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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Big gamble using the clowns over the pond. If you are lucky it's gets on a plane within a few days and you might get it a week after payment, other times I've paid and waited over a month. This days I pay express shipping (if it's not ridiculous) and if it does arrive in the expected time I go to complaints and get a refund on the postage.
  2. Been in my band forever and we are all best mates. I used to live next door to the guitarist and the drummer is his brother. There has been ups and downs and times where we have all felt like we wanted to leave at some point or another but we work through it and we've never had a big fall out.
  3. Markbass have the super booster with the character filters on and a level boost. The VLE is a cut that starts and 20kHz and goes down to 250Hz and then with VPFs mid cut you can cut some more out, and obviously boost at the end, one pedal, true bypass. At the same time, majority of EQ pedals will do the same thing, with the 250Hz< boosted and everything else cut. The moog for me sounded mint, very thick in sound and that nice analog warmness. But MBs character filters are nice too
  4. Is there an 8 ohm wattage?
  5. Great condition this is in. I have one I'm yet to intergrate onto my setup. The distortion is super gnarly and the clean sounds are really Tubey, nice and thick
  6. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1396794580' post='2417387'] Made a couple of changes this weekend; changed out some dirt in the lower left corner (Solid Gold FX is new, Cusack Screamer Bass replaced a Wampler Euphoria in the Wonderlove loop) and swapped places on the Suhr Buffer (now first) and [sfx] Micro Thumpinator (now last). [/quote] How is the solid gold overdrive, seen it a few times on the bay and dig the design. What sort of circuit is it, if you know?
  7. Still can't get on with an octave, feel I'll be moving it on but in favour what?
  8. I always have gas to add another cab but one is too loud as it is.
  9. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1396649386' post='2416199'] Capo at first fret. Sorted. [/quote] This but a lot of the time a 35 inch scale isn't doing anything, conventional knowledge leads us to think that it strengthens the tautness of a low B. I can't say I've played anything that's had a floppy B that's been shorter than the 35 scales out there.
  10. It's a sad state of affairs but the music biz is so saturated with crap that many people get to the point where they ask themselves "what's the post?" And even more so when Internet bedroomers seem to do so well.
  11. It's all a load of bull crap anyway. The last time I sold any on eBay some how my total charge was 90 quid, so I contested it to buggary till the pint they gave up and I only had to pay the listing fees.
  12. The extra postage charge has been on a while, and since it has I've sold nothing on eBay. I think it is to combat the vast amount if sellers from China selling 99p items and the postage charge making up the total value for what's being sold.
  13. http://www.realelectronics.co.uk Been excellent with my amps in the past.
  14. These roscoes look the nuts! Unfortunately a medium scale roscoe means going custom and the price just becomes beyond my reach then.
  15. As above, although right now it's a feeler as I am waiting on a complete receiver replacement from Sony them selves, replaced under warranty,with no questions asked strangely. As far as I know the warranty is registered against the serial number and an original invoice so I will email a PDF copy of the invoice to the buyer. As it stands I believe it still has around a year left. Why am I selling? It's a great bit of kit and I've loved using it over the past year. But I'm trying to slim down along with generate some cash after a big spend on a holiday and new preamp. I know they were selling new at 188 excluding delivery from thomann, but they are now out of stock and I did pay full RRP for it. Price is negotiable And includes postage. As far as trades, not too interested in anything right now but I wouldn't mind trying a dark glass micro tubes vintage.
  16. Yes, both pickups on full. Bass and treble boosted, mids scooped. I doubt that there is much between the bass and the amp. The EBS is a pretty flat response, bug he might have some compression on there, which by the signal jump on the string strums is a bit doubtful. Just a good clean bass sound, set up low, mids scooped.
  17. [quote name='EddyGlee' timestamp='1396122133' post='2410228'] I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.. but I believe the SVT410HE is infinite baffle (basically half of the fridge). and the HLF is ported which has the extended lows. [/quote] Something like that at least. The classic ampeg sound for me comes more from that giant wall of speakers in a sealed box. The steeper roll off on the lows helps make the bass to feel a bit more 'punchy' and other subjective adjectives. So IMO bi-amping the ampeg cabs is a bit of a waste. As was said by bill you'd be better looking for dedicated sub.
  18. Error loading link
  19. Lots of answers already but depends certainly on what you want it for, and for what sounds. I highly rate the ampeg SVT mini thing they do, extremely small and light, and surprisingly loud. Coupled with an amp that can push it a bit more it can be more than enough for gigs as long as there is some PA support.
  20. Wish is gone to see public enemy in Nottingham last year. I'm not too down on very many groups but a tribe called quest and public enemy feature on my iTunes playlist a fair bit.
  21. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1396004721' post='2408850'] Thanks very much for all your input, chaps - this has been quite an eye-opener! In my case, a suitable daisy-chaining cable came bundled with the Pitchblack - if I'd had to buy a separate cable, I'd probably have said "sod it," and bought a multi-pedal PSU anyway. From a little bit of cursory research, I'm led to believe that various varieties of Tubescreamer don't draw any more than about 20-odd mA (couldn't find a listing for the bass version), so I should be well within the limits of what the Korg can provide. The only thing that worries me now is dannybuoy's comment about his Pitchblack giving up the ghost - I thought those things were supposed to be reliable! [/quote] I wouldn't worry too much, as some one somewhere will always have something people deem a tank somehow fall to bits, the internet just brings us closer
  22. This is a good read to determine the difference between compliance abd tension, to help determine if you want lower tension or just change compliance Http://liutaiomottola.com/myth/perception.htm And d'ardario's string tension guide is a good reference point. http://daddario.com/upload/tension_chart_13934.pdf
  23. If you don't mind in war phones then HTC branded ones that come with the HTC one series are amazing quality abd cab be had for £5:49 including delivery on eBay.
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1395987913' post='2408617'] Billy often contributes [url="https://www.facebook.com/groups/294500090592/"]0 YAMAHA Attitude Ltd.[/url] [/quote] Already a member
  25. I see. They look relatively inexpensive, would be easier if the the pedal just came with them.
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