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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. I would invest in the diago micropower, it's relatively inexpensive and willl safely power a few pedals. The thing is with daisy chaining through the tuner is that you'll have a limited draw so if you have a strangely high drawing pedal (some markbass ones are 500ma) then you could run into trouble. The diago micropower can be connected to s daisy chain and power more than one pedal directly.
  2. Original band. I play and take my rig to every gig and rehearsal. If the sound engineer doesn't want the bass amp swapping all the tone then I make it so everyone has to use my rig. On occassions where I don't have to bring it, I do anyway. It's small enough and light enough that it's a very quick set up and sometimes I'll plonk it on stage and plug it in and maybe leave it there during soundcheck. While at rehearsals my amp is easier to work with, it's loud enough and as it's a decent system it doesn't fill the room with a low, low mud hum for 2 hours.
  3. I'm not entirely sure on how the clean and dirty loop work, what with one Jack and all? Can anyone enlighten me?
  4. I always take my own amp though due it being loud enough and making rental cheaper.
  5. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1395744946' post='2405652'] Possibly an element yes, but I think rehearsal rooms are a breeding ground for a bunch of mates to get together to have a go at forming a band without knowledge of using the equipment. He has no problem with stuff breaking as thats part of the job, but having mics thrown on the floor, amps blown due to having the gain up full and drum kits broken gets a bit tedious. I would imagine trying to get someone who has just blown and amp due to misuse to pay for it would be often met with a few choice words. [/quote] Aye, I get this feeling when we do multiple band nights, some 'bands' see it as an apportunity to piss about and get lashed with mates.
  6. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1395734614' post='2405523'] I think owners of studios get fed up with the way bands treat the places so they go downhill. An old mate of mine opened a rehearsal complex and swore he would keep it to a high standard. After 12 months it was a dump. He said he was fed up of replacing blown amps, broken mics and cleaning up fag ash and food. He simply could not afford to keep replacing things. We rehearse at a studio that is not advertised. We were lucky to be asked there and this owner selects the bands he wants to use it. [/quote] I would say that's more down to his poor management. Stuff breaks that's fair but stuff broken due to neglect or incompetence or plain just breaking it, the bands should be held accountable and that's that really. Running something like a rehearsal studio isn't a case of set it up, bands us it and then the dough rolls in.
  7. Been to a few in Nottingham. By far the best I've been to is magnet studios. Good size rooms, clean. Lots of crap to buy if you forget something. Range of equipment, and you can use either a mesa 400 or ampeg SVT 2 pro with mathching cabs for a extra cost.
  8. I would say the sansamp para driver has become pretty rare. But one that I keep on the lookout for although not an effect pedal is the Pearce BC1 preamp.
  9. Bassist Available (Arnold, Nottingham) 24 year old, played for 10 years with roughly half that spent doing gigs, recording and writing original material. I'm looking for something 'open', unique and different. I've done the standard rock, punk, indie and metal stuff and I hold no interest in a covers band. I have all my own gear, quality stuff so won't turn up with broken strings etc. good professional attitude but I'm up for a laugh same as anyone. Goal is to be getting booked for festival slots and maybe a main stage tour in the future? Influences, the list is too long but Rage, nine inch nails, supreme beings of Liesure Anything with dirty, loud or subby bass. Email me [email protected], or message me on here Did get an offer from some guitarist/programmer on joinmyband but then the messages disappeared.
  10. What's the wattage at 8 ohms if known? Open to any trades?
  11. Noooo, right before a holiday
  12. I'll repeat. Although I wouldn't cut anything. I have the pickup mix set towards the bridge, but works equally well on a middle pickup solo too. Boost the 1khz area, I have my mids set to that and have mid level set to around 3 o clock. Mixed with some drive instant rage.
  13. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1395406395' post='2402093'] I'd normally find out which chords are being played and using the chord tones work out some nice progressions from those... so once you know those chord root notes then play with whatever else is available from those chords and I tend to look at these options as geometric shapes on the fretboard, like this lesson from Scott Devine http://youtu.be/VJNq4GVoy5I [/quote] My style in a nutshell
  14. I can't keep up with you.
  15. Anthony has brought even more of my stuff, quick simple and a pleasure
  16. I have a sony unit, fantastic thing. They are being phased out at the minute. They also come with a free 2 year warranty from Sony too.
  17. Turn the bass down, turn the mids up. If you are using the pickups both on full, anynthing other than a mid boost around 500/600hz is going to give you a low 'boom' might sound perfectly fine at home on your own, but in a band you have no definition, a compressor will help give some heft to the rest of the strings but a nice balanced set along with a good set up (pickup height/volume balance on pole pieces etc) can make a huge difference too. Talking to the sound man helps, I've made a point to speak to the sound guy about the overall band sound and to tell him I don't us or really want any deep bass in the bass sound, if at all a low mid boost. The sound I used when recording as extremely nasally and no solo bass man would have used that but it sounds right for the band and that is what matters. I also rarely use the low E speeding on song really, a lot of songs are structured only using the A and D strings, they just seem to pop out more with the right balance of lows and mids.
  18. To try and get this sold before I go away I've powered the price a little. By Monday dinner it'll be back to £140 posted and after I come back I will hold onto it.
  19. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1395226896' post='2399875'] Snap I had the same thing on one of my basses I just used to tell people that I had no idea what it specifically does but it is supposed to sweeten the sound. I don't have it on the bass anymore. [/quote] I demo'd a blind test to the band of between a Precision with a model a Jazz with a model J (basically the same pickup) solo'd and the bridge pickup solo'd again a model J. While you, me and any one else on the forum would have noticed the difference. They both couldn't hear a discerning difference, I believe that's because they plain don't care. If they did care I'm sure they'd find a difference, so the effect of placebos only can really work on those that care, or want yo believe they work (or indeed will make stuff sound better)
  20. Going away Monday next week so if any one is interested I can still process payments but postage probably won't happen till the Friday.
  21. There was a Kemper at the studio we recorded at from what I can remember it was good but for me not 1500gbps good.
  22. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1394797150' post='2395316'] Here are the latest incarnations of my two boards. I'm still hankering after a Vintage Microtubes for the big board, and the Mooer on the small board isn't doing it for me, so that'll be swapped for something else soon. [/quote] I had the green mile, though it was absolutely crap. The bb preamp took its place
  23. [quote name='boombasstic' timestamp='1395054123' post='2398033'] do you think I can put a neck fender jazz bass original 71 thanks [/quote] Yes body cavities(neck pocket, control and pickup routes) are all made to retro against any original or aftermarket fender products.
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