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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. The J single coil sounds interesting. Similar to a dimarzio model J but without it being a split COIL.
  2. [quote name='doc40hz' timestamp='1402999050' post='2478617'] I tried running into the effects return to try and bypass the preamp - it worked, but I lost a lot of volume; tried it with a bass pod xt and also the line out from my trace elliot pre amp with the same effect; did you have that problem Ant? [/quote] Majority of 'preamp' pedals that I've used have had to run at pretty much full tilt to match going straight into the front. Even ones that claim to be able to run a power amp. The thing with going into the front is that preamp pedals only need to achieve unity gain to appear loud, but going through anyway which bypasses the pre you are losing that next stage of amplification
  3. Really depends on your budget. My experience of stacking drives (I know bit crushe r isn't really a drive but still distorts the signal) it only adds more hiss, and high end. What you are really after is a Low pass EQ filter. The boss EQ pedal will do yhe job fine just set it flat and cut the highs to taste. Won't change the frantabit tone just cut the highs off. Either way you go, another OD pedal or an EQ pedal you'll still have to press two pedals to get the sound you want. If you can play with Sims, I would try A/B ODs and EQs after the frantabit and see which you prefer, before you go spending money
  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1402956769' post='2478368'] I have an active cab with DSP. I like it a lot. I could live without carrying it as it is from the olden days. Are there any decent compression/Parametric EQ/HPF settings in these programs? TIA [/quote] There is a few different EQ hon jamup, but I haven't tried them. As far as compression goes, they best ones I feel are the tweakable transformers in bias.
  5. Bit crusher. Or if have a look at cranetortoise. They are Japanese and make some right weird stuf, like a heavy tremolo with distortion.
  6. Sorry its just I had a Geiger counter and I'm sure there was some sort of tone knob to tame those harsh highs on some of the setting but that might be not remembering. Is there not a drive on the MS60B?
  7. Through my decent headphones lots if difference in tubes sound. I can't remember but I think the second lot add a lot more highs compared to the first set, the 3rd similar but darker in voicing. Amplitude sim sounds exactly the same if not better through out though. Hard to tell as it switches between stuff so quick. If you are looking for constructive criticism, then I would suggest spending more time on each sound clip it stead of the 1 or two measures and then going to the next thing. Also I would have preferred hearing them in either the 12'o' clock setting or the best possible flat signal. That way we'd probably hear more difference between them all. The mids are naturally cut on the tone stack anyway and you've turned them essentially off and boosted the bass, and lows sound like lows regardless IMO. The midrange will make hearing the difference more easier.
  8. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1402700905' post='2476241'] Always done this by running the bass straight into bass rig and into a marshall stack, been my preferred sound for years, blends and frequency crossing stuff just doesn't do it for me. Even dabbled in Tri amping just because I could... Basically found out I like a full range sound with a full range distortion over it, and I love that low end roll off low end grind/crunch you get from a bass through a guitar amp. Maybe it's because that's how I first played bass before I owned a bass amp, always played bass through my brothers Marshall and I knew I'd be thumped if I touched any of the controls hah! [/quote] Same when I started all I had was my old guitar stuff so played through a hulking orange and matching 4x12. The full range bass signal running parrallel to a overdriven guitar amp does sound the nuts but I'll be bug gated if I'm carrying all that crap.
  9. The thing about having a 2xmidget stack is that it becomes essentially the same as a super twelve only IIRC there isn't as much bottom end compared to the S12 or a compact plus midget as the box internally isn't quiet as big overall. Or that maybe cobblers. Either way a midget stack sounds like a nice idea and I'm sure two together will sound ace while still keeping the weight down and the footprint small too.
  10. I don't know this pedal but there must be some kind of "tone" control to turn the harshness down. If you are playing through a monitor anything like that will sound really brittle and harsh on the top. I'm sure through a bass amp and cab that will go away.
  11. Top bloke, came a picked up an ACG, nice natter over a brew too.
  12. Poster above for the next one. We had such an amazing time at the old library and are looking forward to playing Rock City
  13. That chap from royal blood I'm sure uses two guitar amps and a bass amp. There is absolutely no harm in it.
  14. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1402506799' post='2474259'] I play in a rock/blues/punk/pop covers trio with backline and find one super compact not enough with any of my amps, I need two to give me the volume and tone I need to be heard out front. [/quote] I find that surprising. I've not had to use it without PA support but at rehearsals it stands alone and if I get too volume happy it definitely starts becoming louder than the kick drum. I use a very mid focused EQ though, and only dial in enough bottom to get the low mid hum on the notes.
