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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Well it's lowest frequency is 31.8 or something which is low. I don't need a graphic eq pedal no more since my amp has a 9 band one.
  2. 2x15 would be my prefference for lows and warmth. Barefaced do one that's LOUD! But yes assuming ohmage is matched and the 8x10 isn't rated too high it'll be fine.
  3. I think we all forget the Fender musicmaster 12w bass combo. However the ones I see on eBay are either £200+ or too expensive. I would love some kind of reissue of that.
  4. [quote name='ahpook' post='804475' date='Apr 13 2010, 12:30 AM']fancy buying my boss bass eq pedal ?[/quote] what ever amp you get you can get a graphic EQ pedal, im sure there must be one with more than 7 bands on.
  5. I dunno, on talkbass there was a few guys talking about the Orange BT should have been a low watt all valve job. The only low watt all valve bass head in manufacture is ashdowns little bastard, no idea how good or crap it sounds.
  6. Yeah I'm fairly competant when it cones the shematics and soldering, plus if I get stuck my dad is an electrical engineer
  7. back when i was looking for an all valve guitar amp, I was looking at that epiphone juniour thing and hearing loads of mod talk on guitargeek.com, and all about adding a tone nob or a boost circuit or something, I'm sure there must be away of modding it for bass frequencys. The jaguar sounds awesome through my Orange, especially overdriven.
  8. Is it possible to upgrade something like epiphone junior to accept bass frequencies?
  9. bosses line selector lets you run up to 3 outputs simultaneously, atleast I think. Atleast 2 anyway.
  10. My friend, you are now a tone snob. Only kidding. I try and find amps that that are transparant, so I can hear my bass and the way I play it. I also stay away from tweeters as I find they sound artificial.
  11. Yup thats the second time we have played there hopefully will again soon.
  12. If you are ever worried about what to get you cant go wrong with an Orange bass Terror, plus if you buy new you'll get a warranty(i think) and its 500w at 8 ohm which would suit a barefaced bass compact. Which IMO is amazing cuts through like a knife through butter, even with the 275W I get with my SVT-3 pro it surprised me at how much it punches. plus with that I get the option to add another to get 450w. Orange BT = 450 ish new, barefaced compact = 475 delivered, thats 925, then you have 75 to buy a speakon cable some nice instrument cables, new strings, a pickup upgrade whatever. Or theres two used compacts in the for sale section at aropund 350 ish, that 800 quids on a more than brilliant gigging rig. with 200 left for other crap.
  13. So after a while of having my Marshall MB4210, I was pretty happy with the hybrid valve type ampifier, I liked how it was IMO a transparant aplification of my bass. But although its a cobo its very heavy, and as I dont drive and my band relies on parants to transport our gear around for gigs and practice I quickly got bored of going back and forth to pick everything up. So began the search to find a light, copmpact, loud, value for money rig. I wanted a head and cab thing as the option to upgrade parts is nice and its easyier to stuff seperate squares into a small van than one large one. Anyway, I had my mind set on a at least 300w and a decent 2x10. I quickly found that good light 2x10's arnt that common opr cheap. Also i kind of narrowed my head search for harkte Lh500, Orange terror Bass or a GB shuttle 6.0. Although I searched ebay and here and talkbass, I couldn't get a used orange or LH500, and the GB was out of prive range. Then I got stuck, I convinced myself that the Orange wasnt versatile enough and the LH500 was my only option. Then sudden case of GAS and impulseness struck me while going over ebay. I saw someone selling an ampeg SVT-3-PRO with a footswitch and inside a LD systems gig carry hard case thing at £450. I messaged him and got him down to 420, which I thought was a brilliant catch. Obviously I did some research on it and 3 pre amp tubes is better than 2 or 1, no? plus I grew up with the sound of mark hoppus and his SVT-4 pro, and if it the 3 is good enough for Robert Trujillo its got to be good enough for me and my amateur needs. Next was a cab. I dont know why I was being narrow minded about a 2x10. I was looking at all kinds of neo loaded cabs, some still weighing around 20 Kgs, anyway, I thought I'll email alex at barefaced and ask his advice. Amazing he replied in less than an hour. He asked a bunch of questions like my current gear and my bands sound, and my EQ settings, he assured me that the Compact would suit me just fine although the SVT-3 might under power it a bit. It came the other day and I got it all together and practiced the crap out of it. Im still astonished at the compacts lightness. I dont need my graphic eq pedal no more as i use the Ampegs on board 9 band graphic EQ. The sound is pretty amazing, I still get the transparant amplification of my bass, with added features, like the low button adds a great sub harmonic to everything. It's true that the SVT-3 pro under powers the compact it but after around 3/4's of master volume it starts to drive the speaker and stuff starts to fall over, stuff in my bathroom fell over, and you can really feel it push the air. The notes are clear and seperate. I gigged it that night and it was great I could not only hear myself on stage but feel it too. It has great punch in a crowded mix, specially with a double bass happy drummer and two loud guitards . I still find it funny when people think the cab is going to wiegh a tonne. I can walk out the house with the amp head bass and cab in one go, so theres no return trips to the car for me, and my band is back at complaining about the drum kit. I think the only thing i'll need at a later date is another compact to start running the ampeg at 450w at 4 ohm. cheers for reading and here comes a few pics I took the other day. [attachment=47018:IMG_0614.jpg] [attachment=47019:IMG_0615.jpg] [attachment=47025:IMG_0626.jpg] [attachment=47026:IMG_0627.jpg] [attachment=47027:IMG_0628.jpg] PICS from the gig: [attachment=47028:23590_13...429667_n.jpg] [attachment=47029:23590_13...445975_n.jpg]
  14. edited post for pictures and youtube link. I should add, that the gig was PA equiped and that marshall was DI'd through the XLR out and was post EQ, so it should faithfully represent how it sounds.
