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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Terror bass, through the super twin. Bump the mids up, adjust the tweeter to taste. Get a HIgh pass filter on those lows. You shouldn't dismiss amps so easily. EQ is there for a reason.
  2. It came out after the rebel head line had already been developed and brought to market is my guess. I think they are missing a trick with it though, they could develop a 'blank' pedal and it to have the ability to have any tone print installed onto it.
  3. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1401831227' post='2467404'] yep this is your old one. I was so impressed I ordered a J to my spec and finish preferences. Having a hard time waiting but it will be worth it. I was hoping to keep this and the new one but its not working out that way and im moving towards being a one bass man. travelling light is what im wantin and if I have two I will take two everywhere. Keep well. The acg you want is one day closer each morning dude . . . . [/quote] I wanted mine yesterday....
  4. More dirt, more mids, then even more for when you feel it's dropped. In on of our original songs the guitar has a solo and it suddenly sounds empty so I play chords a'la rhythm guitar and it makes a world of difference.
  5. Had rehearsal yesterday so took the iPad and my regular pedal board, and did some A/B in a loud band context with my rig. Setting up the iPad is a doddle. Just load up a saved patch in Audiobus and open Jamup and bias, job done. Sounds hefty as f***, it just further reinforces my idea that the heft of an amp is down to preamp and EQ, but without getting into too much, it sounds like a big valve amp and not much else too it, but very surprisingly so there is definitely a lot of harmonic distortion and it's by far the best valve amp emulator I've ever tried at least. Sounds a lot better through an amp than what I can get through my over head cans, so much so I decided to use it for the rest of practice. Latency wasn't really an issue after I cleared all cached data and deleted some unwanted crap. Other issue I have is getting a decent level and changing them easier enough on the fly. Also after a few songs it crashed, sound stopped and the screen froze. Not good good but atleast I had my board there.
  6. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1401701592' post='2465889'] I'm wanting a passive graft j at the moment. Value for money is ridiculous. [/quote] After picking up my graft Finn, I've ended up ordering a graft J type. ACG has been very open and helpful. I just wish it was ready yesterday. September can't come quick enough.
  7. Update, want to sell this, will accept any reasonable offer.
  8. We've also booked ourselves some other gigs. Friday, 11th July - Supporting Adelphia & Lacey at Rock City Basement Nottingham Tuesday, 19th August - Supporting Daniel Dobbs at The Maze Nottingham
  9. If I can get to the Maze on the 12th, I'll see you there.
  10. I haven't done these before as we never really got gig Posters for them but this year we've begun seeing a change. Will be ace to see people at any one of our gigs. I'll be the pretentious w***er moping around. Updated title for our next romp at the maze
  11. As the titled. Single semi parametric EQ, range from 120hz to 3khz. Great little pedal for extra tweaking after drives or passive basses. Priced to sell. Trades, I'm only interested in Xotic BB preamp or similar.
  12. I own this pedal but only really suffered buzz and hum when it was either broke of boosting the high mids a bit which is only natural. It must have been a bad combination between bass, lead and pedal. At rehearsals my stuff seems too feedback like hell sometimes, but mostly on gigs and recording there isn't an issue. So maybe some kind of electrical issue that has only effected the sandberg. At least it's fixed for now.
  13. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1401445726' post='2463650'] You're on the original Ipad Mini, basically has the Spec of the Ipad 2 so you're really on the lower cusp of hardware for what's possible with the software. As a tip make sure you close everything down, restart the ipad and then load the audio stuff up before you use it in a band setting this will give you the best performance. [/quote] Cheers Ste, been doing just that. Latency doesn't seem to be a total issue when everything isbrunbing with audiobus and having jamup open. Will clearing the cached data help too?
