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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. White, especially if you plan on keeping it for a while. Plus I haven't seen to many White EBs out there.
  2. Where are you? I'm in ng5 area, I have access to soldering iron and just finished a butchering and re installing on my power jazz. I could have a crack for free, and then see how I like the pre amp myself before I rid the one in my power jazz.
  3. I can't help but wish it will break on you. Thought about giving the local fuzz a ring ding see if they have anything on record. There's some washburn in my local CC with a floyd rose tremelo, for £200. And that tremelo system is £200 on it's own.
  4. [quote name='umph' post='809334' date='Apr 17 2010, 12:22 PM']personally i'd avoid the new orange / ampeg type stuff when you can get something handbuilt with much higher quality of components with a better warranty and higher reliability for the same price or less.[/quote] there's nothing wrong with Orange, beside personal preference, the ad200 is a fine piece of kit. And ampeg QC issues at the mo.
  5. I thought the LG1000 only had 1 output per channel?
  6. Indeed the 6x10 is a nice compromise, although a better one would be a barefaced vintage at 21kgs it's nothing, massive sound, it's 4 ohm, looks monsterous, down side is you can't add something make it louder. But I'm sure there are a good few other cabs to go with the SVT-3pro that take advantage of it at 8ohm then 2 take advantage at 4ohm.
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='809081' date='Apr 17 2010, 12:24 AM']Orange, or Matamp. I personally love the Orange. I chose Orange over Ampeg SVT CL and VR due to a good hour test where the Orange won me over. Plus, it can do 8 ohms, doesn't weigh as much as the Ampegs, looks awesome and the tube grind is purely awese even at low levels if you want it.[/quote] +1 although I have an orange valve guitar amp. In my opnion orange are the way to go for valve amps, although I realise that they arnt for everyones taste. Marshall VBA is nice, although it's to dark and of a hard rock tone I find. Ampeg SVT CL would the choice out of them all, and well it's going to sound like an ampeg. Ashdown also also has the BTA 400 though i've not heard or played one myself. If I was willing to cope with it then I would go for the aforementioned Orange rig, although I'm surious as to what it would sound like which two 1x15 cabs.
  8. [quote name='oldslapper' post='808457' date='Apr 16 2010, 02:32 PM']How easy is it to get the old decal off and the new one on? Looks like a nice bass. John[/quote] the case for me in the past has been a quick sand, and then a new bit of laquar over the sanded area. Although I'm no pro.
  9. Fuzz and guitar/drum centre are my go too places, I feel like a fool going into fuzz though, they are all 'edgy' cool dudes in there, I'm not. Last time I went past Fuzz they had a load of markbass gear, but that's my usual go to place for guitar stuff, guitar centre down the way has a lot more bass guitars, not to sure on ampage though, there also a shop round the way from there (don't know the name) that has a few basses and 1 or 2 ashdown rigs. Guitar centre is usually the cheapest. Musicroom in the victoria centre is ridiculous, they only have 5 string packs yet they don't sell any 5 string basses, what's up with that.
  10. Hybrid bass amps are enough for me ones I've tried give a nice transparant sound, plus I don't have to worry about the output tubes blowing. It would be different if I was getting paid like I was with guitar, I want to provide the best sound, and that for me meant valves, so Ive got a Orange AD140HTC and a ORange PPC 4x12. Because I'm playing for free the hybrid amps are a nice compromise and 'it'll do' I'm just not willing to spend the money, time and back issues on the same rig Musicman20 has.
  11. There's a very good amp buying guide somewhere I read. I can't find it or link for you though as I'm on my phone. You have to think about your needs. Also I've had my old teacher say you need at least 100watts to be heard clearly at any volume level, don't know if that's true but anyway. What gear do your guitarists have? If they have like 100w combos or stack even a 100w combo will struggle, you may get a away with a 200w but you'll find yourself turning it up often. However if they are using 30w combos you should be ok with a 100 watt fender rumble. What's your budget? Check the for sale section hear for something great that will last you years, that Marshall combo new is nearly 300! If you look in the for sale section you'll find my Marshall mb4210, a 300 watt combo!! Which is truely loud, and at 175 collected or 175 plus courier costs it's a fraction of that 60 watt combo. If you really want to buy new, then look around and see if there is something with more power and features for a little bit more money, then save. Don't rush to buy something cause you need it now, if you have to wait to get something better then wait, you'll regret it later. PA support, pubs round here anyway have some kind of PA gear for functions and stuff, don't about were you are, but if this is the case you could get away with something smaller as long as your amp has an XLR out.