  15. Will do, going to work at the moment. When I get back Ill picture the 'nicks' aswell.
  16. This is an amazing cab, got mine yesterday and played it full whack stuff went everywhere with how much air this thing moves. and weighs less than a average 13 year old!! cant believe iots not gone yet. If i had the cash i would take this myself for a huge 2x15 rig. good luck
  17. BUMP before the end of the night. I cant really shift on the £200, and couriered will be £200 + the cost of the courier.
  18. Nottingham, ng5 I can always check for a courier price but I'm not expecting it to be cheap bank transfer, paypal excepted, or cash on collection
  19. As stated in title. Need to get rid quick as I just got my new rig and as I currently live in a bedroom smaller than most of today's prison cells it's got to go. Loads of versatility, solid state 'modern' channel, quite bright, clean and loud. Valve 'classic' channel, warm goes from soft to dirt. Also can blend the two, for a nice combination which is what I've done so fAr with it. 300w at 4 ohm and when you add another 4ohm cab it goes to 450w at 2ohm which is great for someone who wants a practice space amp, then transport it with another cab to a non PA'd gig, as it has a XLR out it can be DI with pre and post switch. The two channels are foot switchable but the marhall footswitch strangely broke, but will send it out anyway, it has another 10 months on warranty and I'll find an invoice for who wants it. Only gigged twice and it's never been past half way on the master volume cuts through very nicely, and is surprising loud. It has 2 small nicks in the tolex, nothing drastic and barely visible until you get close. Any more info wanted or pics pm me please. Please someone take this quick. Before my mum kills me! I already have 2 guitar 4x12's an my new rig is an ampeg SVT-3 pro and a barefaced compact, im not really looking for anything trade wise, but offer me what ever, im interested in pretty much everything. JUST throw me some offers as i dot have the space for this and my new stuff set up. VID: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPHFI6u5TyM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPHFI6u5TyM[/url] hopefully you can hear it a bit, but quality isnt amazing. EQ is set flat then I have a graphic EG pedal set to flat highs, cut high mids, and boost low mids and slight boost lows. last picture shows level used, channel volume and master volume, it was more than enough to cope with two guitar 150w 4x12's half stacks at a previous gig that were set around half volume. PICS [attachment=47001:IMG_0383.jpg] [attachment=47002:IMG_0381.jpg] [attachment=47004:IMG_0620.jpg] [attachment=47005:IMG_0621.jpg] [attachment=47006:IMG_0622.jpg] [attachment=47008:IMG_0623.jpg] Thanks Stephen
  20. My fender power jazz has loads of high end, not the bad kind. I think it's part the electronics and hardware, the TBX is a 500k pot, do more high freq come through and the graphite in the neck. IMO you should try one of them before you count fenders out. I'm trying to trade it for something as I prefer a deeper full fat milk tone.