  14. Got my Sonic Port, installed Jamup, Bias, Audiobus and a few other things (ampkit etc) using an iPad mini (not sure on model but has the newer connector but no retina display) Sounds great so far. I typically use a parrallel setup, similar to billy Sheehan. Low gain drive with the option for more on one side and a clean and compressed signal on the other. The amp sims sound good but none are for me, and I am very underwhelmed by the range of overdrives. To get what I want I've modded a GK sim in Bias and use that in Bias( while using everything with Audiobus), set very clean and a little compression. Nails it so hard in regards to the clean sound I want, very happy. To get the drive I want, I modded the blue line sim in Bias. Basically turned every up to get the most distortion out of it, left the transformer open, so very little compression, very very touch sensitive though, not a bad thing but even with the gain turned to max I still have to ram hard the strings. I import this amp model into Jamup and use the boss type overdrive to give me the extra kick in some songs. The only things I've been struggling with is getting the right sound for the overdrive, and EQing everything at the end, seems very hard to get a specific boost on some frequencies. My issues- I don't quiet know how to improve the latency and noise issues, some times it's fine other times there is just some digital fizz going on and others, especially when it gets really dynamic, it nearly gives up all together, nothing has crashed yet though. Lack of overdrives, even in the in app stores there isn't a great deal and I beleive it assumes all bassists love wool and fuzz. Running Audiobus, with Jamup in one chain and bias in another there is volume differences in apps depending on what app I'm looking at. It's not a total issue as it sounds fine when Jamup is open, which what I need to look at. I believe this will be fixed with some kind of mixer like Auria. Pros. I'm actually impressed with how it sounds, only heard it through my headphones but it's unbeleivably good, even better on guitar. Took me 10 seconds to dial in the guitar tone we want for the band. Going yo take this, and my pedal board just in case, to rehearsal and see how it goes sound wise and performance.
  15. I have a sonic port coming in this week, and for now my idea is to use it for when I seriously CBA to cart my gear around, and another is to record and rough mix songs to hopefully get the whole song writing process quicker. So I can record bass, and guitar, and possibly Vox with just jam up (maybe something better for just vocals). Obviously recording one track at a time. My issue is getting drums recorded, using some sort of drum machine, and then mixing it all on my ipad. I really don't want to spend £30 quid on Auria. What else is out there? I'd also end up using it to hopefully record multitracks for bass, similar to how Tayste does in the studio blog.
  16. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1400951506' post='2458532'] I think this would work with a cream/Ivory scrathplate [/quote] Agreed, they look a thousand times worse due to the scratch plate being finished the same way too.
  17. You'd be surprised at the quality and range of OD pedals out there, loads are touch sensitive (dig in and they break up more) I use a shuttle (pretty colourless clean sound) and I have an xotic BB preamp to give some drive as my main always on sound, then another for even more dirt and girth. And having compared this against a few readily available valve heads (ampeg SVT 2 pro, Mesa 400+ and a Orange) I couldn't hear much discerning difference once the band kicked in. The one thing I like about choosing pedals over heads, are that you can effectIvely have a few different 'heads' on a pedal board for a fraction of the weight. Plus the more lights you have the better you play.
  18. If I could swap my GB for an equivalent GK fusion with out loosing any money I would.
  19. Got ours for free from one of the drummers friends who is quiet talented on that front. And he gave us the files so we can go into Photoshop or whatever and change its colour to what we want etc, and place it on any band photos. In regards to band photos we do all our own. People have been surprised that we got the last one done on our own with lots of compliments on how much of a band photo looks. The only thing we haven't got round to sorting out is or EP artwork, since we have no idea what we want.
  20. Got ours for free from one of the drummers friends who is quiet talented on that front. And he gave us the files so we can go into Photoshop or whatever and change its colour to what we want etc, and place it on any band photos. In regards to band photos we do all our own. People have been surprised that we got the last one done on our own with lots of compliments on how much of a band photo looks. The only thing we haven't got round to sorting out is or EP artwork, since we have no idea what we want.
  21. The MXR comp gives you metre so at least you'll see when the compression comes in.
  22. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1400488751' post='2454206'] Nice bass tone! On the Root pedal, can you leave the lows clean and only distort highs? [/quote] FEA used to do a pedal that was crazy controllable that, a hi and low side, you can change the filter positions and how much drive each had and a clean blend too IIRC. Solid things sound great just rarer than a rare thing
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1400603396' post='2455375'] Aguilar Tonehammer plus two of these little cabs sounds like a nice idea. One of those SFX Thumpinators to stop the extra lows a possible. [/quote] Certainly, used two with a MB head and had a thumpinator too. Also played with a high pass filter set a little higher, around 40hz, and the cabs definitely benefit from not having to try and pump the lows so much.
  24. I would say depending on your budget, two good options are two of the SVT 210avs, paid with a better head that can handle its power they can get pretty loud, and much better overall dispersion when stacked vertically over your regular 410. Next time I've got 800 quid spare I'm buying two of the barefaced retro 210s, which seem a better alternative to either a 410 or the SVT 210av. I used two of the SVT 210s for a while and never felt I lacked volume, but they performed much better with a better power amp and a HPF on to stop the big lows making them fart out.
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