  12. [quote name='Delberthot' post='807784' date='Apr 15 2010, 10:46 PM']Its all to do with an item in my sig <----------- and this[/quote] don't un-suade him(is that a word) it's how I'm funding your orange btw it is 100%.
  13. [quote name='FuNkShUi' post='733471' date='Feb 2 2010, 09:53 PM']I have the MB4410. Like Nick said, great combo! Little too heavy for me though, Thats the only reason im selling mine. If your back can handle it, youll love it. Served me brilliantly over the last year for all my gigs[/quote] I have the 210 model in the for sale section, at £175 plus courier price or collection, that's cheap as chips, especially how it's around 300 new, plus it's loud enough to be gigged features coming out it's ears, plus a headphone socket for silent practice, or even low level practice with some volume tweeks. Besides that check the for sale section and always check the usd Market before you buy anything new.
  14. Well I might be convienced To let it go for anice price I'll have to see what can replace with though. I'm either thinking an orange terror bass, although like I said in the OP its not versatile enough, so I'm thinking another one from pro series with more wattage. But I'm loving the 3 pre amp tubes and the 2 driver tubes. Looks like I'm shopping now.
  15. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='806713' date='Apr 14 2010, 11:32 PM']Thanks - I'd thought it was a valve amp.[/quote] valve pre. Your problem seems a strange one. Maybe thereis something faulty with the head, I can't imagine it having that little bass, even flat through 1x15.
  16. Some crazy people will tell you to sell the car and buy a nice rig. Only kidding, although if you are desperate to hear yourself play, there's a few headphone amps on the Market, like vox amplug bass. Which will bring it to line level, which you can then plug into you car, although that sound wouldn't be amazing. There is also a few low priced practice amps out there for a few bob.
  17. My first bass was a Epiphone T'bird, not the best Starter bass, bridge is naff, and the god damn neck dive, but it looks the bees knees and sounds pretty good. I would alsways suggest to any new starter to buy one of the CV VM or deluxe squier over a starter pack. Good bang for buck, will last a lifetime and when you feel the need to upgrade you'll probably be in a better position in the way knowing what you want, or even cheaper just upgrade the bridge and pups. You don't really need all the bits and bobs when starting. In my opinion the gear that's in a starter pack is crap anyway.
  18. [quote name='s1ater' post='805688' date='Apr 14 2010, 08:41 AM']You could run a volume pedal after the bass balls[/quote] +1 there's a few units that out thier that can increase or decrease input level, placed after the baseballs it would keep you volume level, a few by boss, GEB-7 LMB-3, or indeed you could get a volume pedal. Does it keep the same level when between guitar and amp?
  19. Fenders tony franklin is basically a P bass with an added J pickup in the bridge. Although tht frank bello bass comes with somenice hardware, except I could use a tone nob or 2 on something like that.
  20. I'm sure the asdown superfly series had a 4x8, although I wouldn't be to confident with how much low end something like that has.
  21. Awesome looks like I have to shift some old gear to get another though. I'll try getting some YouTube vids of this with both my basses, as I just upgraded my power jazz and it's a thousand times better.
  22. Could well be things like that, maybe some EQ will do the trick, or usually playing quite close it makes it seem like it's not getting any louder, I've found half volume is suitable for a small to medium gig.
  23. Deep, punchy, growling, sustain. Just some thing I like about the sound I'm doing with my current band. Even on a crappy cam corder you can hear all the notes I play quite clearly and defined.
  24. Well it probably is easy as pie to remove the head from it's combo casing. Difficulties will arrise when you want to connect the head to a cab. How is it connected to the speakers. I know that the Marshall MB series, the higher powered ones, are just the 450 head in a combo casing connected to to speaker via the jack sockets on the back of the head unit.
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