  21. If this was White I'd trade you my MIJ fender japen power jazz. Good look.
  22. Mid 80's White Fender Power Jazz Bass Special. It's basically a Duff McKagen artist bass, but with an active circuit, which is the "power" part. Dont get confussed by the Jazz name, it's a precision special with a Jazz neck. Ok I try and keep this short and simple. Precision body, Jazz neck (22 frets)and P/J loaded. Pickup selector to switch between J pickup, J/P or just the P pickup. The P pickup is reverse mounted also to give a a warmer lower tone to the higher strings. 1 master volume. 1 Fender TBX control, treble/bass cut. Has a middle detent on the sweep for a flat tone, turn one way its cuts bass turn the other it cuts treble. 1 mini toggle switch. Switches from passive to Mid boost to Low boost. This switch controls the active tone circuit, the ATE circuit. 1 frequency sweep knob. This is bypassed when the mini toggle is off(passive) and all the standard Precision special passive tones are available. when the mini toggle is in mid or low boost mode this controls the frequency which is being boosted, I don't know however the parameters of the frequencys, or whether it's shelved or not. Battery compartment for the active circuit is located on the back, and is screwed in. This is all Original I installed a Quarter pounder P and a duncan designed J, as the standard J was weak and I had the duncan spare. The quarter pounder does sound better to me than the standard it has a flatter and hotter response. I still have the original Pickups and can install these if you wanted, although the J may need a rewinding or its just old and tired. I will install the original knobs as soon as and replace a missing screw in one of the machine heads Here's a link to a talkbass thread I found on it. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=192864"]Talkbass fender power jazz thread.[/url] and here's a adobe PDF file from fender on it. [url="http://support.fender.com/manuals/instr_owners/Jazz_Bass_Special_Japan_1987.pdf"]Fender manual from 1987.[/url] this is actually wrong I think as mine has a TBX control instead of a standard tone control. This is a versatile P-bass, it does standard passive P-bass tones to some thick lead jazz tones with the active circuit engaged. You can get a great slap tone by using the low boost and setting the tone knob to the middle detent with both pickups selected, best I've heard anyway. Even with just the P/U selector you can get a standard P, to a suitble less thumpy P to a standard jazz bass tone. The active circuit is hard to describe, the only way to describe the low boost when the sweep is set really low is like the "low" button on some amps, never really played with the mid boost as it suits a mid scooped EQ better. Ive usually only used it when I need to rage with my fingers to killing in the name, and as such would suit some of you heavy metallers out there or harder rock. It has a lot of natural treble which can be EQed out with the basses controls, but again I played it mainly with fingers and slapping. This is a great playing and sounding bass, the neck is nice and fast and those extra frets do make a bit of difference. It just isnt for me. I prefer the Jag's 2 band EQ and series/parallel switch, and it doesn't have the same mid range growl I'm used to hearing. Doesnt get used with my band which is a shame as it would suit some songs that have a heavy churos, but I prefer doing more melodic soloing during songs which to me sounds better with my jaguar than this bass. It does do incredibly low and thumpy sound which is perfect for heavy guitar backing and some drop tuning, but drop D is as far as I go, and the electronics are much quieter than my Jaguar, as I think some one has shielded the cavities in its life time, for the better. Trade options: Some kind of White, yellow or very light brown sunburst CIJ or MIJ Fender Jazz bass, prefer a maple F'board too. Anything with 2 Jazz single coils, again White or yellow. Any kinda hollowbody with a 32" and longer scale. Any dual humbucker loaded bass Earlier the better Fender Mustang, again White or yellow, mustn't need a pickup change. Any EBMM Dean stylist cabbie bass. For the sake of rules and keeping options open, a sale price would be a firm £500, Id would rather trade it as It would save me time clearing funds and I stop me using the funds to buy something stupid I dont need, That's a big range but if it doesn't fit please just offer me, you never know Photo's. [attachment=49269:IMG_0661.jpg] [attachment=49270:IMG_0662.jpg] [attachment=49271:IMG_0663.jpg] [attachment=49272:IMG_0664.jpg] [attachment=49273:IMG_0665.jpg] [attachment=49274:IMG_0666.jpg] [attachment=49275:IMG_0667.jpg] [attachment=49276:IMG_0668.jpg] [attachment=49277:IMG_0669.jpg] [attachment=49278:IMG_0670.jpg] [attachment=49279:IMG_0673.jpg] [attachment=49280:IMG_0672.jpg] [attachment=49281:IMG_0674.jpg]
  23. Pictures, location, quality, what kind of difference do the pups have, are the originals still available? Reason for trade?
  24. I got my SVT-3 pro for around 425GBP and that was with a case bag thing that racks it and keeps it relatively safe. Not really had an issue with it's volume though, it does 450 w at 4 ohm and 275w at 8 ohm which isn't weedy, but no good having all that wattage if the cabs can't cut the mustard. I recon 1k is a nice budget you can get a good new or brilliant used for around half then you have the rest to spend on a nice cab
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