  15. [quote name='stevetdunn' timestamp='1402378637' post='2472710'] Tidied pedalboard - now need to do something better with the power/cables..... suggestions welcome! [/quote] If you only have the one supply I would make rid of the 5 way, it'll add uneccerssary noise. I always found power cables annoying on those type of boards but. I would channel the power cable straight up to the top of the board, to avoid them crossing patch cables, then cable tie them together. I stuck mine down with black electric tape, keeps them down but easy enough to remove. I'd also patch the tuner inline so to mute the signal when you need to. I realise this way you can mute with the volume pedal and have the tuner monitoring all the time, but if you need to monitor tuning all the time something is wrong else where and I'd find using the volume pedal to mute for tuning a right faff.
  16. I think I've replied to all PMs
  17. Good to know, I've always found diago to be top class in customer service and relations.
  18. [quote name='intime-nick' timestamp='1402062448' post='2469682'] it's all i've taken to the rehearsals this week and it's been used through a variety of amps and cabs. i seriously reckon it could replace my mountain of gear for a lot of the gigs i do especially those where i'm using IEMs. I've had no latency issues that i can detect and i'm using an old iPad 2 that's full to the gunnels with apps and other stuff and no crashes (yet) - i have been taking my old iPhone 4S as a backup which i factory reset and just have jam-up running (with replicated amp settings etc). i am only using jam-up on its own - i am going to try Bias soon though. as far as sound goes - i am using the 360 acoustic amp with the sansamp & HPF pedal for 99% of 'my' sound plus a bit of octave now and again. I will stick a compressor in the chain at some point but i'm not entirely sure i need it. [/quote] I find that the while having Jamup on screen it doesn't have any lag where as anything else it does so I can get round that problem. In regards to compression, a lot of amp sims have them in anyway and are adequate enough for a lot of light compression. In bias you can set individual controls for the compression too.
  19. Thanks for the kind words gents. Cracking instrument, I'd keep it if I could. Can't wait to get my hands my 33' graft J type.
  20. [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1134_zpsa07c8b02.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1134_zpsa07c8b02.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1136_zps9bdf6ca3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1136_zps9bdf6ca3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1137_zpsc160cb5a.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1137_zpsc160cb5a.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1138_zps60c9cb52.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1138_zps60c9cb52.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1140_zps5e541095.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1140_zps5e541095.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1141_zps22846cf6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1141_zps22846cf6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1142_zps6487e14d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1142_zps6487e14d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG1131_zps88aa178b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG1131_zps88aa178b.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. [quote name='intime-nick' timestamp='1402061805' post='2469673'] having used the IOS / sonic port / jam-up arrangement for 3 rehearsals this week with 3 different bands I have to say i'm really, really impressed. so much so that i am now almost certain it'll be used live. i just need to get a second sonic port & cable (i.e. buy another one as I always like to carry spares) and I have my old iPhone as a backup for the iPad. that Focusrite dock looks cool especially used with an iPad mini (so it doesn't hang out over the edge like a full size one looking at the pics) all i need now is a really good (and portable) powered monitor and i'll be sorted for 2 of the 3 bands instead of my usual Berg/6U rack/pedalboard setup. if Alex would make a class D powered big baby 2 i'd have my order in quicker than you can say chequebook.... [/quote] You econ it could seriously replace all your gear? I'm struggling myself to get a decent drive out of it but really like the Amp I made on Bias for the clean tones. Bit again it falls for me due to latency issues and crashing. I'd hate for it to crash mid set at a gig.
  22. Having tried one of the Berg 112 cabs I understand where you are coming from ul in regards to the lows and highs. I'm sure the one I used had a so the highs where better but I'm not one for tweeters. In regards to the lowe, the Berg sounds very big out the box where as to get the same out of the compact I need to use specific EQ and preamp. Volume wise I have to disagree, the compact can handle a lot of power and as much as I want a second it really is not needed.
  23. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1402043902' post='2469415'] Anyone done much research into the Focusrite iTrack Dock? Looks pretty nice, but definitely more recording biased... [/quote] http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2014/06/05/focusrite-announces-the-itrack-dock-recording-interface/ Seeme decent and might solve Tayste's issue of multiple outs?
  24. I was told 5 months for my graft J type making September the month it should be reasy in 'll though I've not heard from him in regards to updates but he also said he was pretty busy too.
  25. If ibwas that fussed and wanted it I'd just go to said shop and ask to wsigh it myself with my own scales in store.
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