with rythm guitar filling out some lost sustain and mids during the leads solos.
  2. I would try a few valve heads just to see what you and your bass could sound like, then get what ever is cheapest and recreates this sound the best. There is a lot of hybrid heads out there, but you can alway buy a cheap solid state amp with loads of power and then stick a bass driver or para driver in it for IMO the best valve emulation without valves. Things like the ashdown little giant 350 or superfly are dirt cheap used and the pedal won't cost loads used either, the only trouble with those 2 heads is no matter what cabs you buy you still need two to get the full power. +1 on searching the marketplace here, a lot of good deals to be had.
  3. My Fender Jaguar, my second bass, 7th guitar, first real fender (I'm no longer cou nting my mex tele as a real fender it was a dog) I brought it on spur of the moment I was comparing prices for standard jazzes and precision and for an extra £100 I could get this deluxe jaguar MIJ. I love it to pieces, no matter what song I play on it me and it make it our own, I can't pickup anything else without comparing it to my jaguar. I also feel like one of those old men in a tweed coat "it's ok I have a jaaaag." I learned everything on it, it was my first introduction in to something truely 'versatile', with all it's sounds usuable. My first experience of active intrument. Probably first taste of a quality intrument aswell. It sounds stupid but I feel that when I play it, it makes me better than I am. I can also finger and slap her without any fight back. I know there are probably better basses out their but for me the jaguar is perfect.
  4. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='847211' date='May 25 2010, 09:34 AM']Quite strangely, on the Strictly Tour, I've been eq-ing as I always do, making sure I can hear every frequency of the bass & sending the DI signal "pre eq" from the amp. The sound where we are on the stage is great, but all I hear is thud and boom out front. This weekend however, I sent the signal "post eq" and the engineer commented, "Wow, your bass sounds amazing this week." Hmmm... [/quote] that's it. Every gig that's required DI, I've always gone post EQ, I've heard my jaquar pre-EG, it's not that great and just thuds, especially on the lower strings. Also the PAs I've used have always seemed to recreate the sound I usually hear from my cab. I've asked sound guys to turn it up before and that's it. My main issues have been monitors, they never give me a monitor with the overall sound in, and all I can hear is the bass and drums on stage. I may ask to start micing my amp though aswell as DI.
  5. Anyone know the cause?
  6. Probably what is irritating most people (including me) was the blatant lies involved around the ad they had for a bassist, too which Gareth replied. They claimed to be big, gigging regularly and getting paid for it. Non of which look to or have turned out to be true. It wasn't a case of them kicking him before he quit, he talked to them about the volume of rehearsals and they seemed to have thrown a strop, claiming he didn't turn up, wasn't commited, never had gear and only cared about getting paid. Well I'm afraid that if I was offered money to play bass for a big band that gigged regularly I would be a bit peed off if that after a good couple of months you spent all the time rehearsing the set you know backwards, watching them smoke an set up a proffessional setup for a rehearsal. It also seems the rehearsals were for the vocalists sake. I feel for Gareth a lot I've been duped countless times by 'pros' who arnt really pros. If I was in Gareth shoes I probably would have been a bit more forceful of gigging even doing free ones.
  7. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='846119' date='May 23 2010, 10:41 PM']Sometimes we get to lead and sometimes we get to follow - it's all good. I played in a country-esque band for about 5 minutes and while it was all root-fifth it was still surprisingly challenging to nail the feel absolutely spot on. If the line is basically simple then you get to concentrate on your feel and dynamics rather than packing 50 notes into the bar - something like that [/quote] lol. I guess it's different in my band, no one is a jack of all trades, the drummer claims to be able to play guitar, but he can't. And so I automatically assume any idea they have regarding the baseline will be aweful. I also like to think they trust me enough to play something that sounds good in mix, by the way of someone else telling me no implies a sense of mistrust in my ability. I guess it's fair enough if they do play guitar or bass, as when they write the dong they have their own interpretation of what it will sound like.
  8. From the outset these guys lied. I don't think any points need to be reinterated. What's irritating is their behaviour after the fact, of treating Gareth like crap There's a blatant disregard for the truth. I believe what G says, and I also like to hear what the rest of the people involved had to say without the cover of a computer screen.
  9. What kind of music is being played? Sorry if it's been said but I can't seem to find it. Also, that's not jamming is it? You won't get unless you ask. Just say simply: "I thought we was jamming" "yeah but I want you to play this instead." (boring root notes) "I see but I think it sounds better this way." if he pipes up you might be best to see what the guitarist says. Our guitarist loves me being able to keep up with literally whatever he plays, and is surprised sometimes since I'm 'missing' 2 strings. When I jam I go crazy and slap some crazy funk riffs, but alas no one can follow.
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' post='845621' date='May 23 2010, 11:49 AM']Wayne has also joined up and asked some interesting questions of the drummer Cheers Wayne[/quote] I may join, I like to luagh at people being arrogant.
  11. I joined a band late, an they had a 'plodder' before I joined. They were more than happy to have me basically solo through songs. Although I did start playing a small solo at the end of songs cause I was feeling it, but then our a'hole drummer started complaining saying it was annoying. So I did just to annoy him, Amd I know that's its because we are very bass driven anyway, an he hates not being the last one to be heard. Even on some songs where it was decided it would be me playing and that's it he can't resist tapping something. At the end of the day if it fits and sounds good, my policy is, don't tell me what to play and I won't tell you.
  12. [quote name='bh2' post='845192' date='May 22 2010, 04:53 PM']Tell me more? You mean Fiesta red?[/quote] TBF it does look a bit salmon under bright White light.
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='845719' date='May 23 2010, 01:26 PM']Ah, unfortunately it had some issues issues with the neck when it arrived. I decided against waiting for another as it put me off in a way. Big Al 5 and Ray 5 will be more than enough anyway [/quote] it's alright for some but indeed the video I watched on YouTube was some Ed Friesland guy (sp?) watching him going through 16 + sounds was a bit boring, but my god does it sound PHat. If these gain in popularity I'm hoping they'll be some more manufactures going for the 3 single coil.
  14. [quote name='Commando Jack' post='845588' date='May 23 2010, 11:13 AM']Well thanks for the advice guys! As for me I have decided I'll take the plunge, and have ordered a new neck from CH guitars. Let me explain myself! This bass was given to me for free, and is a no name korean copy, so in other words, I can't devalue it! As it was my first, it would have been retired to the studio wall when a more professional instrument comes along (right beside my vintage electric guitar I got when I was 15), so resale value isn't a problem. At the end of the day I'm a tinkerer too, so the opportunity to take the thing apart ended up being too much for me![/quote] well thing about resale is once you buy all the nice shiny parts and put them on, the bass altogeter won't be worth too much, if it tins out not as planned or you still don't like it. Or even if you strip it of the nice parts and sell them on you won't get what you paid for them. Where to start.? Neck is a good place, personally I would have got a mighty mite maple jazz neck. But that's me, mines very fast and smooth, frets are done very well. Next I would see about bridges and tuners. Then sort of the electronics, wizard thumper pickup, cts pots and a switch craft jack. You should have a serious bass by the end.
  15. Exactly currently I'm in the process of a bits a bass project. I have spent more money than I should but have some quality parts all I have to do is put it together. J black Johnson jazz body, on order. Maple mighty mite I think jazz neck(not chunky enough to be a P but it's not thin enough for j) Schaller open gear tunners plus a string tree black pickguard badass 2 bridge Electronics and control plate with series switch, varitons circuit(6 different tones) stacked volume/tone knobs Fender custom shop 60's jazz pickups (I think these are the same as the 50th aniversay jazz bass fender had at Namm) Fender embossed neckplate I'll probably buy some chrome covers too. But with the badass I don't think a bridge cover will fit. I did start with a squier jazz bass body, 3 piece soft maple, I intended to refinish it myself but I failed miserably. All still part of the enjoyment though. I also realise why a refinish can cost up £200, takes ages to strip and painting you have to be laser precise.
  16. What happened to the classic ray G'? It's amazing how more vintage yours looks as well. I'd gas for that if the burst wasn't so dramatic, as in too much black. I think these share the same controls as the Relfex they just announced. But 4 band pre? Me like!!! Edit: just heard it. Now I really do have gas.
  17. You may only be left with the body, but as long as it's a quality pier of wood and a good tone wood then it'll be worth it. As long as your willing to spend a bit knowing you won't get it back, but if you do it right and well then you should have something that you won't want to sell anyway, hopefully
  18. What do you mean? Does it buzz when you guitar is plugged n and it's just on? Or does the DI output buzz and generate noise. I think you mean, the second one. In that case there is usually a ground lift button on the back close to DI Section. Otherwise it could be a lot of reasons. Like guitar sheilding, poor cables even electric outlets. Did you try google?
  19. +1 I brought my barefaced then got my amp, first the SVT-3 pro. But it's heaviness and lower wattage wasn't doing me favours, sounded great though. I sold it a got the OTB, much more warmth and low end, now i'm a happy chappy.
  20. I had a SVT-3 pro once that output 275w at 8ohm but it seemed to under power my compact. Also I've head the B2r is kinda naff sounding. It's a cheap imitation of an ampeg sound and that's what it sounds like. Although I haven't heard it myself. If yu get it for the sound you'll be carry un wanted extra wieght as you'll need a power amp to help it drive the compact. A cheaper and better option would be the bass driver or para driver from tech 21. Which faithfully gets that nice tube grindy tone. And then a power amp.
  21. The trace 300w cab will be fine with the orange TB. The orange has an ohm impendance switch. Which means it's 500w at either 4 ohm or 8 ohm. You can run the cab with the orange selected at 8 ohm. I would be careful turning up to high though you may damage then speakers if they begin to distort. This way you CAN'T add a second cab. You can also run the cab with the orange selected at 4ohm, this would b quoted and safer for the trace cab, although I did this once with my barefaced compact and OMG is it still loud!!!! This was you can add a second 8 ohm cab. This way the orange is only ouputting about half it's 500w, although no where details exactly what wattage it does output when at 4 ohm I to an 8 ohm cab. My guess is closer to 300 rather than 250. In short the trace cab will be fine with what the orange will put out. I would advise against the orange SP 2x12. It's not as loud as many other 2x12s it just has a similar bass response. You'll do far better with the OBC 1x15, or saving a further 50-100 punds and ordering a barefaced bass cab. The compact will blow you away. The midget will cut you in half, and still be louder than ornages 2 smaller bass cabs. And the SuperTwelve will cut you in half while blowing you away. With any three of those barefaced cabs you'll get a lot more out of the OTB than anything that Orange can offer you.
  22. Currently the jack casady I now came strung with chrome di'ardio flats, a little old I guess now but they sound great, full of warmth and body, especially with fingers and surprising on the shorter scale. However sometimes I notice that the higher strings can seem rather thin and it doesn't sou d to good when slapped, and since me an the band are becoming more experimental I want to have this ability on the jack casady. I don't really want to take my jaguar to slap the 2 songs I actually slap in. I know I could just use the jag but I want to use both on an equal amount. I'm also looking for the added sustain and overall roundwound tone that I lie on my jag. Anyway, my worry is I've heard that short scale basses can sou d muddy and thumpy with rounds, I also don't want to lose any string tension. I guess my question really is if anyone has had any experience with rounds on this bass how do thy sound? Also could anyone suggest a set that would be ideal, I've always previously used EB super slinks.
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='843860' date='May 21 2010, 09:43 AM']I like it, but not as much as the Big Al [/quote] lol is there a pic of a goldtop double humbucker one? If so I will GAS in my undies.
  24. Gossip - standing in the way of control. No Doubt or Gwen - I'm just a girl jet- are you gonna be my girl The Knack - my Sharona Wheatus - teenage dirtbag some of my personal favorites
  25. I think Junes issue will appear in stores at the end of this month. As for mays issue, 90% of the stuff in the first few pages I already knew, from here. Do I really need to pickup next monthes? Is alexs column a good read?
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